I have learned that I need to focus more. I need to be extra thorough with the work I hand in because any mistakes that I made will be heavily accounted for. Although I did not do the best that I could I did reach a goal of mine which was to stop procrastinating. Before we would wait until the last day to do a project but not this semester. Of course we have not completely came over I but it has gotten better one step at a time. My main focuses now is to improve the quality of the work I will have to submit in the future and to really double check the work for the grammar. Even when we did the work some has resulted into a grades that we shouldn’t have hoped for. With our grammar we need to slow down and look over each word carefully because it would make sense to us since we wrote it but it could be different for anyone else reading it. Our goals were right on the money but we couldn’t live up to it yet. Getting a “B” in this class could have been attainable for us if we cracked down and focused harder.  Since we have improved from previous years I believe we can do even better in the future.