Makers + Spaces” by Sharon VanderKaay via Flickr CC BY 2.0

This message is for everyone in our class, but especially for anyone feeling a little lost, unsure, or stuck with our coursework or college in general. It’s also a shout-out to anyone who hasn’t made it to our classroom yet!

Today, like all Thursdays, I host a student support hour that’s also a writing lab or study-buddy period or a writing studio or any other thing you want to call it that means come join our Zoom and ask questions and work together and meet me and anyone else from our class more informally than in our not-so-formal classroom.

I’m making a point of inviting everyone who hasn’t come to class yet because next week, I need to fill out a form that says who has come so far and who hasn’t–so please come today via Zoom to hear about what you’ve missed so far and how this is the week to get caught up and on track. It’s of course optional.

Bring your lunch/coffee/snack and any questions you have or work you want to do. See you soon!