1. What are important factors to consider when shooting a portrait?
It is really important to have knowledge abou lighting, including how to work with reflectors as an important tool.
2. What is the difference between broad and short lighting?
The broad light will create more light toward the side of the face. Short light makes gestures be more remarkable.
3. In a classic basic portrait set up, what is the function of the main light?
The main light will be placed to help with shadows directly to the person that’s getting photograph. It can makes shadows stronger and sharp or lighter and diffused.
4. In a classic basic portrait set up, what is the function of he fill light?
To add light to the shadow side of the face.
5. In a classic basic portrait set up, what is the function of the background light?
The background light can help with, either creates silhouettes or to help to create high spots of light getting away shadows.
This is my favorite picture that I took today.
I really like how the broad light is working in his face and the bright light that the background one is giving to his back silhouette. Its even on the sides and sharp. His features are well shown in this shoot.