Project II: Angela’s Project

13 thoughts on “Project II: Angela’s Project

  1. Angela

    For my project I will be shooting a short of a man writing a rap. In this short you will see man in his bedroom working on a song but has serval interruptions from his family and dog. HE decides to take a walk, go for a skateboard ride and a smoke to clear his head. He goes back to his home and end finishes the rap and ends by him rapping the song.

  2. Angela

    I feel like a shoot like this I could do a lot of close up, contra zoom, long shots, and etc. I also feel like the emotion of frustration of the story line will be felt

  3. Angela

    I will be using a nikon d5550 to shot, im relying on the audio from the camera for the sound. I will be shooting off campus in Long island, using friends and family as my talent. I will be using avivd to edit.

  4. Angela

    Im working on a new script because my actor has to travel and we couldnt finish filming. I cant use the footage I have because it will cause continuity issues. Im hoping to find a new actor and start filming again by friday

  5. Angela

    So im finishing my shoot day below is my shot list. I will be editing with imovie. The advantage of working alone is that i get to work on my own time, and let my creativity show . the disadvantage is not having help to shoot, holding a camera for long can get tiring. One of the legs on my tripod is stuck so its making it difficult to capture the perfect pan and tilt shots. below is my shot list Shot list

    LS: Tilt of Outside of home
    Contra zoom: into upstairs window
    LS: pan from inside bedroom to man sitting on bed
    LS: Man sitting in bed on computer
    CS: of computer screen of him searching music
    CS: of song selection
    CS: shim nodding head, getting vibe of the music playing
    MS: Him writing with a pen and book
    CU: Shinobi(dog) running upstairs
    CU: Dog jumping on door
    LS: Man annoyed by dog
    MS: man opens door
    LS: dog runs in room
    MS: man picks up dog and brings him downstairs
    LS: man coming upstairs
    MS: man walking down hallway to room
    LS: Enters room
    LS: closes door
    LS: back in room in bedroom sitting on bed
    MS: plays music
    MS: rapping
    • Different angels to make it like time passes
    LS: someone knocks on door
    OTS: man talking to person at door
    OTS: conversation
    MS: man frustrated
    LS: both walking downstairs
    MS: man doing a chore
    LS: still doing chore
    MS: following him doing chore
    LS: him coming back upstairs
    LS: back in room
    Cu; text message
    • Walks into shot
    MS: picks up phone
    CU: texting
    MS: man gets up
    • Follow shot of him outside
    LS: picks up skateboard
    POV: of feet on skateboard
    • Different angle’s to show time passing, CU< LS< MS of him skating
    LS: gets off skateboard walking shot to full verse
    CU: of verse
    MS: of him rapping
    CU him rapping finishing

    Im hoping this is 2-3 mins long


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