Mirror NYC Introduction



The company I’m working for is call Mirror NYC, It is a Graphic Design and Print Production who specialize in large format, print, identity, events, non-profit, and web design. It’s a small company with 10 employees and two interns including myself. Most of these employees are women in their late 20’s early 30’s just in the range of my age. The only guys here are me, the boss, one guy in the design department and the last who is a sales rep. To make easier for my readers I will break it down to every last person in the company starting our Boss. His name is Andrew Hurewitz who graduated from Ohio State and has founded this company about 15 years ago. The next department is The Design department, which holds two employees Lindsey Saracena who is the art director of the company and Thomas who works for Lindsey. They both share a new intern that just got accepted to this company a month ago her name is Catharine who has one more year in Syracuse University. The next Department is Print Production who which has three employees. The main supervisor who has been with Andrew for 10 years is Yadira. She supervises Emily and Nora Elbaz who is my supervisor who got me into this company and has helped me in my studies here in the company. We have another department which holds just one employee, her name is Sarah Mayne who will be leaving soon, she is Senior project manager for the company who manages big events and projects when need too. The Primary business for the company is large Prints and graphic design. We have large base of clients that depend on our expertise and skills. Some of our loyal clients that has been with out company are The Doe Fund, Mercedes Benz, Nike, ShowTime, ESPN, Google, New Museum, West Elm and Hugo Boss. I work and assist in the Print Production Department, I am very helpful to this department and stay long hours at a time assisting with work and errands that benefits the whole company.

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