Q3 In the beginning of the semester we was just getting the feel of writing, We began starting off by annotating a lot and thinking deeply into scenearios to become better writers. To then coming to the end of the semester to  revise work, brainstorm previous work and wrapping up the final reflection for the semester.

Q4 My least favorite assignment was the unit 2 RBA because over the days doing that assignment I was very overwhelmed having to get the minimum of about 2,000 words and the correct lay out professor wanted.

Q7 Breaking down the task for my  readers, Making the elements of the task clear. Gathering enough information helped me analyze all outcomes.

Q8 My few worries were what reader I wanted to read my work and that somewhat had me stuck trying to figure out which type of genre will I be writing.

Q9 I haven’t revised an assignment yet I am currently working on it, but last week we  sort of went back to revised an assignment we did in the beginning of the semester called “time capsule” in class to see what changed? what we achieved? and what we learned, so i fairly got the feel of revision and with the addition of me currently working on on.