Consider the discussions we had today about mindset and self-advocacy. Share a concept you believe is important and explain what the concept means to you as a college student.
Summer 2021 | Professor Goodlad + Professor Paruolo
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A growth mindset is super important because we are constantly learning as students. We are not born with a set amount of intelligence. Just because we don’t understand something instantly don’t give up and don’t get stuck! Ask for help whether it is peers or professors, we all want you to succeed!
The concept that there is no bad question is important to me because it makes me less scared to ask them. I over think a lot so remembering that makes me not overthink about asking questions.
Yes!! There is no bad question. If a professor uses a big word I don’t understand or a concept I didn’t quite grasp I ask a question. It can be as simple as “I didn’t really understand what you just said can you explain it differently?” we love clarification questions!
I believe that self-advocacy is very important for your self. It gives you a sense of independence and some what be your own leader. It also allows others to be open minded and have something to consider about what you say or may even elaborate on other things you never thought of yet. Growth mindset is also important, it may not work out for everyone but for those who does like me is very helpful. Knowing that as long as I keep on practicing or finding other alternatives that can help me find a better solution means success in its own way also would allow me to believe that I can accomplish anything as long as I’m dedicated.
Self-advocacy is great! Knowing how you are doing in classes and if you need help is one step but, actually reaching out to get the help you need is another step. I love that you said you’ll try alternatives until you can reach a solution. Never give up on your goals and dreams!
A concept I believe is important is to ask effective questions. People shouldn’t ask questions just to say that they asked but to develop a question that will better their understanding on a topic of any kind to get the most amount of information out of it.
Asking specific questions is the most effective question! Sometimes students don’t understand what they don’t understand, in that scenario I pinpoint the exact point I started becoming confused. This helps professors know what topics may have been unclear so that they can review the content in the next class. Great response, love that we are trying to ask meaningful questions!
I agree with you asking effective questions is important because you need to know the material before starting work on anything. Plus asking obvious questions will make it seem like your not being academically smart.
A growth mindset is important because it gives us the abilities to grow and it is also important to engage. I learned to not be afraid to ask questions. If we don’t speak up when we need help then we’ll struggle more.
Hello Wendy,
Yes! Do not be afraid to ask questions. Questions are essential, completely healthy, normal, and what most successful college students do. Do not make yourself struggle more when asking questions can alleviate that stress! 🙂
The concept that resonated with me is when receiving a “not-yet” grade. This allows you to as well have an “almost there” mentality. Just because we may have received a bad grade on an assignment or an exam it doesn’t mean that it is the last grade. It’s just a “not-yet” grade meaning there is still room for improvement to be made and a better result to come out.
I believe that as we are growing, we become more independent and have more responsibilities. Being able to self advocate would not only impact me in college but it will also improve my growth. It will benefit me for my future regardless if it’s at work or social situations.
I agree that being able to self advocate will be super important going foward even outside of college. People are usually more than happy to help someone, and if they can’t help they will point you to someone who can. Self-advocating shows that you are invested and want to be involved!
Hello Mariela,
Yes, we are constantly growing and becoming more independent and having more responsibilities to uphold. You will benefit from it in the long run even past college. Continue to be a self-advocate, allow yourself to make decisions about your own life. You’ve got this!
I think mindsets are the most important of the two.
With a negative mindset, you might become discouraged by all of the horrible teachers and bullies to the point that you don’t think you could do anything anymore.
That’s why, a mindset (Or at least, a positive one) is a major necessity in life. It helps push you forward and inspires you to become better than everyone else in the world.
Hello Togero,
Having a success mindset is for sure the key in life. Even when life gets tough continue to keep your head up and reach for the stars. It won’t be easy but you are already on the right path keep it going. 🙂
A growth mindset is important because it allows me to constantly improve no matter how many times I fail. Keep going until you get out of that slump.
Hey Isaac,
I agree having a growth mindset allows you to constantly improve and work on yourself no matter how many bumps you hit on the road you have to keep going. You’ve got this and you are taking the first steps for yourself. 🙂
i think having a growth mindset is important because you have a chance to grow academically and learn how to better your work in order to have successful work when it comes to your classes.
Hey Ali,
Having a growth mindset is extremely important. You need to allow yourself to continue to grow as your progress in life, change is a part of the process. 🙂
In my opinion I think that a growth mindset is very important for a students specially college students because it’s help enhance the ability on taking some challenges and learn from them .especially when believe on yourself and your ability to change and learn that every one make mistake sometime.
Hey Quettenise,
A growth mindset is especially important for college students. When you believe in yourself and your ability, you learn to allow yourself to change for the better. Mistakes happen and that’s ok! 🙂
Some important topics that were discussed was the idea of growth mindset. This allows us to plan ahead and grow as an individual when we challenge ourselves to do better. Also the worksheet for tracking our learning progress is very helpful because it can be used to check off what we are doing correctly and how we can improve ourselves.
Hello Kailing,
Great post! I am glad that you find the worksheet to be helpful. I hope you intend to use it in the future and it can be a huge help throughout college! Allow room for improvement you will thank your future self. 🙂
What stood out to me the most was definitely the term “growth mindset”. Believing that your abilities aren’t limited, but instead capable of development is so important. Especially as incoming college students where we’ll have to take on a whole new world and many new challenges. Having a growth mindset can help us in many ways, when we face failure or make mistakes that mindset will help us persevere instead of giving up. Not only will this help us as college student, but also in life overall.
Hello Johanne,
Nice post, very in-depth! I’m glad to read what you have recapped from today’s workshop. A growth mindset will definitely have an impact on you academically and in life overall!
I think mindset and growth mindset both are very important in our life. Growth mindset always helps you to learn new things, face challenges and go further. On the other side mindset give you backup or back support. It will give you meaning, concept from growth mindset. I think it is kinds of perception.
Hello Kiran,
Great post! Glad to see how managed to take away information about a success and growth mindset. As you progress towards your degree allow yourself to have a growth mindset in the process! 🙂
A growth mindset is always better to have because you can constantly improve and grow as an individual. No matter your mistakes keeping your mind open to learning from those mistakes we make will constantly allow us to grow as individuals, classmates, and college students. Being a self advocate you are opening up to grow into a more developed person. Self advocating allows us to accept our mistakes and learn from our mistakes. In a nutshell having a growth mindset along with self advocacy will allow us to surely grow, learn and develop as a student as well as an individual.
Hello Sameea,
Wow! This was a great post, I enjoyed reading how you interpreted growth mindset. As a college student, you will continue to learn and grow as not only a student but an individual! I hope you could implement a growth mindset into your daily lifestyle. 🙂
Planning ahead in life is fairly important, without it classes within college seem to be more difficult. Not only that but being confident enough to ask questions or contacting the professor without the fear of being reprimanded is key.
Hello Justin,
Yes, being confident enough to ask questions or contacting the professor without having the fear of being reprimanded! Asking is normal so never hesitate to. 🙂
A concept that is important to me is having a growth mindset which is engaging in the class and activities and having to always work hard for your classes. The concept that means to me as a college student is advocacy because its better when asking questions and letting them know your curious about a certain topic.
Hello Cindy,
Great post! Yes, never hesitate to ask questions! If you don’t know ask, even if you do know ask again it is better to be safe than sorry. 🙂
Growth vs Fixed mindset I feel is very important because it really can be a deciding factor on whether or not you succeed. Growth vs Fixed is really the battle of being having an optimistic mindset vs a pessimistic one. Being negative and doubting yourself is the worse thing you can do because you’re not even allowing yourself to be great.
Hello Jaelah,
Yes! You explained exactly what is the difference between a growth mindset vs fixed mindset. Allowing yourself to be great is important, don’t ever forget it! 🙂
The concept of growth is important because it allows a person to realize much important things in life. It allows the person to have a more better understanding of any situation or problems. Growth gives a person more confidence and helps the person mentally and emotionally. On the other hand, a fixed mindset is makes a person more impatient. The person tries their hardest to get things done more quick than slow. Overall, I believe a growth mindset is a much better mindset only because it allows the person to realize bigger problems and solve them in a much easier way. The confidence in them builds up overtime which is an advantage for a growth mindset.
Hello Faizan,
Amazing post, very detailed! I can see you really were interested in the discussion with growth and fixed mindset. I hope you could implement this mindset as you continue through your college journey! 🙂
I believe it’s very important to ask effective questions because it allows the curiosity in your mind take over. Most of the times when a person asks questions it’s a sign of interest. Asking questions to a professor or even writing down your questions to do some research on allows us to have a deeper understanding and helps our minds connect to what we’re learning about.
Hello Fedaa,
Yes, asking effective questions is essential, asking questions overall is very much needed in order to be a successful college student. Never hesitate to ask, do not keep yourself from being successful! Good post. 🙂
A growth mindset is important because, In decision theory and general systems theory, a mindset is a set of assumptions, methods, or notions held by one or more people or groups of people. A mindset can also be seen as arising out of a person’s worldview or philosophy of life.
That’s right! A growth mindset is important because it impacts how you view life. Since we are not all experts immediately having a growth mindset allows you to constantly improve yourself. If you have a fixed mindset it may hurt your motivation when you are trying to accomplish goals.
In my opinion a growth mindset is extremely important because as you grow up a bit you start to learn about many important things to do to help you out in the real world. It’s important to learn many things so you can be able to help yourself when you need it.
That’s right! It’s important to learn as many things as possible and the best way to go about that is to have a growth mindset. Having a growth mindset contributes to your growth not only as a student but as an expert in your field. We don’t start off as experts but it does not mean we can not be one.
I believe in a growth mindset as a college student because it means that we can improve our intelligence even if we feel dumb at times. In my opinion its a pretty bad mindset if you only believe that we are born with a certain amount of intelligence. If you believe in that, it makes you feel less motivated to take the steps to improve yourself. But if u believe in a growth mindset you have more motivation and you will be able to believe in yourself more.
Yes! It’s definitely not recommended to have a fixed mindset which is to believe that we are born with a certain amount of intelligence. On top of less motivation, it makes us more prone to give up. That is why we need to have a growth mindset to stay healthy mentally but most importantly reach our goals.
To me Growth mindset is like how we grow older our mind Changes about different stuffs and we make decisions.
Some decisions can be wrong but if we give up when things didn’t go well we will never succeed.
A growth mindset is believing that we can grow, we can learn, and improve ourselves. We should avoid having a fixed mindset because even if we are not immediately good at math now, we can always learn. All of us have the potential to improve!
During this class I learned that there’s different types of thinking and that we can develope our way of thinking by keeping an active brain and looking outside the picture
Yes, there’s different types of thinking. There is a fixed mindset where you believe you are born with a set amount of intelligence and a growth mindset. We are aiming to have a growth mindset which is believing that we can improve and learn. We are always learning!
I think a growth mindset is really important because it allows for the expansion of Growth while learning and improving oneself . during the discussion I’ve learned there are different types of thinking and keeping can active brain can access that.
Yes, a growth mindset allows an individual to improve themselves. This is important when you are learning because there will be times that a student can get stuck and it is important to not give up. Having a fixed mindset can impact motivation in a negative way.
A growth mindset is important because it may help you overcome mental barriers you put up due to lack of self confidence. Having a growth mindset will help you to achieve more not just academically but in relationships, sports and at work.
That’s right! A growth mindset helps you overcome mental barriers that you may run into outside of coursework. It’s perfectly normal to not be confident in something you are new to and it’s important to know that we can improve.
Asking effective questions is important because you need to know the material before starting work on anything. A growth mindset is important because it may help you overcome mental barriers And make your more positive.