Q1: I have learned as a reader how to better analyze quotes and paragraphs. As a writer, I have learned how to better myself in creating my own projects. As a scholar, I learned how to improve writing skills and speak on my topics.

Q2: I will be able to use what I have learned this term and transfer that knowledge throughout the rest of my time in college and later on in my future.

Q4: my favorite assignment was the  RAB because it gave me a chance to talk about something that I personally was interested in. My least favorite assignment was the picking a genre assignment because it was kind of hard to think of one that wasn’t similar to everyone else’s.

Q5: some notable lessons that stuck with me after completing certain assignments was how to use the city tech library to find what I might be looking for and help with my assignments.

Q8: My early assumption about my writing was that I could write well if I really wanted to. Ever since I was in middle school and I had to do essays or projects, I would hate it of course, but I would do it with ease. But right now I do believe that it changed a bit. I do feel my writing improving but I still think that I would still be really good if I actually did put my mind to it.