Final Grades: F vs. WU

**This information is ONLY for students who have stopped attending class.**

If you have stopped attending class, but have not officially withdrawn you need to consider the difference between receiving an F and a WU in this course.

  1. If you have not completed the requirements for the class, and have stopped attending, you will receive a WU.
  2. If you have not completed the requirements for the class, but show up for the final exam, you will receive an F.

Both an F and a WU will compute in your GPA as an F, but a WU can have additional impact on your financial aid. (I cannot answer any specific questions on financial aid eligibility, but you can look on the City Tech website or contact City Tech to get more information.)

If you show up for the Final Exam on Monday, you will NOT receive a WU in the course. For most of you, this is the safer option.

Last Week of the Semester! For Monday 5/21 and Wednesday 5/23…

You are so close! Keep going for a few more days!


For class Monday 5/21:

  1. Prepare article for Final Exam
    1. The exam questions will be passed out to those who are in their seats and ready starting at 1pm, and collected no later than 2:15pm. There is no additional time for those who are late.
    2. Please look at the materials on OpenLab to review for the exam.

*Note: I handed out the article for the exam at the end of class on Thursday. If you did not attend class on Thursday, there is a copy of the exam article (with your name on it) in the folder labeled “PARUOLO ENG 1101” outside of Namm 529. That is the only copy of the article you will be allowed to use during the exam, so I highly suggest coming in early to mark it up with your notes. In the meantime, you can read the article here.


I have to hold class and lab for the rest of the week, per City Tech rules. If you do not attend, you will be marked as absent.

For lab Monday 5/21:

  1. You do not need to do or prepare anything for lab– just show up.

For class Wednesday 5/23:

  1. Hand in Final Research Project.
    1. See last page of Research Project Packet for details of what needs to be handed in.
    3. One last reminder: Do NOT plagiarize any part of your Research Paper. You will receive an F on the entire project (20% of your overall grade in the class), and be reported to the college for cheating. It is not worth it.
  2. Complete Self-Evaluation, in class.


*Note: I have received a TON of emails from students over the past 5 days. I am working through them in the order they were received. Please be patient

For Monday 5/14, Wednesday 5/16, and Thursday 5/17…

For class + lab Monday 5/14:

  1. If you have already handed in a complete outline, you can begin to work on a draft of your introduction, and first reason (both evidence #1, and evidence #2–that’s three paragraphs only). You do not have to hand this in yet, but I will read it if you do.
  2. If you have NOT handed in a complete outline, you need to hand it in on Monday– bring two copies. (If you have not handed in a research proposal, research notes, an annotated bibliography, and/or a thesis statement, those should also be handed in Monday.)
  3. EVERYONE must hand in a complete Works Cited page for ALL sources appearing in outline.

**We will be working on the Research Paper in class and lab, so bring everything you need to work on your paper to class Monday.**


For class Wednesday 5/16:

  1. Print & Read “I Have a Dream…” by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
  2. Complete HW #20 (the last one!)
    1. Pick 5 of the vocabulary words listed. Write the definition of the word and then write your own sentence that uses the word correctly.
    2. Answer Reading Questions #1 and #2.
    3. Complete Activities and Assignments #1.
    4. Be sure to use details and examples from the text to support your answers.
  3. OPTIONAL: Complete Extra Credit Assignment for 13th 


For class Thursday 5/17:

  1. Print & Read Sample Midterm Exam Response (bring to class)
  2. Re-read your Midterm Exam Response (bring to class)
  3. Hand in Draft of Research Paper- Introduction, and Reason #1 ONLY
    1. That is a three paragraph draft: Introduction, Reason #1 Evidence #1, and Reason #1, Evidence #2.
    2. If you handed in 3-paragraph draft on Monday, you may hand in a complete draft of the Research Paper.