Prof. Garcia | ENG1101-HD80 | Fall 2022

Research Question

Why did the United States tried to stop the spread of communism?

I got interested in this topic because the Cold War shaped the world we live in today and there’s so many interesting topics that can come from that like the Vietnam, Korean wars, bay of pigs, Cuban missile crisis, the containment plan that the U.S put to stop the spread of communism, and the how it shaped American foreign policy and political ideology, impacted the domestic economy and the presidency, and affected the personal lives of Americans. What I expect to find during my research is that communism does have a presence in the United States today. Things I found was that The Communist Party USA is a left-wing group with about 5,000 members nationwide. The group advocates the end of the working class’s exploitation and oppression. Ultimately, the party hopes to implement a socialist society where all people will benefit from the wealth present in the United States. And the meaning of containment; Containment was a foreign policy strategy followed by the United States during the Cold War. The policy stated that communism needed to be contained and isolated, or else it would spread to neighboring countries. American foreign policy advisors believed that once one country fell to communism, each surrounding country would fall as well, like a row of dominoes.

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    Right now what you expect to find does not line up with what you are asking. I think you can purse two different paths. On the one hand you can focus on the history develop a question about that. Or, you can look to understand the Communist Party USA Today. You can research this group and then either bring awareness to the party or, if it is too big, bring awareness to their stance and arguments around an important issue.

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