Have you ever just stopped and took a moment to breathe after a long semester of hard work and grinding, my professor. Professor hall gave me the easiest task in the world which is to stop and reflect think and appreciate give yourself a little pat on the back for all the hard work you have done this whole semester. How far you have came as a writer.

Before the semester started, I had reason to believe that was a poor writer. That I didnā€™t write appropriately, looking back at it now I realize that I have my own personal writing style something that keeps the reader listening laughing and simultaneously learning something at the same time. If you ask me Iā€™m a writing genius. Yes, I have my flaws I donā€™t know how to spell for the life of me. My punctuation sucks just as bad as my spelling but according to professor hall you canā€™t teach spelling and grammar as long as you keep writing youā€™ll learn as you go and see your errors more often. I mean Iā€™m the queen of capitalization I mean sometimes I do it just because it looks pretty in the middle of my paragraph. Girl, donā€™t you know I love me some run on sentences without a comma or period.

When Iā€™m writing I have a tendency to write like Iā€™m texting someone or Iā€™m venting to a close friends about a situation. For instance in my unit one paper talking about my no good very bad experience with my horrible teacher Mr. Bux in this paper I wrote after being picked up from my dean Mr. Ghie. I had the whole office laughing at what I was saying as I entered the room ā€œGuacamole this teacher picked the wrong one, on the wrong day to f**K with meā€ This is one of many times my personality shines through my writing. Iā€™m pretty sure I had my reader responding back to many of my comments I wrote or just simply laughing at me because I kept it real and said exactly what he or she was thinking the whole entire time reading my short story. Trust and believe me itā€™s a blessing and a curse to have this type of writing style.Yes there were times during my road of being a successful writer where I found myself lost confused on how to start or where to begin, who is my audience How do I keep them interested in my writing while keeping an appropriate not so childish. This happened A lot mostly during my unit two paper, man the struggle was real. Some call it writer’s block but for me it felt worse than that I called it a writersā€™ worst nightmare because not only was I not able to produce anymore writing. But I felt like the writing I had on my paper wasnā€™t something I was proud of i couldnā€™t write my name next to that.

On top of the fact, time was not on my side it was a frustration paper to write, read and revise. No matter what I did to this paper I felt It didnā€™t scream [my name] when I read it. When really all I needed was a push and little motivation. As a writer you learn to ask for help within your peers. Sometimes having your classmates read your work helps to give you insight on your work. A fresh pair of new eyes will notice the glows and grows of your paper.

Their feedback is very much needed, it gives you just the right amount of push you need in the right direction makes you really think on your writing as a writer. Whether itā€™s clear who your audience is? It your point of view clear within your paragraph or does it get lost in the sauce? These are all questions you have to address within your writing or it will be a complete waste of time to read. Sometimes you are asked to step out of your comfort zone and adapt.