Q1 Reader: What I have learned about myself as a reader, writer, and scholar this term is to be able to use all three for my upcoming future. From the beginning of class, I didn’t know what it meant to be a reader, writer, or scholar. When learning to be a reader or becoming one it all takes time and effort. It takes a lot of dedication to reading like a writer. As a reader, we must figure out how to indicate what we must read and learn what we need to include in overall writing and reading. For instance, in “How to Read Like a Writer” Mike Bunn stated “I think in my opinion what he meant by this is that the article states, ‘You have a built-in advantage when reading like a writer. All of your previous writing experiences inside the classroom and out can contribute to your success with RLW.’ What he’s trying to convey is that we already have some advantages when it comes to writing or becoming an author, since in school they taught us a thing or two about reading and writing.” This shows how much I have learned to become a reader and a writer at the same time.

Writer: A writer is something completely different from a reader. But they can be connected to develop into creating a wonderful essay. As a writer myself who still has a lot to learn, I have learned that writing is easy since it was taught to us in school. But writing as a writer is something unique that takes time and effort. To perfect one of becoming a writer. It would be best if you forgot about those lousy things in middle school or high school. Yeah, some could help, but a writer takes years of practice. In Mike Bunn’s article, I have stated “What I’ve noticed in particular that I want to try in my writing is “What should you be writing as you are reading” on page 81. Bunn explains a few of his methods of what he does when he does this. On page 81 it states, “One thing that I like to do is highlight and underline the passage in the text itself, and then try to answer the following three questions on my notepad: ‘What is the technique the author is using here? Is this technique effective? What would be the advantages and disadvantages if I tried this same technique in my writing?'” I want to try this out because it seems helpful when you’re researching something in particular or something specific. In conclusion, overall Bunn’s article has some very key pointers we should all pay attention to and use when we are reading and writing.” As you can see I believe that Mike Bunn’s article and the overall message are very important for other students to learn about. To perfect their reading and writing skills, to achieve something greater in life. And how it can help in the long run in their future.

Scholar: What I have learned as being a scholar or closer to one. Is to differentiate the difference between reading as a writer or writing as a reader. As both, I wanted to show how much work it has to be put into a lot of determination and inspiration to become a scholar. Being able to understand how important it is to be able to use it in my daily life. How much improvement I have ever since I step foot in this class. From the beginning, I didn’t understand the difference between what a scholar was or what it meant. Then furthermore as the class went into depth, I was able to see and understand what a scholar is and how it can be used it improves my overall structure as a student in college. A scholar is someone who is a person who pursues academic classes/activities that apply to their area of expertise. A scholar can be anyone who wants to try and succeed and, wants to make changes in life that can help them in life and life.

Q2: How I will be able to use what I have learned this term and transfer that knowledge to other writing situations-either in college or my community, by going back and looking at my work. To go furthermore in what I have learned and do more and more learning. By researching more skills and techniques in my writing to further improve myself as well as my reading. As for college, I will continue taking classes in English composition to further improve and understand the lengths that I have to go to achieve what I want. As for what I want, I want to be able to follow and understand/learn all the techniques and skills of being a reader, writer, and scholar. In addition, my community is my home. I see my community as a part of me. My community makes me how I am now. And for that, I don’t want to take it for granted. I want to show my community how much I have learned from college. How college isn’t that bad. That it teaches you important techniques and skills that can develop your improvement that can help you for your future.

Q3: How I would compare and contrast what I did early in the semester to now is by looking at the comments of my professor and peers. By checking back at the formating of choice I picked when writing or reading back then.  And checking the grades I got back then till now. As I see, my writing style has changed tremendously, and how much I have learned from this class and my professor. To understand and be able to somewhat perfect my writing. By seeing how much work I have put into this class to be a great reader, writer, and scholar. To see my artwork process as this class is about to come to an end. But to remember the important details, information, skills, lessons, and teaching. Everything about me comes from reading and writing. Before I found it very boring and almost useless. But once I step foot into high school and college it made me change my opinion. To see how important it is for my classes and my future.

Q4: What were my favorite and the least favorite assignment were Units 2 & 3. Moreover, what was my least favorite assignment was the Educational Narrative. To elaborate on what I mean why Units 2 and 3 were my favorite since it was something new that I haven’t learned from middle school and high school. Why I hated Unit 1 was because I did something similar to it back in high school. I prefer to learn something that I haven’t learned in high school since it’s fun and interesting at the same time. Because learning the same thing can get very boring and very tiring. To be able to pick up new techniques and to go in-depth on the techniques we learn back in high school is very eye-opening. Before coming to this class, it made me realize why annotating is important and why prereading my work before submitting it can truly help save time and make your overall structure and foundation very stable. I’ll explain why I enjoyed Units 2 and 3 because I was able to do something I was dying to do. To pick something I was passionate about, not something that a teacher or professor gives you knowing it will be boring and tiring. And because of that, the students can effort their writing and you can truly see when you are reading.

Q5: Some notable lessons that I have stuck with me after completing certain assignments were Mike Bunn, the Maker’s Eye,  &Baldwin. I prefer these lesson since it explains how we can become readers, writers, and scholars.