Prof. Garcia | ENG1101-HD80 | Fall 2022

Discussion: Layli Long Soldier Inspired Topics

Please add a comment responding to the following discussion question:

To continue brainstorming and developing ideas for the Unit 2 assignment, think about the history that Layli Long Soldier covers in her poem “38.” Are there any incidents or chapters in US history (or the history of another country that is of interest to you) that you think are not as visible as they should be, and that you think are important for people to learn about? Are there contemporary incidents that you think should be included in historical accounts of our era so people in the future can learn from them?


  1. Marianne Sidro

    The stonewall uprising of 1969 is something I didn’t see in U.S history textbooks and I think it should be part of it because it’s important to learn how it was for people who weren’t straight back then. People who were part of LGBTQ+ were discriminated/weren’t respected at the time until the stonewall riot. During the summer of 1969, the police raided gay bars (it was common for them to do that but this time, the LBBTQ community fought back). With the people fighting back, it helped spark a gay revolution. Gay revolution as in protests and activists fighting for gay rights. These are one of the important things for the people in the future to learn because they should know how closed off and expressionless it was back then that you’d even get arrested for something you won’t get arrested for now (being gay). And how it came to the result on how much the times have changed.

    • Ruth Garcia

      This is a great topic. You could definitely research a element of the Stonewall Uprising. Or you can research an question related to the LGBTQ+ community–then or now.

  2. Sebastian G

    The cold war is period of time of interest me because it shaped American foreign policy and political ideology, impacted the domestic economy and the presidency, and affected the personal lives of Americans.Shaped American foreign policy and political ideology, impacted the domestic economy and the presidency, and affected the personal lives of Americans. World War I and II shaped our history and our world, but they did not match the length or the complexity of the struggle that occupied superpowers and lesser powers on every continent for more than four decades.

    • Ruth Garcia

      This is a great topic. So much happened in this period though, that you will need to focus in on a particular area that the Cold War affected (ie. space research and getting to the moon–though that is very common), Then you will need a question within the area you choose to focus on.

  3. Adesayo

    Something that was overlooked in US history that I think should be more focused on is the The Quakers protest against slavery that took place in the 1688.The Quakers pointed out terrible slavery was to the English colonies in the late half of the 17th century.They were the first religious movement to be against slavery and would not allow their own members to own slaves. I think its important to know this seeing it was the for protest against slavery even before America gain its independents from Britain. They truly believe that all men are created equal. School never go into great details about slavery and the early protest to stop. I had to learn this piece of history on my own. Something I was I had been thought instead on the sugarcoated version of it. Like I knew before the civil war the north was against slavery and the south was for it but i think it would have been cool to learn about this protest.

    • Ruth Garcia

      You’re absolutely right that this is an important part of the history of the fight against slavery and one that you can bring awareness to.

  4. Maham

    I believe Something that was dismissed in US history that I think should be more focused on is the effects of the war on the families of the soldiers that died. The soldiers are the ones that suffer the most and that should be addressed. I think that if there is a way to show the families of the soldiers that died how much they are missed, then that would be a great thing to do. It is also a great way to pay tribute to them and to show that they are not forgotten and they are not gone. I think it’s important to know what happened to them and to remember them because it is a part of our history and it is important for us to know that. In the civil war, how the north was against the south and the south was against the north this is a war that happened, and a lot of lives were lost and that is a part of our history that we have to remember and that we have to honor and to show that we are a great nation and that we are willing to stand up for what we believe in.

    • Ruth Garcia

      This is an interesting question, but very broad. If you want to pursue this topic, you will need to pick a particular war and then develop a question about the families of the soldiers lost in that particular war.

  5. Max

    Many events were mentioned here. Some which I don’t even recall in history textbooks or teachings. One that caught my attention was the hangings. There’s much details left out of old wars being the violence and effects of it. These details are left out and I get that because its very graphic and disturbing. Actions that happened in war should be mentioned somewhat to show the horrors of what happened there to not forget what has happened. History should mention actions to show what bravery has happened and what horrible things occurred. To remember history and not repeat the same mistakes. This is I say should be remembered to show cruelty is such a horrible thing we deal with today still and we must act kind to one another so we don’t repeat violence.

    • Ruth Garcia

      Max. You can think beyond the poem. Is there any historical moment or event that interests you and that you feel is not discussed?

  6. Nolasco

    My previous research experience consisted of the current struggles of immigrants who moved to NYC with the promise of grandeur. The yellow taxi continues to be a symbol of New York, however, its prestige has been declining. These immigrants, similar to the indigenous people, only had vague ideas of what they were signing up for when they bought a taxi medallion. Many factors contributed to making them very willing to take every dime out of their pocket just to afford this medallion. Banks would take advantage of this by giving out loans with interest rates through the roof. All this time the value of the medallion kept going higher and higher but it was being inflated behind the scenes. When the value crashed, they were all left with huge loans and no way to pay them off with their salary. These are not the only people to be failed by the government. The US is a mixture of races, of all different people. So many suffered before reaching this era and many more will continue to suffer until everyone can live.

    • Ruth Garcia

      You’re mixing topics here. Immigration is not the same as the taxi medallions. I think what you’re interested in is the way the tanking of the taxi industry affected the immigrant community (maybe a particular immigrant community–I don’t know). Or maybe you’re interested in understanding why the taxi medallion and taxi industry crashed. These are timely topics that you can certainly focus on.

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