For Monday 3/26 and Wednesday 3/28…

I apologize for the delay in posting an updated schedule– I had to wait for City Tech to make a decision regarding a make-up day. They have decided, and now Thursday, May 17th will be considered a Wednesday at the college. This means that we have class on Thursday, May 17th.

I have posted an updated schedule on OpenLab, please look at it carefully and note the changes (there are many).

For class Monday 3/26…

  1. Print & Read Sample Exam Article
  2. Complete HW #14 [Thesis]
    1. You only need to complete Part I of this HW!
  3. Revise Essay #1, Final Version
    1. Hand in: one printed, STAPLED, final version
    2. Hand in: all drafts with my comments

For lab Monday 3/26…

  1. Write Essay #2, Draft #1
    1. Bring in TWO printed, STAPLED copies

For class Wednesday 3/28… *MIDTERM EXAM*

  1. Read & Prepare Midterm Exam Article
    1. the article will be handed out at the end of class on Monday 3/26



For Wednesday 3/14…

**Please review updated Course Schedule**

For class Wednesday 3/14…

  1. Print & Read Claim, Reasons, Evidence
  2. Print & Read “The Death of the Book,” by Ursula LeGuin
    1. Scroll down in blog to find post titled “The Death of the Book.”
  3. Complete HW #12 (LeGuin)
    1. Pick 5 of the vocabulary words listed. Write the definition of the word and then write your own sentence that uses the word correctly.
    2. Answer Reading Questions #1 and #2.
    3. Answer Discussion Question #1.
    4. Be sure to use details and examples from the text to support your answers.

For Monday 3/12 and Wednesday 3/14…

For class Monday 3/12…

  1. Print Claim, Reasons, Evidence
  2. Read Claim, Reasons, Evidence

For lab Monday 3/12…

  1. Print “The Death of the Book” by Ursula LeGuin
  2. Read “The Death of the Book” by Ursula LeGuin
  3. Complete HW #12 [LeGuin]
    1. Pick 5 of the vocabulary words listed. Write the definition of the word and then write your own sentence that uses the word correctly.
    2. Answer Reading Questions #1 and #2.
    3. Answer Discussion Question #1.
    4. Be sure to use details and examples from the text to support your answers!!!

For class Wednesday 3/14…

  1. Read Thesis Statements
  2. Complete HW #13 [CRE]