Nov. 19: U.S. Green Jobs Surveys and Greening NYC

1. Please read for Wed. Nov.19

Green Jobs Survey_US Green Bldg Council (Pages 1 -11)

2. New York City Green Jobs Survey newyorkcity_green jobs survey_NYSDOL

3. Powerpooint – Labor market and green jobs Week 11_labor market and green jobs

4. Building for the Next Big Storm

5. The Big U

Group discussion/assignment questions – Nov. 19 Group project_Building for the Next Big Storm_11-19-14

This will be counted as an extra credit assignment; if you already completed, then the extra credit has been applied. If you wish this to be counted as an extra credit assignment, then please complete by Dec. 3.

5 thoughts on “Nov. 19: U.S. Green Jobs Surveys and Greening NYC

  1. Cassius Verneige

    Green building production have increased dramatically over years and it is contributing to sustaining our economy. This approach helps create numerous environmental friendly projects, jobs and also increase our quality of life as the air in their atmosphere are less polluted.

  2. Alkhadashi

    The world is changing and adapting to “green technology” due to the increase of population and energy demands. Governments along with entrepreneurs and wide varieties of industries are incorporating new ways of saving energy. While green tech might have a higher initial cost, it can yield great economical savings and pay fro itself many times over in just a few years. Sustainability is the way of the future because it optimizes efficiency for companies and deals with carbon emissions and environmental issues at the same time.

  3. Myriam Canarte

    The protective systems that they are proposing to renew Manhattan are very interesting. The employment of advanced systems that protect the environment, conserve energy and create new forms of energy are not only beneficial for this generation but also for future generations. Due to global warming natural disasters are increasing in strength and frequency. Hurricane Sandy was a prime example of this, although New York City was not the entry point of the hurricane a great part of the City was affected or destroyed by Sandy. Many people believe that global warming is a natural process, but it is proven that living beings are accelerating this process just in the way we live, by being wasteful, polluting the environment and our overuse of chemicals and fossil fuels among other things. Thankfully more people are becoming more aware of the damage we are inflicting on the environment and are now becoming more proactive in applying green technology. The government is also making an effort by providing funds and benefits to companies that employ these green technologies.
    The renovations that they are proposing for Manhattan like the use of plants that are not affected by salt water, the elevation of land, the mobile ceiling panels and future construction that conserve electricity and water are examples of not only economic beneficial for the city but are also socially beneficial and provide security for its citizens. The Manhattan waterfront in the future will have an increase in tourism therefore creating more jobs but we have to try to control the negative aspects that arise from an increase in the population in the city.


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