A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Author: Odeica (Page 2 of 13)

Final Reflection SFD

  1. This semesterā€™s English class has taught me so much about myself as a reader, writer, and scholar. I noticed extreme growth in my writing and reading skills compared to what it was coming into this class.
  • Reader: My reading skill has enhanced from merely reading to find the standard authorā€™s purpose, literary devices, genre, and overall meaning of said writing to reading to understand the author’s writing style such as word choice, sentence structure, and the flow of ideas and information. Deeply looking at a piece of writing to understand the author thought process and identify some of the characteristics of their writing that you could use in your own to make it better.
  • Writer: Prior to this class when writing for school I would do the bare minimum barely meeting the requirements for an assignment. And most times my writing would have missing patches of ideas or some ideas that need more clarification so the flow of ideas in my writing would be all over the place. However, while writing for this class I notice that my writing style has changed. Now I tend to complete ideas and when I feel as though I have not explained one enough I overexplain to make sure my audience is not confused.
  • Scholar:Ā Ā As a scholar, I learned that I have a strong work ethic.
  1. I will be able to use what I have learned this term by
  2. My least favorite assignment was Unit 3 ā€œWriting in a New Genreā€. I found it very hard to choose a different genre that was not only best for my research but also for me.
  3. Some notable lessons that stuck with me after completing certain assignments are how to write a proper research paper (how to properly quote and cite sources), how to find sufficient sources that do not only support your predetermined ideas about your topic, and how one genre could form many different ones. Lastly, how to gather sufficient information that will make your writing beneficial to your audience.



Time Capsule Revisited

So here we are at the end of our first semester in college and I can honestly say that we have done pretty well but there is still room for improvement. This semester was not the best personally I know I could have done. I still have the tendency of waiting until the last minute (usually a day it is due) to do an assignment which most likely results in said assignments being late. So, our goal to stop procrastinating is still waiting for completion. Thankfully, this is the only goal that we have not achieved but that does not mean we could subside and lose the little progress we have made. However, I have learned so much about myself and what I am capable of. Even with the steady procrastination, we are still passing our classes surprisingly. Evidently, when we put in the effort to achieve something we get it done. Also, yes! we have been reading more but only for and I know that maybe does not count but at least we are reading. Our English class has helped us improve our writing and reading skills. Our writing is strong in every aspect from grammar, to sentence structure, to word choice, and formatting. Overall, I am pleased with all the work we have done to achieve our goals.

Honestly, I think my Unit 3 project is coming along pretty well. My first draft is completed, I just need to revise it with new eyes to identify possible mistakes and see where I need to use alternative word choices and sentence structure to make my writing flow. I also want to revisit my RAB to make sure I have all the necessary information in my Unit 3 project to fully teach my audience about my topic. Lastly, I need to check the format/structure of my writing to make sure the information I provided is coherent and cohesive.

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