You may be thinking… “Ahh man here goes another sentimental essay about someone we don’t even know” but happily that’s not the case. Hello ! My name is destiny and I’m majoring in marketing management. I’ve asked myself plenty of times .. why that major . Well, come to find out I like MONEY! . I mean who doesn’t ! I could admit that I don’t like college AT ALL nor school in general. But I know that I can eventually push myself through it. As well as *cough cough , make my mother proud. I’m here to accomplish the goals of my parents , as well as taking the opportunities they were not given. I was always completely unsure of where I would go but I ended up here. Twelve year old destiny would have been sick in the head. She would have said “but but I thought you said we were going to be rich and famous”  don’t worry child we are in the mix of that. If you don’t already know, I’m a  content creator/entrepreneur/tik toker and all the above.  I have seventeen thousand people who watch me on youtube, forty thousand that watch me on tik tok and more than three million people have seen me , all throughout. Since I eat , sleep and breathe this I would’ve never thought that I would be here , but I’ve managed to have a job , be a content creator and thankfully get my education. Has it been easy ?? NOPEEE not at all . It’s actually stressful. The bags under my eyes have been surviving off of red bulls each morning. This has shaped me to be who I am and I’m proud of that . I’m young , with a lot of accomplishments completed,  but just cause it may seem like everything is perfect it definitely has not been ! I’ve been through everything you can think of . One of my biggest challenges was comparing myself to others.. Ouch I never liked the real truth about that one , but YES! That was a huge problem for me. I basically lived on social media . Everyone goes on there and posts anything they want to but, what really got me was when they would post their success. Not that I was jealous nor that they can’t post it because you are allowed to and can post whatever you want . It just made me feel negative about my work and myself overall. For example, When you see someone achieve getting a Porsche , why would you feel so happy to see yourself in an old car. Do you understand where I’m getting at ? There was never a point in which I was happy , because I always saw others do better and that had to change. For anyone going through the same , I always go through this quote “Comparison is the killer of all joy” meaning that comparing yourself or your success to another can kill the value and importance of your achievements. Believe it or not, college has become a huge accomplishment for me . I know we aren’t even halfway done but I’m here doing what many others struggled to do and I pushed myself to do so. So, Social media has its great concepts but it will be the last reasoning as to why I ever give up with college. Matter a fact , these past few months seeing people post their college graduation pictures have been pushing me forward. I want to wear a tux as well , take professional pictures and have everyone applauding for me. It’s a great feeling ! Afterwards it will all make sense , you’ll finally have that job you ever wanted , you’ll be in your career’s attire whether it’s a suit, some scrubs or even a bullet proof vest and a belt full of weapons! And that’s not even the best part . You’ll finally be able to get more than fifteen dollars an hour , at a job that you actually enjoy and studied for ! I bet that professional photo shoot will be worth it then. I know that my major will help me execute better things , not only get my diploma but then I will be more advanced in my content creation.  My marketing major will help me develop education on how I can use it towards my content and how I can create this into a source of income. “ As in Shitty First Drafts By Anne Lamott from Bird by Bird

She quotes “First I’d go to a restaurant several times with a few opinionated, articulate friends in tow. I’d sit there writing down everything anyone said that was at all interesting or funny. Then on the following Monday I’d sit down at my desk with my notes and try to write the review. Even after I’d been doing this for years, panic would set in”. I can relate to Anne Lamott because she was able to use her going out with friends as a way to help her create opinions for her magazines. This was a process that she took with steps on how she would make it happen. She connected her thoughts and found a way to accumulate information on the food reviews through a real life experience. I can connect this to me and the exprencies I will go through because my marketing diploma will help me analyze and create interesting content on my social media. I will be one of the greatest and will have an advantage because my marketing development will give me enough experience to know what does good on the internet and what doesn’t. I will be able to get into the algorithm easier than others. The education is worth it , being able to have multiple opportunities. I can get a job in the marketing field or I can keep creating content. Advice that can be given from me to others would be to pick a major that goes hand in hand with anything you want to pursue. Luckily , I’ve chosen a path that I know will help me in both worlds.