Professor: Joe Brogdon

Discussion: Introductions

Please add a comment (approx. 100 words) to this post introducing yourself to the class.

  • Write a paragraph discussing your academic and personal interests. If you have a major, what is it and why did you choose it? If you don’t yet have a major, what areas of study are you considering? What types of genres do you enjoy reading, listening to, or watching? Share any other information you’d like, including your pronouns.
  • Think about language and the different ways you communicate or speak. Choose a word or phrase that you use with one group of people (family, friends, co-workers, etc.) that would not be understood by a different group of people in your life. What is the meaning of this word or phrase? How would you explain it to someone who is an outsider?

Before next class, please add your introduction.

Get to know your classmates by reading the comments!  Do you have something in common? Did you learn something? Reply to one of your classmates’ comments.


  1. Sharp U

    Hi my name is Sharpin but preferably called Sharp by everyone personally because I find it cooler, my academic interests are Computer Systems and Technology because I like how much the digital world is progressing and becoming a part of our daily lives for anything and everything we do. I’m not much of an enjoyer in terms of reading but genre wise, I like action, comedy, suspense and horror. My personal interests are video games and anime, I love playing video games and watching anime 🙂

  2. DaudQ

    Hello, my name is Daud qamar I am 18 years old and a computer science major. I am a freshman in my second semester and am a full time student. i like a lot of shows including supernatural (one of them)

  3. Jason P

    My name is Jason Peng. I don’t really have any academic interests, I’ve only been kind of just following whatever people told me to do. For personal interests, it’s mostly just computers. I’ve basically been immersed in computers and electronics for basically my entire life, so it’s kind of the only thing I have for myself anyways. For this reason I’m majoring in Computer Science, and am currently trying to switch to Computer Information Systems (apparently Computer Science is closer to a math major than a programming/computer major).

    • Eren Fraser

      Hi Jason, that’s pretty neat. I’ve also been interested in computers, but I don’t know how they work. Recently I wanted to build myself a gaming PC but I found it too complicated so I went ahead and purchased a gaming laptop instead. It seemed much simpler. Do you know how to build a PC for gaming?

  4. erenfraser

    Hello classmates! I am currently taking prerequisites for the nursing major. One of my interests is the relationship between health and music, more specifically how vibrational frequencies can promote healing in the body. My pastimes include gaming, biking, reading, and playing tennis. I enjoy reading self-help, history, and theology texts. Jazz, classical, and rock are my favorite musical genres. I love watching comedy shows, and my favorite shows to binge watch is The Office. My pronouns are he/him. One of the phrases I use with my coworkers is ‘you wildin’. This is a Gen Z slang phrase that means you’re acting crazy. It’s pretty simple to understand. I believe the phrase originated decades ago as “you’re wild,” which turned into “you’re wilding out,” which was then shortened to “you wildin’.

  5. Joshua gonzalez

    My name is Joshua Gonzalez. I was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY. My Major is Computer Mechanical Engineering and the reason I chose it is because honestly it would make me the most money with the knowledge learned. I go by He/Him. I’m considering becoming either a software engineer or a hardware developer. I really like movies like “La Haine”, “City of God” and “The Florida Project” because it show that other people have it harder than me and I should be thankful for everything I have. I also really like to program my own little video games to pass the time. I have been playing video games with my brother and sister ever since I can remember so that’s what led me to video game programming.

  6. John P

    Hello, my name is John Pinkhasov. Currently in City Tech I’m majoring in computer systems technology (CST for short). I originally wanted to go into computer engineering but there was a mix up with my schedule and they put me into CST class, though I’ve been enjoying it so far and would like to keep going with my major. I’m interested in watching shows and playing video games. For the few of you that are wondering, currently I’m watching You on Netflix. A phrase me and my friends use often is “Let’s get eats.” We use this when one of us is hungry and wants to go out with a couple of us.

  7. Syeda Monjur

    Hello! My name is Syeda Monjur, and my pronouns are she/her. I’m currently in architecture, and have been interested in it since I was a child. I was able to take a few architecture classes in high school and that fueled my fascination towards the subject. I love reading fantasy and thriller. I enjoy drawing and painting in my spare time. Currently, I have been getting back into anime again after a long time and am watching “Vinland Saga” and JJK. A word that I use with my coworkers is “totes”. Others when hearing this word would think of a tote bag, however at my job this word refers to the shipping containers that our store supply comes in.

  8. rolman

    My name is Rolman Rojas my major is electrical engineering. I decide to choose this major because I enjoy doing hand on work. I am not much of reading books if I have to choose a genre, I will probably choose mystery.

  9. josephjin

    I don’t really have much to discuss academically of personally, but I’ll attempt to conjure something up at least. I tend to enjoy editing, video games, and might dabble in a little reading, but that’s probably the end of the list in terms of hobbies unfortunately. I tend to not to take things too seriously and consider my self a bit laxed.

  10. Shelton

    My name is Shelton Grant and the major that I am taking up is mechanical engineering the reason I wanted to take this major is because my grandpa inspired me when I would help him build RC cars. my favorite genre is action, especially in moviesI would say a saying or a greeting I say to my friends is “yurrr” but to my family member I greet them with “Hey how are you doing?” or “How is it going?” but for those that don’t know yurrr means a saying for what’s up.

  11. Hashim Rasul

    Hi, name is Hashim Rasul. My major is health science. I enjoy watching horror and suspenseful movies. I like to play table tennis, handball, and basketball. A word or phrase I use with my family and friends is COD. Call of duty is a game I play with my friend and family members. When we wanna play we just say or text COD in the group chat.

  12. Zamya chevers

    Hello, my name is Zamya and the major I’m currently in is Nursing. I’m passionate about becoming a Nurse or even a Doctor one day because I want to help people when they are sick or injured. Iv’e watched family members in hospitals not get good care from Doctors or nurses so this made me want to be better than them. Besides that, my favorite genre is Horror or Comedy.

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