Weekly Writing Assignment, Week 2

This week’s writing assignment will help you develop the scaffolding for your 500-word summary project by creating a reverse outline of the article that you find in your research on a topic related to your field of study and eventual career field. This is due by our next week of lecture on Wednesday, Sept. 22.

Watch this week’s lecture and make notes before proceeding!

For this Weekly Writing Assignment, do the following (detailed in this week’s lecture):

  • Find an article in the library’s databases on an appropriate topic and of sufficient length (Remember: go to library.citytech.cuny.edu > Find Articles > click on “A” for Academic Search Complete and Academic OneFile or click on “I” for IEEE Explore)
  • Create a new document in your word process of choice (Google Docs, Microsoft Word, Apple Pages, LibreOffice, etc.).
  • Write a memo addressed to Prof. Ellis with the subject “Reverse Outline.”
  • Under the memo header, type “1.” followed by one sentence in your own words summarizing the first paragraph of the article that you chose. Then, type “2.” on the next line followed by one sentence in your own words summarizing the second paragraph. Write an enumerated sentence for each paragraph until you reach the end of your selected article. Do not make the mistake of using the author’s words in your one sentence summary–put away the article when you write each summary sentence so that you express the main idea of each paragraph using only your own words.
  • Conclude with a section titled “Reference” followed by an IEEE formatted reference entry for the article. See my example in the lecture, and use this, this, and this for additional help.
  • Copy-and-paste your memo into a comment made to this Weekly Writing Assignment post.

Also, you have some homework to accomplish before Wednesday, Sept. 22.

First, “reply-all” to the “Team Assignment” email that I will send you during the next two weeks. Follow the directions contained in the email to meet your fellow teammates and to show Prof. Ellis that you are actively taking part in establishing rapport with your teammates.

Second, take your reverse outline that you prepared for this week’s Weekly Writing Assignment and paste it into a new document on your computer or in the cloud. Remove the numbers before each summary sentence. Consolidate the sentences into paragraphs or one large paragraph. Read the sentences and edit as needed to create flow from one sentence to the next. Then, add a memo header as shown below (edit the subject according to my directions in the lecture or as you see below–meaning the main topic of your selected article), add an introductory sentence explaining what the document is (see the example first sentence below), and add a significant quote from your selected article with an in-text citation in IEEE Style as shown in the first paragraph below. This will yield a rough draft of your 500-word summary for the first project, which we will conduct peer review on during the week beginning on Sept. 22. Save this document until Sept. 22. We will use it for that week’s Weekly Writing Assignment

TO:       Prof. Ellis
FROM:     Your Name
DATE:     Oct. 6, 2021
SUBJECT:  500-Word Summary of Article About Virtual Reality

The following is a 500-word summary of a peer-reviewed article about tracking human bodies in virtual reality. The authors discuss the body tracking software that they developed called Pfinder by showing how the software was developed, tested, and improved. According to Wren et al., “To  address  this  need  we  have  developed  a  real-time  system called   Pfinder   (“person   finder”)   that   substantially   solves   the problem  for  arbitrarily  complex  but  single-person,  fixed-camera situations” [1, p. 780]. 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin iaculis pharetra diam, eget condimentum nulla aliquam at. Duis interdum commodo est nec faucibus. Pellentesque porttitor ipsum in urna tempor rhoncus. Donec at nisl sagittis, tincidunt arcu sed, porta ex. Aliquam vehicula eget nisl quis egestas. Phasellus condimentum, dui nec blandit pretium, mauris est venenatis sapien, sed dictum dolor felis non eros. Morbi in sodales ex.

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Proin eu pellentesque quam. Sed nec risus vulputate, suscipit nibh ac, gravida orci. Nam eu ultricies magna. Nunc rhoncus eget ex ut sagittis. Praesent sed sollicitudin justo. Praesent convallis porttitor dui ac efficitur. Duis efficitur purus in condimentum mollis. Cras vel nisi sed arcu lacinia fringilla. Donec ultricies venenatis metus, at placerat.
Ut aliquam sem eget diam vulputate, in ultrices neque iaculis. Integer urna est, suscipit quis nulla vel, posuere molestie lorem. Nunc porttitor luctus odio, quis porttitor est. Maecenas ultricies nisi a nisi consequat consectetur pellentesque eget ipsum. Nulla congue ipsum at ante molestie, sit amet aliquam ex tempus. Curabitur tristique, felis vel volutpat commodo, risus justo convallis elit, ut pellentesque augue purus eget leo. Vivamus et hendrerit enim, eu placerat nunc. Curabitur purus augue, dictum a imperdiet tincidunt, dictum ornare erat. Pellentesque ac justo accumsan, sodales ligula ultricies, lobortis tellus. Fusce velit mi, gravida non ante non, sollicitudin finibus odio. Phasellus fermentum ante felis, sed varius enim vehicula sed.

Praesent ultricies sem at mi varius fermentum. In tempus eleifend est nec ultrices. Aenean nisi metus, suscipit quis massa nec, viverra tempor dui. Donec vel ultrices urna, ac fermentum elit. Donec a maximus sapien. Donec nibh magna, eleifend at laoreet sit amet, sagittis eu ex. Praesent efficitur, nisl vitae maximus ullamcorper, lorem nulla malesuada nibh, id aliquet nisl est sit amet turpis. Aliquam a tellus vel lacus tempor blandit sed non nulla. Mauris ut erat ligula. Ut nec dignissim mi. Sed suscipit mi in dui fringilla placerat. Duis sed sem consequat, sagittis ex eget, egestas tortor. Vestibulum vitae magna ipsum. 

Cras ligula tortor, consequat vel urna vel, dignissim finibus lectus. Donec accumsan nibh lectus, vitae molestie ex dapibus vitae. Mauris eu fermentum sapien. Vestibulum laoreet consectetur diam ut volutpat. Morbi rhoncus aliquam posuere. Cras consectetur, odio at feugiat euismod, augue diam rhoncus ligula, at sollicitudin nunc turpis vitae diam. Proin ut tortor velit.


[1]     C. R. Wren, A. Azarbayejani, T. Darrell, and A. P. Pentland, (1997). “Pfinder: Real-time tracking of the human body,” IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 19, no. 7, pp. 780-785, July 1997, doi: 10.1109/34.598236.

18 thoughts on “Weekly Writing Assignment, Week 2”

  1. To: Prof.Ellis
    From: Muztahid Sakif
    Date: Sep. 1, 2021
    Subject: Reverse Outline

    2020 was the year of pandemic that led to a “New Normal” by forcing many to work and learn from home. Cyber attackers are capitalizing off of the pandemic by launching their cyber attacks across the continents, especially in developing countries.

    Some common cyber threats are ransomware and phishing. Expertings like Kiraly mentioned how Information Communication Technology (ICT) helped reduce stress but also caused additon to gambiling and pornography which led users to malacious websites, causing more attcks.

    Pandemic has increased mobile applications which increased cyber attacks. Both the government and non government organizations are finding themselves losing organization data and being victims of personal data theft. With increased use of online platforms to buy airline tickets, order food and pay bills, criminals are targeting the platforms to steal personal credentials.

    Healthcare and medical sectors are under attack. The National Cyber Security Centre and Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency both confirmed that hackers are trying to gain personal data by sending phishing emails. Telemedicine became a popular treatment method by 4330% on average, causing numerous ransomware attacks.
    Financial Sectors have faced cyber attacks.

    Educational Sectors also faced cyber attacks with students from all levels now depending on e-learning.

    DDos attack is an attack that makes certain online services unavailable for the users by increasing the number of traffic.
    Phishing attacks are where hackers try to attack individuals by sending emails with links to web pages that retrieve personal data. Phishing can also be done over the phone but it was only 1% of the attacks with malicious websites being 3$ and email phishing being 96% of the attacks.

    Malware attacks is an attack where criminal spread malware in the devices of their target by creating a ‘backdoor’ where they take all personal credentials/password

    To prevent DDos Attacks, organizations can keep firewalls on.They can also use Ingress/Egress which helps by “filtering to detect source IP address range to control the overflow.”

    To prevent phishing attacks can be prevented by having adequate knowledge of phishing emails, not clicking phishing links and by not providing credentials to unsecured websites.

    To prevent malware, firmware should be updated and the firewall should remain switched on.

    To prevent hacking, username/password should not be shared, passwords should be strong so that it can be guessed easily and account details shouldn’t be shared.

    A chart included in the article shows that post people are not familiar with the terminologies associated with cyber attacks.

    [1] J. Ahmed and Q. Tushar, “Covid-19 Pandemic: A New Era Of Cyber Security Threat And Holistic Approach To Overcome,” 2020 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer Science and Data Engineering (CSDE), 2020, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/CSDE50874.2020.9411533.

  2. To: Prof. Ellis
    From: Gani Graceni
    Date: 9/13/2021
    Subject: 500 – Words summary of How the Escalator changed forever our sense of space.

    This is a 500-word or close to 500-word summary of an article that describes the invention of the escalator, the evolution from the first revision and the impact it had in the world of mass transportation and shopping industry. Before the escalator was invented the only way of transporting people or material was done via steps or elevator which are both very limited in many different aspects. It is clear that the pre-escalator era was calling for something innovative. According to the Author of this article with the invention of the escalator “Neither the sky nor the ground would be the limit” [1, p. 1].
    The article explains that the moving staircase was a 19th century invention and came out at the time “aspirin”, came out and evolved to what we call an escalator these days. The author gives credit to the inventor “Charles Seeberger who came up with the moving stair case version and explains that this system would forever change the way people move, the way of people shop, the way how buildings are constructed.
    The article gives a lot of credit to the next revision of the “improvement stairs”, by patent issued engineer Nathan Ames. Unfortunately his version did not get as much attention and never made it as a product. At the same time population grew in the metropolitan areas, building and shopping malls needed way of transporting in mass so other versions of the moving stairs were being developed. Finally another engineer whose name was Jesse Reno came up with a much more improved version and made use of the linear belt using an electric motor he came as close as you can get to a modern day escalator.
    According to the article this type of system was granted a patent in 1892 as an “Inclined Elevator”. There was a show that took place in Coney Island and one of these systems was installed at high scale infrastructures such as the Brooklyn Bridge. Very soon another inventor as per the article came up with a much improved escalator which is very similar to what we have now days in terrain. The inventors name was Geroge Wheeler whose patent was bought by Charles Seeberger who was signed by the Elevator giant “Otis Elevator” and from then escalators became part of our life

  3. TO: Prof. Ellis
    FROM: Jared Williams
    DATE: Oct. 6, 2021
    SUBJECT: 500-Word Summary of an article about smart home technology using IoT.
    The following is a 500-word summary about the performance of smart home technology using the Internet of Things (IoT).
    1. Energy consumption around the world is setting new highs due to the increasing scope of technology.
    2. As energy consumption grows at a rapid rate, companies are looking for ways to lower it.
    3. Home automation can reduce energy consumption and save users money.
    4. Home automation and smart home technology should be simple and accessible.
    5. A direct command from the user is called user input.
    6. User Input from one device to the microcontroller of a smart home device is called an IOT Based Server.
    7. When the command is received and interpreted into an action, this is called command to microcontroller.
    8. Agarwal et al. state “We design a home automation system using the concepts of internet of things (IOT) enabling us automate basic home functionalities like switching on/off Equipment lights, cooling systems, refrigerators and other home appliances that are operational in homes. [1]”
    9. The authors summarize different home automation connection methods other than the one used in their project.
    10. The authors propose a Bluetooth based automation system and a GSM based automation system through the use of a cell phone.
    11. The many ways a GSM based automation system can be used is briefly touched on.
    12. The authors want to remotely control their appliance through the use of a LAN and Wi-Fi connection.
    13. An html page was created in order to control their appliance for the test.
    14. The control board initializes and checks to see if it can connect to a hotspot and then connects to wi-fi to read data from the page, if a specific value is there, a command is sent to the appliance to carry out an action.
    15. The authors use a device which – depending on their input – transmits infrared light to a light-sensitive diode that closes the circuit to a lightbulb.
    16. The authors are using an Arduino device outfitted with Wi-fi capabilities and Bluetooth for their test.
    17. The steps to achieve the desired outcome are restated.
    18. The range of Bluetooth is very limited, which makes Wi-Fi based home automation more appealing as you would be able to control appliances from anywhere you can connect to the internet.
    19. A Wi-Fi module would’ve allowed for control over the internet, but the system worked very well with local communication.
    20. You should make sure all security and privacy precautions are taken when implementing smart home automation.

    [1] K. Agarwal, A. Agarwal and G. Misra, “Review and Performance Analysis on Wireless Smart Home and Home Automation using IoT,” 2019 Third International conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC), 2019, pp. 629-633, doi: 10.1109/I-SMAC47947.2019.9032629.

  4. To: Prof . Ellis
    From: Gani Graceni
    Date: Sep. 21, 2021
    Subject: Reverse Outline

    This is an outline about a very interesting topic which is about a very well-known electro-mechanical device such as an escalator. The author’s focuses on describing the importance of the voltage dip immunity test and measurements and voltage tolerance curves of the escalator. This is directly part of the safeties, and also part of many rules and regulation of the escalator code. Voltage dip or line voltage drop could cause the escalators to come to an abrupt stop and may cause severe hurt or could be even fatal for passengers on the steps at the time of the occurring problem. Being that this voltage dip can be measured and analyzed, it gives a foundation on how to monitor and improve existing units or future design. This article describes what voltage dips are, what they can cause and how to properly measure these voltage dips to prevent accidents and shutdowns.
    The first part gives the reader a little bit of introduction on what is a voltage dip and makes it clear that this is nothing but line voltage sag for a short period of time. Now many readers might wonder how this affects the passenger traveling on the steps of the escalator. “There are several end-user devices sensitive to voltage dips, such as contactors, adjust speed drives (ASDs), programmable logic controllers ( PLSs), dc supplies” [1, p.1]. The authors clearly states that a line sag even though it happens for a short period of time in the range of milliseconds or even microseconds it is crucial for the escalator system and its main components.
    Since the escalator is a control system the line has to be solid going into the escalator controller which is the brain of the escalator reading inputs from the switches and turning on outputs that acknowledge the contactors that feed the adjust speed drive and basically tell it when to run and when to stop. If the line is not at a certain range of voltage needed to go in there is a good chance that one or all the components will fail and the escalator might stop abruptly causing an accident.
    The article gives a brief manual on how to go ahead and perform a voltage dip immunity test in the field. This procedure is clearly made using test measurement equipment and graphing methods that need to be used to capture data when the escalator is moving both directions up or down. The authors break down the voltage dip types and how their shape would appear on a voltage versus time graph. It is also considered while measuring, the load of an escalator during the test. There are sever trials done and field measurements are key to determine when the voltage dip happens and the operation conditions at the moment of measurements.
    The last sections gives images and graph details that support when the voltage dip immunity is at its lowest or at its strongest. Personally as student of these control system I believe that this article is very helpful for both improvement on existing jobs but also very important on design as it gives the impression on adding more and more line monitoring devices and building with components less and less sensitive to voltage dips.
    Qing Zhong, Senior Member, IEEE, Neng Xiong, Linxue Lin, Gang Wang and Zhong Xu
    M. H. J. Bollen, Understanding power quality problems: voltage sags and interruptions, New York:IEEE Press, 2000.
    Voltage Dip Immunity of Equipment and Installations-CIGRE/CIRED/UIE Joint Working Group C4.110, Apr. 2010.
    Qing Zhong, Senior Member, IEEE, Neng Xiong, Linxue Lin, Gang Wang and Zhong XuQing Zhong, Senior Member, IEEE, Neng Xiong, Linxue Lin, Gang Wang and Zhong Xu

  5. To: Prof. Ellis
    From: Michael Vanunu
    Date: Sept. 21, 2021
    Subject: 500-Word Summary of Computer Science Education

    Computer science and technology have been developing well over time and this has caused multiple computer courses. These courses can lead to problems which a fresh learning student won’t be able to obtain reasonably. This will lead to problems with out being assisted by others who are more informed on the matter.

    More systems were developed to solve the problem. People like Chanyan Nuntwawong, Karim Hadjar, Antonio Maffei, and others have tried to fix the problem by presenting their ideas throughout the years.

    The paper explains how a computer course can help fresh learners to explore reasonable and appropriate curriculums.

    The design of OSCCA (this stands for computer course architectural ontology system) have five basic steps that are needed. “Including data collection, data preprocessing, construction Ontology, establishing reasonable rules and implementing the system” [1, Sect. II]. For the first part, knowledge and unit’s points are being collected from the data that includes courses and universities as well as the likes of those places and locations to provide the best data possible. The next step, the second step, is a very crucial one. The raw data is going to be processed into NLP, which stands for, Natural language processing. This is going to be a very rough processes that uses Apriori algorithm and things alike. The third step will include the interrelationships of the data collected that will be applied to an ontology. The fourth step defines the four reasoning rules that are important to the whole thing. The fifth and final step is to build a website using java that can provide great and available services for people who are new to learning computer science.

    Datasets for the course are being collected through internet information as well as college curriculums. A Python spider package (Scrapy is the name) is used to fetch information for the course. “The course datasets consist of courses, units and knowledge points” [2, Sect. III]. These are the points that “Scrapy” fetches to make the best possible outcome for freshers trying to learn.

    The analysis and the terms of relationships are analyzed by how each item will be defined. NLP is used to detect and extract the best and contributed items. The Apriori algorithm is used in here again. Apriori algorithm will be solving the frequent items as well as the set problems to assist databases.

    The computer courses are increasing at a rapid pace. The courses provided by many courses are independent. For the newer learners of the computer science field might be confused by a lot of unneeded and unnecessary information. The solution to the problem is the course for OSCCA (a course ontology stem for computer science education is developed).

    Y. Wang, Z. Wang, X. Hu, T. Bai, S. Yang and L. Huang, “A Courses Ontology System for Computer Science Education,” 2019 IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Educational Informatization (CSEI), 2019, pp. 251-254, doi: 10.1109/CSEI47661.2019.8938930.

  6. TO: Prof. Ellis
    FROM: Edwin Baez
    DATE: September 21st, 2021
    SUBJECT: 500-Word Summary Of Article About Unikernel Security

    The following 500-word summary of an Article about Unikernel Security. The author discusses the risks and benefits of running applications on Unikernel environments. By showing many diagrams and going in depth on what each type of kernel does and allows, we can differentiate which kernels are right for us.

    Modern day applications require cloud services to run in a Kerneled environment, making it vulnerable to attacks. With Unikernel environments, attacks are less likely due to the lightweight memory footprint and self-contained environment.
    Virtualisation is the process of mirroring or emulating a system using the resources of a host machine. It can be used to re-create networks or emulate a whole new machine, thus making it more secure to use. Virtual Machines cannot communicate with each other, so if one is ever infiltrated then no harm will be caused to the actual host machine. In other words, you can use your computer to run a virtual computer and whatever happens to that virtual computer will have no effect on your actual computer/hardware.
    There are various types of Virtualisation. The first is Full-Virtualisation, which alises the hardware the guest machine runs on. The main appeal is its ability to mirror hardware, making it more reliable, provides more consistent performance and is able to isolate incase of a malicious attack. If a cyber-attack were to happen, the attacker cannot attack the host but can eventually see that It is attacking a virtual machine. The second type of virtualisation is OS-Virtualisation. OSV is ran on a single kernel but it runs many operating systems at once. It’s basically many containers and each holding its own operating system. These containers don’t have access to the hardware of the physical machine so it is limited to the OS of the host. With that said, If the machine was ever to get attacked, all containers will be compromised.
    There are two types of unikernels whose security profiles differ. Clean Slate Unikernels are not emulators. They are written in a single programming language whether it’s C++, HalVM, or Javascript. They also allow language specific virtual machines to function, for example Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Legacy Unikernels, on the other hand, implement a subset to ensure unmodified software can run while only requiring minor configurations. According to J. Talbot et al, “They don’t support timesharing (the ability to simultaneously run multiple independent programs), instead, they delegate this role to the virtualisation layer” [1, p.2].
    Isolation is the main goal of most, if not all, security enthusiasts. Software running on a Unikernel is more isolated than software running in a container. This is due to the fact that unikernels are singular and have a reduced attack surface.


    [1] J. Talbot et al., “A Security Perspective on Unikernels,” 2020 International Conference on Cyber Security and Protection of Digital Services (Cyber Security), 2020, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/CyberSecurity49315.2020.9138883.

  7. To: Prof Ellis
    From: Anthony Cuomo
    Date: Sept. 21, 2021
    Subject: Reverse Outline

    1. Cyber-attacks are becoming more frequent and sophisticated due to human error, which are not being accounted for properly by current cyber security protocols.
    2. There are three main types of protection tools that are being used in the fight against cyber crimes such as, blacklisting, heuristics and a hybrid of the two techniques.
    3. Cyber protection tools are not fool proof, and users need to learn how to identify a potential attack and how to identify what measures to take to prevent said attack by learning cyber-attack taxonomy and classifications.
    4. This paragraph argues what the paper is trying to contribute to the advancement of helping users identify and assess potential cyber security threats online.
    5. This paragraph explains the overview of what the rest of the article will be talking about such as, different types of cyber-attacks, existing protocols and the authors recommendations for cyber security researchers to develop a smart tool.
    6. Cyber-attacks are a type of attack that targets the users’ vulnerabilities, these attacks including phishing, drive-by downloads and social engineering.
    7. There are technical and non-technical tools that are being used to help fight against cybercrimes.
    8. One of the non-technical tools being implemented is the legislative tool which passes laws against illegal cyber activities.
    9. Another non-technical tool that is being used is training and education tools, one of the tools being used is the Cybersecurity Nexus by ISACA.
    10. Anti-virus software is the most common approach in dealing with cyber security threats, but as the threats get more sophisticated, it could take upwards of hundreds of days before the software can provide adequate protection from a new attack.
    11. There are tools that warn the users of the potential risk of a cyber-attack, but a lot of users ignore those warnings because of a lack of education and training.
    12. There are web browser filters that utilize the blacklisting technique which compares the requested web page with a database of currently known fake web pages, but this method comes with a drawback of having to constantly update and maintain an increasingly large amount of fake web pages.
    13. Google’s safe browsing system has a flaw that allows for potential privacy threats because the cookies that are being stored can be used to track the user.
    14. Google’s safe browsing has another weakness in that it will not block any phishing websites if the synchronization step when using multiple devices is skipped.
    15. Mozilla Thunderbird and Internet Explorer use a protection tool called CANTINA which uses the heuristic technique, the drawback to this is the protection will sometimes block legitimate sites and label them fraudulent.
    16. Spam mail is still prevalent because of a design weakness that filters mail after it has been received which impacts internet bandwidth and storage space for mail servers.
    17. Fuzzy data mining technique is heuristic based and tries to determine the legitimacy of websites through associating the pages URL and domain identity.
    18. The Neuro-Fuzzy model attempts to decide a webpage legitimacy by going through a list of five inputs that would make it possible to determine the legitimacy in real time.
    19. There are three protections tools called Anti-phishing Phil, CyberCIEGE and BigAmbition, which the goal is to help educate users and increase awareness in potential cyber security risks.
    20. Smart Protection Tools would include artificial intelligence and machine-learning to be able to filter out illegitimate websites with much better accuracy.

    [1] A. M. Shabut, K. T. Lwin and M. A. Hossain, “Cyber attacks, countermeasures, and protection schemes — A state of the art survey,” 2016 10th International Conference on Software, Knowledge, Information Management & Applications (SKIMA), 2016, pp. 37-44, doi: 10.1109/SKIMA.2016.7916194.

  8. TO: Prof. Ellis
    FROM: Rosario Garcia
    DATE: September 21, 2021
    SUBJECT: 500-Word Summary about Managing Online Risks
    The following is a 500-word summary of Managing Online Risks
    explain about that their risks with cyber security in the technology during the covid-19 pandemic. How there many multiples cyberattack and hacking through apps or accounts happens that cause people in the technology to tried improving fix the problem. The cyberattacks impacts in learning remote, working remote overall the companies and businesses these cyberattacks can happen. Cybersecurity causes a lot of “software companies scrambling to meet internal demands, including efforts to exponentially expand networks in order to prevent them from collapsing under the tremendous increase in user demand.” Which if there more cyberattack then it requires for the software companies and sell technology for examples laptop and desktop constantly need to update the cyber sercurity of the device. In order that the device is secure and prevent cyber attacks from happen. The companies to keep up with the demand in order create secured environment for the digital environment for the people that working and studying remotely during the pandemic. That there was a guideline created that prevent the cyberattack from happen during the covid pandemic. “The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
    (CISA), the nation’s risk advisor, has issued new guidelines, “Risk Management for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19),” that includes suggested actions for infrastructure protection, supply chains, organizations, the workforce and consumers.” It was a serious concern to not only to the people also to the companies to continue with in force cybersecurity to prevent the cyberattack or hacking attack. It important for the digital world and technology is to improve where it need improvement which is better cybersecurity and created way that the people verification login. That laws prevent pass by Jan 1, 2020, that state protect people privacy and created security environment online. “Industry groups have taken note on the uptick in privacy legislation and are working to help shape the legislation before it is enacted. New York is considering whether companies should have a fiduciary duty to safeguard users’ data.” The article reflected that not only that we need to protect in the real world fromcovid-19 but also the digital world because of the cyberattack and the viruses that can be secretly in suspicious applications or websites in online world. “The use of COVID-19 themes by hackers as a way to lure unsuspecting users into a phishing scheme via email or to entice them to download malware.
    The current conditions are ripe for all sorts of cyberattacks and schemes, not to mention privacy violations.” That why that it important to have the latest updated and stay on top the security. “Cybersecurity
    secures electronic data and systems against malware, phishing, spear phishing and denial of service, prevent criminal attacks.” Cyber sercurity is a important tool for exploring the internet or learning remote through technology.
    Grossl, Vanessa. 2020. “MANAGING ONLINE RISKS: Privacy, Cybersecurity and Technology Are More Important than Ever in the Era of COVID-19.” Capitol Ideas, no. 2 (March): 34–36.

  9. TO: Prof.Ellis
    FROM: Olamide Yomi
    DATE: Sep 20, 2021
    SUBJECT: Reverse Outline.

    1: The introduction of computer science and technology helps provide students with the understanding of computer science major, which setting a stage for students to think about computer science courses more deeply.
    2: There are two types of computer and technology arrangement. One is the general understanding of soft and hardware and mastering the utilization of operating the system and office software, the other is also comparable to the methodology of computer science and technology trying to understand deeply its basic sequence.
    3: College basics teach computer from implementation limiting student perspective of the computer science. Unlike methodology of computer science and technology dive deeper into the cognition of nature of computer science and the main field and essential character of computer science.
    4: The researcher hopes to get a new perspective of the “methodology of the subject” and introduce core conception, essential question, typical teaching method, and knowledge system. They also trust that students would understand the higher perspective and learn it through the methodology of the subject and educate to face the future.
    5: Educationalist B. A Cyxomjnhcknn says “learning interests are the important part of learning activities” interest in computer course itself is what attracts students and scared them at first. The cultivation of the student’s interest is the top consideration for all teachers. It is necessary for teachers to lead students into learning it.
    6: Core technologies and core concepts will help students understand the strategies of learning computer science. Algorithms describe the process of solving a problem and taking limited procedures in solving it. Students would be to learn about algorithms both emotionally and rationally make a description in form.
    7: According to student’s questionnaires 88 percent wishes they can apply the skill to using the software after they finish their course. Teachers have the responsibility to constructing works so students can study themselves and their practical abilities through task-driven mode.
    8: the main content of the theoretical part is the introduction of computer hardware and software systems; the scientific problem has three discipline forms and the core concepts. Typical mathematical method and system and system science.
    9: Students thought of enlightened through the proportional variation-seeking algorithm, the mathematical method for problem-solving and this make them realized the leading character of mathematics in computing discipline and guideness of subject methodology. This improves their curiosity and their thirst for knowledge can be inspired.
    10: strong practical characteristics will be able to demonstrate to students when they get on a computer, they can watch and simultaneously operate.
    11: every teacher has a concept about the methodology of computer science and technology. The teaching plan so for students should make them understand deeply the computer science.
    12: Schools should adopt different means of teaching students different means to teaching content. The most important is to implement research-oriented teaching in the classroom.
    13: in conclusion, the methodology of computer science will help students get a wide view of computer science. This will give students more zest in every course they take.
    [1] Yuan BS. “Curriculum Teaching Practice on Methodology of Computer Science and Technology,” Journal of Education of Computer Science, June, pp. 583-584.
    [2] Huang RC. “Introduction to Computer Science,” China Railway Publishing houses, 2004, pp. 1-23
    [3] Dong RS. “Introduction to Computer Science —Thought and Method,” Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2007, pp. 53-86.
    [4] Dong RS, Gu TL. “Methodology of Computer Science and Technology,” Beijing: Post & Telecommunication Press, 2002, pp. 27-36.
    [5] Zhou QH. “On Technique Progresses and Blazing New Trails of Education for Program-Design’s “non-structured – structured – objectized, “Journal of Computer Science, November 2003,pp. 181-184.

  10. To: Prof. Ellis
    From: Victor Li
    Date: Sep 17, 2021
    Subject: 500-word summary on Case-Based Teaching Organization for Python Programming that Focuses on Skill Training
    Python is a high level programming language designed by Guido van Rossum. Python programming is the easiest programming to learn. A lot of beginner programmers start out learning Python because it is easy to use and the controls are simple. Python is mostly used for business, creating new websites, scientific computing, data processing, problem solving, photoshop, website operation and maintenance, language processing, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. It supports imperative programming, functional programming, and object-oriented programming.
    The problem for teaching Python programming is that Python has a lot of other softwares included in the application. This makes a lot of hard coding problems easier to solve by using other softwares that is included in Python. Another problem is that a lot of teachers and professors use other programming languages to code such as C++, Java, HTML, and SQL. Therefore, they will have to learn Python and adapt to coding in it before teaching it to others.
    There are many ways of teaching Python programming. One method is the Axis Flip method. Axis flip means to flip “first-knowledge-then-ability” to “first-ability-then-knowledge.” In Python programming teaching, this flip will be reflected in teaching arrangement and execution. Programmers will learn how to create the example by solving problems step by step by Python programming. The Axis Teaching Method improves the programmer’s ability to solve problems by Python quickly and learn how to adapt to Python more quickly.
    One way of teaching this method is to figure out how to create a Chinese board game first. There are 7 steps for this example. First, you must import the turtle module. Command is: Import turtle from turtle import*. The 2nd step is to include functions like forward(), left(), right(), circle(), write() and etc… 3rd step is to use loop structures to organize the program and make sure that it is correct. 4th step is to import variables. 5th step is to list the program out. The 6th step is to put in functions again. The last step is to type in the speed() function to speed up the drawing of the game board.
    In conclusion, mastering the Axis Teaching Method and Python Programming improves programmers’ ability to solve difficult coding problems faster. It also gains the knowledge of how to code in Python.
    Reference: Z. Guanghui, L. Yanjun, T. Yixiao, W. Zhaoxia and Z. Chengming, “Case-Based Teaching Organization for Python Programming that Focuses on Skill Training,” 2018 13th International Conference on Computer Science & Education (ICCSE), 2018, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ICCSE.2018.8468860.

  11. TO: Prof.Ellis
    FROM: Olamide Yomi
    DATE: Sep 20, 2021
    SUBJECT: 500 – Words summary of How the Escalator
    changed forever our sense of space

    This is a 500-word or close to 500-word summary of an article that describes computer science and the importance of teaching computer science in methodology method to help students get a wide view of computer science. This will give students more zest in every course they take. According to the author of the article with teaching computer in a methodology method “guide students to understand computer science from higher perspective and learn computer science through methodology of subject and educate students to face the future.” [1, p.1].
    The introduction of computer science and technology help provide students with the understanding of computer science major, by which setting a stage for students to think about computer science course more deeply. There are two types of computers and technology arrangement. One is the general understanding of soft and hardware and mastering the utilization of the operating system and office software, the other is also comparable to the methodology of computer science and technology trying to understand deeply its basic sequence.
    College basics teach computer from implementation limiting student perspective of the computer science. Unlike methodology of computer science and technology dive deeper into the cognition of nature of computer science and the main field and essential character of computer science.
    The researcher hopes to get a new perspective of the “methodology of the subject” and introduce core conception, essential question, typical teaching method, and knowledge system. They also trust that students would understand the higher perspective and learn it through the methodology of the subject and educate to face the future. In this article Educationalist B. A Cyxomjnhcknn says “learning interests are the important part of learning activities” interest in computer course itself is what attracts students and scared them at first. The cultivation of the student’s interest is the top consideration for all teachers. It is necessary for teachers to lead students into learning it.
    Core technologies and core concepts will help students understand the strategies of learning computer science. Algorithms describe the process of solving a problem and taking limited procedures in solving it. Students would be to learn about algorithms both emotionally and rationally make a description in form.

    According to student’s questionnaires, 88 percent wish they can apply the skill to using the software after they finish their course. Teachers have the responsibility to constructing works so students can study themselves and their practical abilities through task-driven mode.
    the main content of the theoretical part is the introduction of computer hardware and software systems; the scientific problem has three discipline forms and the core concepts. Typical mathematical method and system and system science. Students thought of enlightened through the proportional variation-seeking algorithm, the mathematical method for problem-solving and this make them realized the leading character of mathematics in computing discipline and guideness of subject methodology. This improves their curiosity and their thirst for knowledge can be inspired. Strong practical characteristics will be able to demonstrate to students when they get on a computer, they can watch and simultaneously operate.
    Every teacher has a concept about the methodology of computer science and technology. The teaching
    Schools should adopt different means of teaching students different means to teach content. The most important is to implement research-oriented teaching in the classroom.

    [1] Yuan BS. “Curriculum Teaching Practice on Methodology of Computer Science and Technology,” Journal of Education of Computer Science, June, pp. 583-584.
    [2] Huang RC. “Introduction to Computer Science,” China Railway Publishing houses, 2004, pp. 1-23
    [3] Dong RS. “Introduction to Computer Science —Thought and Method,” Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2007, pp. 53-86.
    [4] Dong RS, Gu TL. “Methodology of Computer Science and Technology,” Beijing: Post & Telecommunication Press, 2002, pp. 27-36.
    [5] Zhou QH. “On Technique Progresses and Blazing New Trails of Education for Program-Design’s “non-structured – structured – objectized,”Journai of Computer Science, November 2003, pp. 181-184.

  12. To: Professor Ellis
    From: Melonie Aminov
    Date: 10/06/2021
    Subject: 500-word summary about developing a computer vision system to detect flaws in capsules
    1. A thorough quality check is required to ensure there are no defects in capsules.
    2. The goal is to development a computer vision system that is able to detect and isolate defective capsules with flaws including wrong size, color, cracks, bubbles, etc.
    3. If one defective capsule is found in a bin of 300,000 capsules, the entire bin is thrown out – wasting time and money.
    4. They want to develop a better version of the existing visual inspection systems, that will be cheaper, faster, and more accurate.
    5. Computer image analysis is required to know all the different parts of the capsule in order to detect any visual defects in quality.
    6. The main challenge is to be able to develop an imaging system that can quickly take an image, cancel out any noise, and restore the clarity of the image.
    7. Capsule approximation is the solution to error free capsule imaging.
    8. Image segmentation is difficult because sometimes the images get distorted and fuzzy.
    9. Otsu method is the best method for improving the visuals of an image.
    10. Neural Network based image segmentation is used to segment the capsules from complex backgrounds.
    11. Sobel filters are recommended over Prewit filters because it is better at suppressing noise and detecting edges.
    12. Otsu thresholding techniques can be used to “localize the background and foreground pixels localization”.
    13. Neural Network based segmentation and the proposed edge-based segmentation techniques will be compared.
    14. The edge-based segmentation technique satisfied all the requirements and took 10ms less than the allowed processing time.

    [1] M. J. Islam, S. Basalamah, M. Ahmadi and M. A. Sid-Ahmed, “Capsule image segmentation in pharmaceutical applications using edge-based techniques,” 2011 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRO/INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, 2011, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/EIT.2011.5978613.

  13. TO: Prof. Ellis
    FROM:Rifat Bhuiyan
    DATE: Sep. 22, 2021
    SUBJECT: Reverse Outline

    1. The software engineering process has a big role in developing a software product. The correct software engineering process helps to understand the requirements for the software and, it could reduce the cost and delivery of product on time, which will help to make a better software quality.

    2. When the software product is acceptable by the customers, that is a good quality of software product. To be acceptable to the customers, the developers need to fulfill the customer’s requirements in the product and include the necessities for the product.

    3. The product needs to meet the customer’s needs, and the product should be free from any defects, and performance is standard. The cost should be reasonable for the developer’s efforts to develop the product.

    4. The quality of the product can be complicated because, during the process of developing a product, there are many varieties of perspectives, and every perspective is important for the product to survive in the market.

    5. Making a high-quality software product is an essential requirement in the software industry. Focusing on product quality allows software users to synchronize a product easily and effectively. Quality plays an important role for software users. It is a guarantee of all requirements according to customer satisfaction. Therefore, it is
    important to describe the appropriate software development process that leads to a quality product.

    6. Software quality is based on how the software is designed and the defect-free software but if the customer denies accepting the software that means the customer is not satisfied because the developer who develops the software does not implement what the customer desires.

    7. Modern civilization uses software in every area of life and the software needs to be of good quality because of its usage and importance. Users have many perspectives for the good quality of the product but it could be achieved by the process quality and product quality.

    8. Product quality is higher when the client or the customer is satisfied with the product by fulfilling all the customer’s requirements during the process quality.

    9. The development process is important for the higher quality of the products.

    10. For understanding the requirement document the developer needs some structure to follow which will help them to better and cheaper and faster deliver quality products. Titansoft, A software organization developed an agile scrum method for maintaining quality which could be used even for the general purpose of work.

    11. Agile software Development Process has proved theoretically for producing software with a cost-effective, maintainable, and deliver the product on the time.

    12. Showing the importance of the Agile Software Development Process and the various quality products.

    13. The general development process is started with the customer requirement and then developers start to develop. During the development time, customers can’t change the requirement and after finishing the product customers can change if they need to but the problem is it takes a longer time to finish a product.

    14. Agile development processes focus more on customer satisfaction by interacting with the customer frequently. The Agile development process follows the sprints, which help to develop a certain part of the product during the sprint and give it to the customer to verify if they like it or not and they can change it. The way they finish the product is with a couple of sprints.

    P. Jain, A. Sharma and L. Ahuja, “The Impact of Agile Software Development Process on the Quality of Software Product,” 2018 7th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) (ICRITO), 2018, pp. 812-815, doi: 10.1109/ICRITO.2018.8748529.

  14. TO: Prof. Ellis
    FROM: Alex Cheung
    DATE: Sept. 18, 2021
    SUBJECT: 500-Word Summary of Article About Persistent URLs and Citations

    Persistent URLs and Citations are one of the most important elements of an article, scholarly paper, or any academic writing. These persistent URLs provide a link to a full-text article that will never change thus always linking to the article that is a part of a database or journal. Without them, it might be hard to find that specific full-text article later down the road and. The authors discuss the importance of why persistent URLs and citations are needed. According to Nicholas Homenda, “As libraries, archives, and museums make unique digital collections openly available via digital library platforms, they expose these resources to users who may wish to cite them” [1, p. 1].

    There are four main methods used for persistent URLs that include: Handle, DOI, ARK, and PURL. As libraries, archives, and museums move more of their collections to digital mediums, having a persistent URL to access these materials are essential to find the said material which is part of certain collections [1, p. 1]. Most of these persistent URL services have been around since the 1990s to the early 2000s [1, p. 2]. Each site uses their own version of persistent URLs thus resulting in many different types of links. This calls for more standards for persistent URLs.

    There is a term called “link rot” which means that overtime the link will eventually not point to the page or file that it was meant to point to. According to Homenda, “several studies have investigated the problem of “link rot” by tracking the availability of web-hosted resources over time” [1, p. 3]. In recent works by Koster, he mentions that the persistent URL method that appears the most often in literature is the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) [1, p. 4].

    For over 20 years, persistent URLs have been providing persistent links to digital objects allowing users worldwide to access the content [1, p. 4]. Persistent URLs are even used to create permanent links to government information. This was an early effort by the Cendi Persistent Identification Task Group to implement the Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) and a theoretical Federal Persistent Identification Resolver [1, p. 4].

    All persistent links should ideally be accessible via URLs that will outlast the information that it is linking to unless that link is subjected to “link rot” [1, p. 4]. In one investigation into “link rot” on information from Medline abstracts from the years 1994-2006, shows that about 20% of the links were dead in 2008. The topic of “link rot” has been discussed as early as 2003 in a book by Markwell and Brooke named ““Broken Links: Just How Rapidly Do Science Education Hyperlinks Go Extinct”, which is cited by many link rot studies but it looks like this too has suffered from link rot in works that cited this book [1, p.4].

    In a recent study, they tried to locate digital collections that met the following criteria:
    Openly available
    Part of a repository service
    Gathered as part of a site or service that contains multiple collections
    Unique to an institution but not duplicated or licenced content
    With these criteria in place, it helps to find unique and publicly available digital collections [1, p. 5]. The study found that the DLF institution had 171 out of 197 member institutions that had accessible digital collections, while only 153 out of the 171 met the criteria for this study [1, p. 6].


    [1] Homenda, N. (2021) ‘Persistent URLs and Citations Offered for Digital Objects by Digital Libraries’, Information Technology & Libraries, 40(2), pp. 1–12. doi: 10.6017/ital.v40i2.12987.

  15. To: Professor Ellis
    From Kiara Ortiz
    Date: September 28, 2021
    Subject: 500 -Word Summary of Article

    1. The following writing is about a 500-word summary of scholarly article on how network slicing can be secured when dividing a network up to increase privacy in a 5G network. The technology used to make this a reality is called blockchain. So, with the help of blockchain the authors are proposing a means by which to preserve privacy when slicing up a network for greater performance. With this methodology performance won’t come at the cost of privacy.
    2. Network slicing is vital to the 5G standard. The purpose of slicing up a network is to divide up the physical channel (physical frequencies) in space. These divisions become isolated and support the 5G services with a diverse set of performance and service requirements. This slicing paradigm is used to maintain high capacity (greater volume of customers served), lower latency (quicker responses from the internet), and other large-scale services. Many companies are trying to set up infrastructure in 5G and they must meet the requirements to capture the greatest number of customers.
    3. 5G services providers must meet a quality standard when deploying a service, this quality standard is called Quality of Service (QoS). Depending on the implantation and type of 5G network there are issues with rollout. One such issue is that in the US majority of rollout has been in the low band 5G which shows a subpar speed increase. Incapable of meeting the needs of US consumers. While in South Korea the 5G infrastructure is incapable enough to maintain a good enough QoS.
    4. As a result of these issue and as mentioned earlier, there must be a standard that upkeeps the expectations of consumers. Hence why the service level agreement of network slicing exists, this agreement is proposed to address some the issues aforementioned. The parameters change depending on the customer and network operator, some parameters include secrecy rate, latency, packet loss, and so on.
    5. Given this structure of standards monitoring and auditing seems to be an issue as well. Many Cloud platforms, domains, and third-party auditors have been tampering with reports for their own benefits. On the other hand, multi-party monitoring schemes can address these issues, but it is still difficult to trust relationship between a select few parties as a result authenticity of data cannot be guaranteed.
    6. Key word here is trust, the most trustful platform/technology that has been discussed in recent memory is Blockchain. So, in this paper the proposal is to use blockchain as a technique to do SLA monitoring and auditing. The paper also notes that privacy leaking may also be a challenge in this paradigm.
    7. It is noted that SLA management of 5G network slicing service is at in infancy, and there is much research done in this field yet.
    8. The proposal in short is, a blockchain-based 5G network slicing NS-SLA audit model to prevent eavesdroppers. Both costumers and network operators will be involved in monitoring the task of 5G network slicing service and upload the monitored data to the blockchain. This uploading and auditing will be facilitated by a smart contract.

    Xiao, K., Geng, Z., He, Y., Xu, G., Wang, C., & Tian, Y. (2021). A blockchain-based privacy-preserving 5G network slicing service level agreement audit scheme. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications & Networking, 2021(1), 1–16. https://doi-org.citytech.ezproxy.cuny.edu/10.1186/s13638-021-02037-8

  16. To: Prof. Ellis
    From: Mamadou Sakho
    Date: Sept. 21, 2021
    Subject: 500-word summary of Wind Turbine Environmental Impact Analysis

    Air pollution has a negative effect on both the environment and on people’s health. It can cause chronic diseases such as asthma and respiratory diseases. Therefore, the world is switching to renewable energy such as Wind turbines. Wind energy has become the new source of energy for many countries around the world especially European countries which help them become energy sufficient. Wind turbine farms interfere with the environment, kills birds and bats, make lots of noise, and are mostly located in agricultural land.
    The selected area for this research is a 4.6 ha and is located in Wola Zalezna in the Lodz Province. The wind turbine in question on this paper was manufactured by ENERCON GmbH with a 2.3 MW with horizontal axis of rotation. It was manufactured in a way that it can support a transformer and a voltage switchgear inside. The type of transformer used in this project has a burning temperature which exceeds 300 degrees C and it cooled with oil. This type of transformer is more secure than dry transformer.
    The impact it has on the environment and the flying birds was taken into consideration. Wind turbines are dangerous for birds because if they collide with the blades they will be killed. It’s power lines also kill animals. To address these highlighted issues, the power lines are buried underground to prevent electric shock. Annual birds’ observation was consulted before the project started and their observation shows that the chosen site for the project is not a feeding ground for birds. Bats are the most impacted flying animals by wind turbine. The danger they face with these wind turbines is not only limited to collusion with the blades, but also it causes barotrauma effect. According to research conducted in the USA and Germany, the bats die five times more than other birds when coming in contact with these turbines. Each turbine is responsible for the death of 30 bats each year. It is important to note these numbers are significant because these animals breeding is slow, and their number is low.
    It was difficult to determine the mortality rate of the bats occasioned by a turbine, therefore, a given area was monitored between the months of March through November to gather valuable data. The threat of wind turbines to flying animals was minimize by having the construction of the project as far as possible such as 200 m from the wood avenue and keeping a constant monitoring of the area.
    There are two types of noise are emitted from the wind turbines: mechanical noise caused by the generator and aerodynamic noise caused by the flow of air between blades. The noise effect of the wind turbines can avoid it if proper distance is respected. In addition, there are rules which control the permitted noise level during operating hours. A dangerous sound for human health called infrasound is emitted by the wind turbine but it is monitored so that it does not reach the level that is harmful to humans. Also, it scares away birds so they will not come in contact with the blades. To minimize the negative effect of wind turbine on the environment, several measures were taken such as covering the turbines with appropriate material which does not reflect sunlight. To prevent the power plant from attracting insect, there will be no lighting and cable lines were buried on underground.

    [1] Sobczak, Agnieszka, and Patrycja Urbanska. “Analysis and Assessment of the 2.3mw Wind Turbine Impact on the Environment.” Acta Technica Corviniensis – Bulletin of Engineering, vol. 14, no. 1, Jan. 2021, pp. 5–8. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost, citytech.ezproxy.cuny.edu:2048/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=149259763&site=ehost-live&scope=site. Accessed 21 Sept. 2021.

  17. To: Prof. Ellis
    From: Ishtiaq Mahmud
    Date: 10/20/2021
    Subject: Reverse Outline

    1. IP address is an essential part of any internet services, devices, or applications which identifies on a network.
    2. Two versions of the IP address are used on networks broadly in any platform.
    3. Many features cannot be supported when packets are larger to accommodate.
    4. IPv4 required many configurations to optimize the nodes.
    5. To communicate with network, the servers will provide private or global IP address.
    6. IP moves a packet of information from a Source connected to internet to another network in its Destination.
    7. Address translation occurs when computers need access to other networks or internet in addresses of devices on one network from a different network.
    8. Multiple transmission might be possible if it doesn’t have a direct connection.
    9. A packet failed to move to destination there isn’t a guarantee of that.
    10. Networks can give the address to reuse when address duplication and have an error or conflict.

    [1] A. Idoue, H. Yokota and T. Kato, “Mobile IP network supporting private IP addresses utilizing regional registration and NAT function,” Proceedings. Eighth International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems. ICPADS 2001, 2001, pp. 141-146, doi: 10.1109/ICPADS.2001.934812.

  18. To: Professor Ellis
    From: Ducquon Hinds
    Date: December 21, 2021
    Subject: 500 Word Summary of new COVID-19 Drug

    This is a 500-word summary of an article that Explains the vivid research of a prominent virologist who believes the Newly accepted oral COVID-19 drug may create Dangerous Mutations that can produce deadlier variants of the coronavirus.
    [1] The UK’s approval of the first Oral COVID-19 drug Molnupiravir (An antiviral Medication that inhibits the replication of certain RNA viruses and is used to treat COVID-19) comes as a virologist warned that the drug could inadvertently cause new versions of COVID-19 to emerge more prominent in patients who are already at high risk with underlying severe diseases and can potentially be doing more harm than any good. While on the other hand, other virologists believe it wouldn’t be plausible to withhold a drug that can save lives to investigate research that may not be a cause for concern.
    [2] developed from an early antiviral drug by Merck and ridgeback Biotherapeutics, Molnupiravir works by disrupting the viral replication cycle by introducing many mutations to the virus’s DNA. Last month, officials from Merck and Ridgeback published clinical trial results showing that administering the drug to patients with early-stage COVID-19 reduces the risk of hospitalization and death by 50%. The drug’s ability to mutate RNA has raised persistent concerns that it could cause cancer or birth defects by causing mutations in patients’ own genetic material. Studies have not yet confirmed these concerns.
    [3] William Haseltine, a virologist previously known for his research on the HIV and human DNA project at Harvard University, warned that the use of molnupiravir, which is known to induce viral mutations, could lead to the development of new harmful variants that could be more dangerous than the ones present today.
    [4] Since many people who take antibiotics fail to complete their treatment, if a COVID-19 patient feels better after a few days Haseltine fears that the Mutant virus may survive and spread if they stop taking molnupiravir.
    [5] Although infectious disease experts agree that the possibility of generating variants is there, they do not believe that this will have a negative effect on the virus.
    [6] Haseltine’s Studies that show that coronaviruses can survive the effects of molnupiravir-induced mutations are important because they suggest that the viruses can still evolve and become drug-resistant. for example, two years ago Vanderbuilt University virologist Mark Denison and colleagues repeatedly exposed coronaviruses to a sublethal dose of a drug called EIDD1931 to test the drug-resistant viruses (murine hepatitis virus and a virus that causes respiratory syndrome in the Middle East) 30 rounds of such drug treatment caused up to 162 different mutations that the virus did not kill. However, Denison states that his study does not catalog mutations in individual viruses, instead up to 162 Mutations occurred in a population of cells infected with one of the two coronaviruses.

    [7] Most Mutations damaged the virus and slowed its growth. Most mutations damaged the virus and slowed its growth. “When I take something away from my job, the virus continues to develop harmful mutations when it tries to adapt, for example by resistance to [Molnupiravir],” Denison says. However, Ravindra Gupta, a microbiologist at the University of Cambridge, warns that the mutant virus is more likely to propagate in people who are most likely to take Molnupiravir, that is, those with a weakened immune system. “These are exactly the people most likely to receive [Molnupiravir],” he says because vaccines are less effective in protecting these patients.

    [8] Daria Hazda, director of infectious disease detection at Merck, said “there is no evidence that people taking Molnupiravir were creating a virus with a new and dangerous Mutation. “No infectious virus was found,” says Hazda. She also states that patients who have been treated with the drug for 5 days. Mutations that occurred along the way were Random and did not focus on specific genes that increase the survival of the Virus.

    [9] “There is no shortage of virus Mutations,” says Katzourakis. A more important question is whether molnupiravir exerts selective pressure to drive the virus towards infectivity or pathogenicity. A more important question is whether molnupiravir exerts selective pressure to drive the virus towards infectivity or pathogenicity.

    [10] According to Denison and other virologists, Molnupiravir is likely to promote the emergence of drug-resistant viruses that are no longer fatal or contagious, a common consequence of anti-infective drugs. However, in the news, November on 5th News that another Pfizer antiviral drug was very effective against COVID-19 suggests ways to prevent resistance.

    R. F. Service, “A prominent virologist warns COVID-19 pill could unleash dangerous mutants. Others see little cause for alarm,” Goldtent TA Paradise ” A Prominent Virologist Warns COVID Pill Could Unleash Dangerous Mutants. Others See Little Cause for Alarm, 07-Nov-2021. [Online]. Available: https://goldtadise.com/?p=516074. [Accessed: 21-Dec-2021].

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