Prof. Jody R. Rosen | LH10 | Fall 2022

Discussion: Project 3 thoughts

Take some time to think about what your work for Project 2. In a comment to this post, write (or freewrite) your thoughts on the following:

  • What do you think you learned from your Project 2 research?
  • Who do you think would benefit from knowing that information?
  • What kind of text would be a good way to convey that information to that audience?

If you see someone else’s comment and have thoughts about it, please share those thoughts with your classmate!


  1. Jody R. Rosen

    In my sample research I asked the question “should restaurants buy locally sourced foods?” I think that this is something that Hospitality Management majors should know about so that they can be better informed if they get jobs as buyers for restaurants or other food venues (catering, hotels, etc). I could also imagine wanting to reach those who are already in those positions, but I feel that reaching students is more important because it gives them more knowledge to take with them in an interview or application or on the job.

    If I were aiming for restaurant food buyers, I would likely want to make an infographic since it’s short and to the point, and can convey ideas without much text–which is helpful not only because it’s quicker to process the information, but also because not everyone in the position will necessarily read much in English.

    Since I’m aiming for HMGT majors at City Tech, I want to provide them with the information quickly and clearly. An infographic could work well for them, too, but I would also consider a listicle since it’s quick and organized but has a bit more info, even the chance to link out to other sources in the list. That means that readers can get a good overview but can also follow the links to learn more from the research I did.

  2. destiny

    1. Ive learned several things from project 2 being with the differences between marketing and sexism in ads .
    2. Marketers and younger people who aren’t up to date as much with actual issues can benefit from the topic because you will then know what companies are sexist and who should receive your money or not.
    3. Different texts like articles and ted talks .
    • Jody R. Rosen

      If you’re reaching out to late teens to early 20s, what would reach them? Social media–but which? what’s the benefit of each, and how can you use the specific platform effectively?

  3. gabriela martinez

    In project 2 I learned that dental hygiene is not as simple as cleaning teeth but it’s more than that and can actually diagnose physical diseases. I believe students who want to major in dental hygiene and have no prior knowledge about dental hygiene can learn and benefit from my research. I believe a ted talk will be a useful way to share this information .

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