This semester I have learned that no matter what happens I wouldn’t stress myself out but I know it would have never happen because I keep on doing and know since the semester is almost ending I feel like the amount of work is just increasing and because of that  I can’t think of anything else and just worry about my classes and how am I going to pass. I feel like I haven’t fully achieve my goals but like part of it maybe because I procasinate too much and that what stress me out but it’s like no matter what I do I can’t help it.  As the semester was going on I have achieved a different goal and that is not to push myself and just go with the flow because I have learned that when I do push myself to do better it ends up not what I wanted to be but instead I feel more pressured and end up doing the worse when I am suppose to be doing better. Along the way I was surprised on how I can hand in most of my assignments on time because I am the type of person who always hands in everything late or even forgets to hand in, but knowing most of the classes don’t accept late work or take points off kind of me aware of handing in my assignments on time. I felt like my goals were just about right and they seem pretty reasonable because in a sense everybody wants to pass all of their classes and not to stress themselves out too much.