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Discourse Communities Outline

Remember, you will need two outlines- one for each mini-paper.

Outlines should look similar to this. You would not put a question, but the community at the top of each of your outlines. You would also want to state your shared topic before each of them too.


  1. Christopher Dominguez

    The Covid Vaccination community . People around the world found themselves in tough spot: deciding whether or not to get the Covid vaccine. Many people got the vaccine believing that the positive of getting the vaccine outweighs the negative. But some thought the vaccine wasn’t safe and opted not to get the vaccine.

  2. chandlerwu

    my communities are the Genshin community and how many in this community is pay to win and very few is free to pay. some times free to pay give in to the pressure to pull and pull on characters and so more. so, they spend money on the game and become paid to win. most of the pay to win size of the community stem from this.

  3. Hussain

    The discourse community I would like to talk write about is the independent community. This community Is the community that does not follow the flock which makes them more intelligent and interesting. People who does not care about global events such as Elections and World Cub. They don’t have interests in such a thing not because they don’t have opinion, but they view things differently.


    Arranged marriage, is a practice deeply rooted in many African cultures, which remains as a significant aspect of societal structure. This paper is going to explore the causes and effects of arranged marriages in Africa, shedding light on its intricate dynamics. In Africa, arranged marriages are often seen as a way to maintain family honor, ensure social stability, and strengthen ties between families or communities. However, they can also have significant effects on individuals involved, impacting their personal happiness, and even mental health. This can have causes and effects and I going to developp more in the following paragraphs


      What cause arranged marriage in Africa ?


      ·        Understanding cultural practices and human rights is important

      ·        Introduction to arranged marriage in Africa

         Causes of Arranged Marriage in Africa

      ·      Cultural traditions

      ·      Social dynamics

      ·      Economic reasons

      ·        Keeping cultural identity

      ·        Age of Marriage in Africa

      ·        Getting married early

      ·      Differences between genders

       Positive Effects of Arranged Marriage

      ·      Brings stability in society

      ·      Helps to preserve culture

      ·      Provides financial security

       Negative Effects of Arranged Marriage

      ·      Limited freedom

      ·      Gender disparities

      ·      Risks associated with early marriage


      ·        Summarizing arranged marriage in Africa

      ·        Recognizing challenges and complexities

      . Arranged marriage in Afruca is not really a good idea


    When I was 8 years old, my dad signed up my brother and me for wrestling training in Uzbekistan. Wrestling is tough, needing hard work and discipline. At first, I got upset because my dad told my coach to push me hard. But after a year with my coach’s help, I got much better. I improved at things I used to struggle with, like tricky moves and exercises. In just a year, I started entering wrestling tournaments, and I did really well in my first one. I became a champion in my first tournament, thanks to my coach, who was an Olympian four times. This taught me how important it is to have a coach or mentor to succeed.

  6. Anthony Eid

    Folks are still not posting the outline format we spoke about in class.



    It should look something like this and you need two of them (one for each community).

    Subject: Children are an interference in the lives of men and women. Do you agree or disagree?


    • agree
    • children are costly
    • children can destroy parents’ relationship
    • you are stuck with them

    Costs of children

    • clothes, food, necessities
    • education
    • support—possibly forever

    Destruction of relationship

    • take away time that parents would spend together
    • possible disagreements about how to raise the child
    • example #1

    Stuck with them

    • if you don’t like them, you can’t ignore them
    • you always feel responsible for them
    • example #2


    • kids are a bad idea
  7. Melissa Creese

    Should pet owners have a dog or a cat?


    • cat
    • cats give you comfort
    • reduce stress


    benefits of cats

    • strong bond
    • independence
    • kill pests


    • helps you exercise
    • keeps you social

    owner’s mental health

    • stress & anxiety
    • depression
    • loneliness


    • owners should have a cat
  8. Naomi Quizhpi

    is it safe to take the covid vaccine?


    • yes its safe
    • it helps the keep society safe
    • there have been no evidence of side affects of covid vaccines
    • helps you become immune to dangerous viruses

    Scientific research

    • shown to prevent the spread of new and old viruses
    • the death rates began to drop as people began to take vaccination
    • helps prevent from people going to the hospital due to covid

    social media

    • Social media and news you see on media can be fake or fabricated
    • Influencers can spread false information
    • Social media is something that shouldn’t be trust when trying to find information about the covid vaccine
    • example #1


    • vaccines are good
  9. Amina Umaralieva

    Why do some people not take primary eye care seriously ?


    • Individuals hold common misconceptions regarding primary eye care 
    • Misinformation / Majority of people believe eye exams are only necessary if they have noticeable vision problems  
    • Eye care is only about glasses or contact lenses / Lack of awareness 
    • Eye health is not connected to overall health

    Misinformation / Majority of people believe eye exams are only necessary if they have noticeable vision problems  

    • Many individuals may not fully understand the importance of regular eye care
    • There is a common misconception that good vision equates to good eye health
    • Many individuals prioritize addressing immediate health concerns over preventive care

    Eye care is only about glasses or contact lenses / Lack of awareness

    • Majority of patients do not take eye exams seriously and assume they all about reading charts only
    • Eye exams are essential for detecting and managing various eye diseases and conditions, many people do not even know about the existence of glaucoma, macular degeneration and etc. 
    • Optometrists focus on preventative care to help maintain optimal eye health and prevent future vision problems.

    Eye health is not connected to overall health

    • Optometrists may identify signs of systemic health conditions during eye exams, such as diabetes
    • Neurological Health ( some people do not realize that eyes are very sensitive and connected to the brain, and that eye exams play a crucial role in identifying and  managing neurological conditions ) 
    • Certain eye diseases or risk factors for eye diseases may be associated with lifestyle factors or habits that can affect your overall health. ( example 1 : smoking can increase the risk of developing conditions such as cataracts)


    People assume eye exams are not necessary because of the lack of awareness 

  10. Isaaclou

    Should you be more exposed to different ethnic groups?


    • Yes you should
    • You become more exposed to different cultures and customs
    • You broaden you knowledge on things you never thought about
    • You can gain interest in different foods and cultures

    Scientific research

    • Shown to help academic studies
    • Shown to overall help friendships improve across other ethnic groups
    • Being open to new kinds of ethnic groups makes you open to new ideas and opinions

    Cons of being less exposed to different ethnic groups

    • You are more closed off mentally
    • Smaller perspective
    • More prone to stereotypes


    You should be more exposed to different ethnic groups.

  11. JaidenL56

    Subject: Should Minimum Wage Should Be Raised? Agree Or Disagree


    • Agree
    • What It Can Do For People 
    • Disadvantages Of It


    • Higher Salaries For The Poor
    • Better Chance to Get Out Of Poverty 
    • Boost People To Get Jobs


    • Limits People’s Job Hours
    • Prices Increase
    • People Going To Be Spending More Money


    • It Should Be Raised 
  12. John C

    Should dog vaccinations be free


    • what a dog brings when getting one
    • the benefits of getting your dog vaccinated
    • how expensive


    • the diseases that your dog could gain
    • the health benefits the vaccinations give to your dog if given
    • evidence to support


    • everything that comes with getting a dog
    • the first vaccinations and any possible health problems
    • amount of money it becomes through the years


    • vaccinations for dog should not cost money
  13. Noelia

    Subject: Should Health Insurance Be Free?


    • agree
    • Health insurance is expensive
    • Helps people who cant afford it


    • Helps people who can’t afford it
    • People can save money
    • Everyone is going to be able to access it


    • Its going to cause people to take longer to get access
    • Taxes might get higher
    • The government might limit people


    • Free Health Insurance
  14. Shake

    Subject- Is consuming meat good or bad?


    • Benefits of eating meat
    • Types of meat
    • Ending asking question is it good or bad

    Vegetarian POV

    • Healthier Diet
    • Religion
    • Physical and Mental Health

    Nutritionist Data

    • Types of meat
    • Diseases
    • Affects on health


    • Can be good but if seen in a religious way, can be voided.

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