my approach to writing a draft is very much terrible. I honestly don’t really do drafts, whatever I wrote I sent it in like that. I would read over it a quickly making sure things were spelt correctly and in the right place, but as far as writing the paper over a couple times isn’t really my thing. I usually do wait last minute to writing papers so that probably also a part in why I don’t write multiple drafts as well. as of proofreading my papers it depends on how I’m feeling about the paper. if I feel like I’m really struggling and need a second view or second opinion on my paper I would give it to someone else to read and get there feedback. I would like to change me waiting last minute in writing papers and also learning how to do multiple drafts before handing in the final product. in “shitty first drafts” he writes his first draft not thinking about anything, whatever he thinks of he rights down no matter what he might be thinking because no one is reading and w=seeing it besides him. then the next day he goes over that draft with a colored pen and starts really focusing on certain things and what he wants to keep and not keep or reword. then sends that out to get feedback and in that third draft he starts like writing like a pro.