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Author: Owshi Debi (Page 2 of 13)

“Time Capsule Revisited”

This semester I have learned that no matter what happens I wouldn’t stress myself out but I know it would have never happen because I keep on doing and know since the semester is almost ending I feel like the amount of work is just increasing and because of that  I can’t think of anything else and just worry about my classes and how am I going to pass. I feel like I haven’t fully achieve my goals but like part of it maybe because I procasinate too much and that what stress me out but it’s like no matter what I do I can’t help it.  As the semester was going on I have achieved a different goal and that is not to push myself and just go with the flow because I have learned that when I do push myself to do better it ends up not what I wanted to be but instead I feel more pressured and end up doing the worse when I am suppose to be doing better. Along the way I was surprised on how I can hand in most of my assignments on time because I am the type of person who always hands in everything late or even forgets to hand in, but knowing most of the classes don’t accept late work or take points off kind of me aware of handing in my assignments on time. I felt like my goals were just about right and they seem pretty reasonable because in a sense everybody wants to pass all of their classes and not to stress themselves out too much.

Unit 3 Writing in a New Genre

Owshi Debi

English 1101

Are Religion and Astrology Compatible?

My research topic that I have done for Unit 2 was, is astrology and religion compatible. What I mean when I say if they are compatible with one another is are they similar and connected to one another because if you think about both of these go way back with each other and they are somewhat have a connection like, for example there are some signs in the astrology where its linked to god and within the god they are linked to religion because its what they practiced and believe in. Also with my research I found out some interesting facts about the history of religion and astrology that its based on Chinese calendar which corresponds to Chinese astrology and ancient religion. The religion which has influenced astrology is Taoism as well as Buddhism. The audience that I think would be perfect for what I have learned in Unit 2 is young adults, if I were to put in an age I would say 17+ because the topic that I have discussed for my Unit 2 topic is really more of a mature and sophisticated. The reason why this type of audience would be best for me too address my Unit 2 is because I want them to know what I have learned so far and that is astrology and religion can be compatible because they have many common things with another like symbols of astrological signs show up in our oldest places of religious figures worship which includes Jesus, Buddha, Moses, Mary Baker Eddy and Mohammed which was bought upon their arrival. I also want to share that astrology honors the importance of religion and spirituality through the meaning of the 9th and 12th houses as well as the archetypes of the planets which are Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune. The reason for these houses is because they describe areas of life where you gain religious or spiritual guidance, experience. Also because though many people might think otherwise and might not agree with my statement I feel like it’s possible for astrology and religion to be compatible. The genre which I have done that will best reach out to the audience is an article. The reason why I chose to do an article is because I felt like it was the most appropriate approach to get my thoughts across it’s also great way for me to put in information because since I my topic is a bit more informative I feel doing an article is best and you can also customize to your liking.

Artist’s Statement

So for my project I basically had to chose the different types of genres that was available too me and chose what will go best with my topic, at first I was going to chose a video but then realized that that wasn’t going to work because I had many things to write and doing a video I had to memorize of what I was going to say so then, I chose an article which was better option that fits along with my topic because for me I rather type out what I am trying to say then speak it because it can be really tiring also because I am forgetful person and I can’t remember a lot so typing or writing it out is they best option for me. As I wanted to do an article for my project you might be wondering now what’s it going to be about and that is are religion and astrology compatible with another, the reason why I became so interested in this topic was because I was curious about these two relationships and wanted to more about them because there can be opposing sides that disagree with what I am thinking and because of this I wanted everyone to know that there relationship is compatible and they can work well with another. The purpose for making this project is to let my audience know that if people think astrology and religion can’t go well together they are wrong because I have done my research and because of that I have some pretty solid statements that they are compatible. I wanted to direct this information to my young adults that are curios on knowing if this is possible to be true. I would say this audience specifically because as someone who is curious on knowing how the similar their relationship can be it’s really interesting to get to know them. The appeals that I have used mostly logos but some aspects of it was pathos. I chose to do this genre because I felt like it was the one that I can get my point across while also informing my audience about my topic. This genre would best fit my audience because I feel like with this type of topic you need to be serious as well as being affirmative on your topic and doing an article is best because you pick and chose what you want to write about it can formal or informal basically customize to your own liking. So to start my article I first have gathered all of information that I have researched on that surrounds my topic and with the research I have picked and chose on what I think would bets finish this article and I had couple of options which was good. After I had gathered my informations I also had to look up visuals that I need to add to my article which was my favorite part because there were so many pictures that I wanted to use, this part was really important because I didn’t want my audience to be overwhelmed on how much I have written so throwing in really eye-catching visuals was something that I looked and created. That was sorted out next was the text style which consists of how I wanted to look like was my fonts going to bolded, in color script basically playing with all of the the tools that I have to choose form, with this step I wanted to be serious yet not to the point where it can lead of too being to deep because though my topic may sound serious it can presented in a fun way for everyone to enjoy. The final step was the structure of the article when I say structure I mean how it was going to broken was it going to be long paragraphs after the other or was going to be short yet making sure I get my points across. I think for the most part my visuals went well as well selecting my text styles and fonts. How I started my article was one thing that probably didn’t go well because I felt like it wasn’t much of attention grabber moment. I wouldn’t say I had an original idea set together I just went with the flow and wrote what felt on right on my mind. The internet helped me a lot with this project because it showed me on what an article looks like and how it should be displayed as which I found really helpful. I thought I was going to panic but luckily that didn’t happen which was great. I think it turned well probably not the best I was hoping for but I think I did a decent job. I think along the way I did some minor changes but nothing too crazy. If I were offered the time and money I would have done it differently because I think it’s fun to explore between the genres.  I think I am most happiest about the visuals I have added because for me that was the most fun part of doing an article. I would say it wasn’t easy doing this project because it was my first time doing this kind of project also creating an article was the first time for me so I was pretty anxious and overwhelmed on how it was going to turn out. For a college project it was understandable and I can totally see myself using some of the tools I learned on creating an article because who knows it might come in handy one day.

How I think I did on my Unit 3 Project

My topic was on religion and astrology and I wanted to know if they were compatible with each other and to show this my genre was an article because I think its what goes best with my topic .So far for my Unit 3 project I think I did okay probably not going to be as good but it’s decent. I would say this because I feel like that something is missing and I just don’t what that is and also my genre that I have done for this unit was a good but I would say that I could have done better because knowing what I have researched on and to create my genre. But for what I have now for my Unit 3 is good and I am happy that I have completed it.

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