Although we may have not been aware of it, we all have been involved with discourse communities in one way or another. Be it a club one was in, a forum or subreddit we posted to, or even being within a group of friends who liked one thing intensely, to one extent or another, we were in a discourse community.
Now, I would like you to reflect upon your portrait of a word assignment. In this post, please express how possibly you were a person in a specific discourse community and define it.
Possibly, stating these items will help to shape your community within your post: 1) was there a particular language used or way of stating things 2) Were there individuals that would not be considered as part of that group possibly, but only because of small differences that would allow them their own group 3) are you still a member of this group, has the group changed over time, or how would the group have to change to keep its members. 4) What genre was associated with this group.
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