Author Archives: Jason W. Ellis

Reading: Writing That Works, Ch 14, Presentations and Meetings

During the first ten minutes of class, write a summary memo of your reading of Writing That Works Chapter 14 as a comment added to this blog post. Write your summary in Microsoft Word, Google Drive, WordPad, etc., and then, copy-and-paste your writing into the comment box and leave your comment. To verify that your work has posted, you should navigate to the Dashboard > Comments.

The normal format for a memo should be as follows:






<Your content>

Reading: “Communicating Effectively for Dummies”

Take 10 minutes at the beginning of class to write a summary memo of the online reading, “Communicating Effectively for Dummies.” What points stood out in your mind? Have you experienced some of these strategies yourself either as the communicator or the audience?

To write your summary memo, I would recommend that you write it in Microsoft Word first. Save your work to your flash drive or in the cloud (if you do this, save your file locally and then email a copy to yourself or upload it to your cloud service provider before leaving class–the computers in this classroom are regularly wiped of student work).

The beginning of your memo should look like this:

TO: Professor Ellis

FROM: <Your first and last name>

DATE: <Today’s date>

SUBJECT: <Your informative subject line for this summary–how about “Summary of xxx”>

<Your summary follows below>

After you type up your summary in Microsoft Word or another text editor on your computer, copy and past your memo into the comment box at the bottom of this page. Post your comment. To confirm that your comment posted, go to the Dashboard > Comments.