Monthly Archives: March 2017


Hi all,

Here is the link to my presentation

Thank you,

Mark H

Marvin Laboriel ENG 2575-D594 Feelings on The Checklist

When reading “The Checklist” I was very interested on how well it was written.  I got a sense of hope in our future reading the story because the idea of a checklist to help with consistency in lengthy and complicated procedures was such a bland but brilliant idea. Going further down the story I noticed the conflict of certain groups not wanting to invest into the idea and I felt a certain way about it.

Timothy Huie – Thoughts on Anything

Giraffes average an height of aroudn16-18 ft. I think they look taller than that but that’s just me. They consume a whopping 100 pounds of leaves and twigs a day. I for one cant imagine eating that much, let alone it being leaves. Ive tried eating vegetarian for a day and came to a conclusion that 3 meals a day was not enough. Ive heard once before that vegetation has 100% or so energy and as the consumer eats the leaves, energy is lost cause their body is consuming the leaves. Then, when another animal or human eats the animal that ate the leaves, it loses even more. But that being said, I felt way more satisfied and energized after eating a nice piece of steak. 🙂

Sadia Mahzabin D594 Instruction Manual

I have only really looked for examples that I can use for models. The way I tend to grasp the idea of how an assignment works I would like to see other submission in order to make sure I am on the right track. I really do not know what the topic I will choose. The topics I look up either have too many things to write in for or too little.

Instruction manual

At the moment my instruction manual is going relatively well. As I feel that while i have a good topic to give a guide or instruction on. Broaching the topic is a bit difficult as simplifying the process requires more visual process and understanding how to clarify to an audience with words that requires more of a visual medium. I hope by the end of this month I will have  a better grasp as to how to create an effective instruction manual.

Adrian’s opinion on “The Checklist”

When I started reading the article, “The Checklist,” I did not know what was waiting for me and by the time I finished it, I could do nothing more than admire the skill that Atul Gawande has to captivate the reader. Just by saying that a fifteen-page reading felt very short to me because it was so entertaining and well written. However, I must admit that when Gawande described the things that take place in the I.C.U., specifically the stories of the Australian girl who fell into the icy fishpond and the one about Anthony DeFilippo, I was literally cringing at my desk.

Moreover, it is incredible that with an insignificant checklist multiple lives and millions of dollars can be saved, however, it is even more impressive that by the arrogance of some doctors this initiative has not been implemented at national level. Now, as the author says, one cannot be naive and think that a checklist is going to save lives and money by itself. The truth is that we need qualified people, people who like to run the extra mile, and people who do not settle for mediocre degrees and seek excellence. I think it’s time to end the ideology of entitlement.

paul birkleund

I’ve started working on an outline of my paper and trying to structure my paper. also working on another paper trying to compare two poems with a relating topic and this has been proven to be a little difficult trying to find the two poems and making an outline on how to compare the two poems in 1200 words.