For Monday 2/5 and Wednesday 2/7…

For class Monday 2/5, you need to complete the following:

  1. Read Subject Verb Agreement (including watching the short video)
  2. Join the course on OpenLab
    1. This requires you to make an OpenLab account. If you are having trouble creating an account, see the previous post for help.
  3. Complete HW #1
    1. HW #1 is simply to send me an email from your City Tech email address. The subject of your email should be “HW #1.” In the body of the email, write your name and ENG 1101 D362. That’s it.


For lab on Monday 2/5, you need to complete the following:

  1. Read Brainstorming
  2. Print “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan (if you can’t access the reading through the link, you can google the title and author to find it on another website)
  3. Read “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan
  4. Complete HW #2
    1. Pick 5 of the vocabulary words listed. Write the definition of the word and then write your own sentence that uses the word correctly.
    2. Answer Reading Questions #1 and #2.
    3. Answer Discussion Question #1.
    4. Be sure to use details and examples from the text to support your answers.


For class on Wednesday 2/7, you need to complete the following:

  1. Read Verb Tense Changes
  2. Print HW #3 (SV)
  3. Complete HW #3 (SV)

For class Wednesday 1/31…

For class Wednesday 1/31, you need to complete the following:

  1. Create an OpenLab account
  2. Print “How to Study and Learn”
  3. Read “How to Study and Learn”
  4. Read Introduction to Writing as a Process
  5. Explore the Related Links below Introduction to Writing as a Process

If you have issues with OpenLab, check here for help.

**I have no ability to help you set-up or access your City Tech email. If you are having an issue with your email you need to go to the Student Help Desk on the first floor of the Atrium for assistance.


Monday 1/29 Lab * Introductory Writing Assignments

Writing Assignment: Getting to Know You, Part I

  • What is your name?
  • What pronouns do you prefer? (he/him/his, she/her/hers, they/them/theirs, or something else)
  • Where did you go to high school? or Where did you get your GED?
  • What is your major?
  • Is this your first semester of college? If not, how many semesters have you been in college?
  • Is this your first semester at City Tech? If not, how many semesters have you been at City Tech?
  • What is your 1st language? 2nd language? 3rd language? as many as you have…
  • What language(s) do you speak in your home?
  • What language(s) do you speak with your friends?
  • What language(s) do you watch TV/movies and/or listen to music in?


Writing Assignment: Getting to Know You, Part II

Answer the following question in two or three paragraphs.

  • Why are you here?
    • Not, why are you in this class– I know you are fulfilling a requirement– but why are you in college? You could be working or doing any number of other things, but you are here. Why?
    • This might also include why you are at City Tech specifically, and/or why are you here now (at this time in your life).