In my research about Journalism on why they continue to do their job knowing that they could be killed? I have found that there have been many murders and being a Journalist is extreamly hard and you must move with caution 24/7 if you do contuine that path. What surprised me tremendously is that our president didnt stand up or defend Jamal Kashoggi when he was murdered. Instead he supported the cover up of the “accidental” death because he had an alliance with that country and it would have messed up his business if he didn’t seek justice for Jamal.  Mr. Trump refused to listen to the audio of Jamals murders it really surpised me because you would of thought if you were the precedent the people would matter more than the money since we are the ones with the money. But no it’s actually a very bitter world where the world revolves around money, fame and power. My question definitely deepened a bit I found my self finding more and more articles on the injustice of murders and learning that power is everything in this evil world without it you are nothing.

   My question was asking why are these people still working as Journalists knowing the dangers but after reading the articles I even asked myself the question why shouldn’t these people continue their job they most definitely have my approval to keep reporting despite the dangers because I would. I say this because as a Journalist their basic right is being stripped away completely it’s being ignored as if it wasn’t even there. Our First Amendment is very crucial and look what happened to these reporters some of them are dead some, are being harassed or even arrested for what if it’s our basic right to say what we please whenever wherever. What I learned from these articles is very important because more awareness needs to come to these topics. We can’t stay shut if something doesn’t happen this will become a cycle of events and more innocent lives will be taken. I think the younger youth should get to know this topic because we are the next generation we are the next big thing and we are in a time where social media is used to find old family members or solve murder cases etc. Younger youth can most definitely bring awareness and most importantly change for everyone. With the help of social media and technology nowadays I think anything is possible.