Star Streak 6” by Mr. dale via Flickr CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Week 6:

  • Dates: Thursday, 10/13-Wednesday, 10/19
  • Meeting Info:

(ENG 1101 is a course that usually meets for 100 minutes twice a week. Our course is a hybrid format: we meet in person for 100 minutes once per week, Tuesdays from 12:00-1:40pm, in Namm 517, but instead of us meeting a second time for 100 minutes each week, you will do classwork asynchronously on your own. If you prefer to work together, you are welcome to join our student support meeting time, kind of a writing lab/writing studio/study space on Zoom on Thursdays, 12:00-1:00.)

The thing that stands out about Week 6 is that Project 1 is due on Thursday, 10/13–so it’s your time to shine like the stars you are! Since everyone is focused on that, this agenda takes us through that due date. I’ll post Part 2 of the Week 6 Agenda after Project 1 is due.


To-Do This Week


  • Please consider Joining via Zoom our Thursday 12:00-1:00 student support hours/writing lab to get support and work together
  • Project 1 is due on our site on 10/13
  • See below for instructions on posting your project and your reflection.



  • As you read and think for Project 1, you might take the time to join some of our discussions that you missed–these discussions were built to help guide you through Project 1. Find all of our discussions to catch up and develop your education narrative.
  • Review your own draft, and find someone to read your work, too! Ask them to answer these questions about your draft as specifically as they can be (point to specific sentences or paragraphs):
    • in your own words, what is this education narrative about?
    • what parts captured your attention?
    • what parts did you want to read more about?
    • what parts were confusing or needed more explanation for you to understand?
    • what parts felt like they didn’t belong in this education narrative?
    • any other feedback or suggestions?
  • To submit your project, you will write two posts:
    • First, write a post with your Project 1 in it. You can draft directly in the post (save often!) or copy and paste from your work processing document. This post can be public or private. You might want to review these instructions about writing posts, especially #7, which explains how to change the post’s visibility from public to private. Use the category Project 1 Work.
    • Second, your reflection, including links to your Project 1 and other work you’ve done for the project. The Project 1 instructions detail what belongs in that post, but I’ll add it here, too. This post should be private, so again, consult these instructions about writing posts, especially #7, which explains how to change the post’s visibility from public to private. Use the category Project 1 Work. Your Project 1 reflection should include:
      • links to your post for Project #1 and your earlier drafts
      • any freewriting, brainstorming, sketching, etc, that you want to share. This can include photos of your hand-written or hand-drawn work.
      • a written reflection that answers:
      • what did you learn about yourself as a student? as a learner? as a writer? as a reviser, as a collaborator (eg, peer reviewer, suggesting questions for Project #1, responding to classmates in the discussions)?
      • what do you want to do with your narrative (part or all of it)? (eg, use it on your ePortfolio, as a personal statement for an application, as something you circulate on social media to get attention for issues you raise in your narrative, something you share with your family or community as a way to connect, share history, etc)
      • what grade do you think your project has earned, based on the grading criteria? (in the Project 1 instructions)
      • what do you want help with as you revise it for your final portfolio?
      • what can I do to help you achieve your goals and mine for Project #1?
      • is there anything else I should know about?

As always, please reach out with questions or for support. More agenda to come on Friday, after you submit Project 1. Good luck!