Project 1, Mock Interview Planning

During class today, you will form into teams of 4 members each (a team of 3 members is permitted depending on the number of students in class today) to plan your mock interviews, which will take place during Monday’s class.

Each member will login to Google Drive. One team member will create a new Document. Then, that team member will click Share and add the Gmail account email addresses for the other team members. After it is shared, the other team members will open the document on their computer so that all team members are looking at the document together.

Begin typing in the document and form it as a memorandum: Title it Memo, add to (Professor Ellis), from (each team member should type his or her name), date (today), and subject (Mock Interview Questions and Rationalization).

Write a brief introduction describing this document (I will talk about this during class).

Talking together and writing together at the same time, find six questions from reading the Job Application chapter and the 100 Interview Questions list. Copy-and-paste your questions into a numbered list and give a 2-3 sentence rationalization for each question that looks at both sides of the interview: Explain what that question reveals to the interviewer and why that question might be important to rehearse for the interviewee.

When you are done, each team member should copy-and-paste the memo into a comment on this blog post. Review these questions in preparation for Monday’s mock interviews. These are the questions that you, as a team, will be using. Each team will likely pick slightly different questions and that’s okay.

On Monday, come dressed in business casual for your mock interviews. Part of the interview simulation involves not only how you respond to the questions but how you dress for the part. Interviews are part knowledge, personality, and performance.