Author Archives: Kendrick Elder

Project 1

154736_166599323377806_197393_nHello My name is Kendrick Elder and Im a full time City Tech Student. Currently I have a graphic arts/communication major as it could help me reach a specific career Im looking forward to getting in the future. My primary goal is to be able to land a job in the gaming industry as its one of the 2 fastest growing entertainment industries. Also video games is something I am always into and that doesn’t appear to have ever changed.

I was given an objective to make a Job Portfolio as a means to practice my ability to help stand out in the career search. It has my 2 resumes, Research Report, Job Ad, and even an application letter that is required. All these ensure Im not just a simple applicant but also a person who stands out from the rest. (Assignment in Microsoft Office File)



Kendrick Elder Job Portfolio