Daily Writing: Brief Article Summary Memo

For today’s beginning of class writing assignment, we will focus on time. Before coming into class, you should have read your article and thought about its contents. You will have 30 minutes from the beginning of class to complete and post your memo as a comment to this post. Use the following example as a guide for your memo:

TO: Professor Ellis
FROM: Your Name
DATE: Today's Date
SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article About X (replace X with the main topic)

One sentence describing the purpose of this memo (e.g., I wanted to bring your attention to this article about X--again, replace X with the topic).

Two-three sentences summarizing the main point of the article. These sentences should be all in your own words. No quotes and no paraphrasing.

APA citation for your article. Look at the example, "Article in a Magazine" on this page.

61 thoughts on “Daily Writing: Brief Article Summary Memo”

  1. From:Karmoko Sillah
    To: Professor Ellis
    Subject: Article summary on Hackers attacking company Avasts’ CCleaner.

    This article was created to bring to your attention the hacking of well known antivirus company Avast’ CCleaner application which was addressed to the public right after it happened.

    The antivirus company known as Avast had been attacked by unknown hackers who used stolen virtual private network accounts in order to gain access to CCleaner which in turn gave them access to Avast’ internal network. Thankfully, Avast was able to detect the hack before it could cause any real damage to its system. This wasn’t the first time that Avast was hacked , and im sure that they will work on ways to up their security. This article comes to show how hacking is still prevalent to this day, and will always be prevalent in the world of technology.

    Kan, M., Kan, M., & Michael. (2019, October 21). Hacker’s Target Avast’s CCleaner Again Using Stolen VPN Logins. Retrieved from https://www.pemag.com/news/371444/hackets-target-avasts-ccleaner-using-vpn-login.

  2. Amir Radoncic
    To: Prof Ellis

    This article talks about the making of the first electric cars on the planet. It also mentions the pros and cons about the electric tesla models.

    Tesla was formerly found in 2003 by tesla motors. Theres alot of good reasonings to why tesla invested so much money into electric cars. They talked about it being more efficient and less dangerous to the environment. Although after they made the first stable electric car named the model x was a huge success. It has everything from being a reliable and good car to being able to get 250+ miles on a fully charged battery!! Although this was there only intention with the tesla and the electric car scheme. They strived for greater by making the Model S, now this car is super fast. With wanting to make a smart electric car to being one of the most popular car companies today! This is only the beginning for tesla motors.

    Schreiber, Barbara A., and Erik Gregersen. “Tesla, Inc.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 18 Sept. 2019, https://www.britannica.com/topic/Tesla-Motors.

  3. TO: Wenya Sing

    FROM: Julia Shin

    DATE: 10/22/2019

    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article About Asteroid Mining

    This is an interesting article that talks about the goals and progress that has been made to asteroid mining that I thought would be very helpful to you.

    Many startup companies have established their interest in asteroid mining. For instance, Eric Anderson, one of the partners of Planetary Resources, hopes to be able to extract ice from the asteroids near our planet that would then be sold and used as fuel for a variety of space missions by the 2020s. However, we aren’t progressing as much as we would hope to be, partly due to lack of money as investors find it to be very risky to play the long game and wait years and years to see it come to fruition so they are pulling out before they see the end.

    Abrahamian, A.A. (2019). The asteroid bubble. MIT Technology Review, 122(4), 63-65.

  4. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Jing Sheng Zhao
    DATE: 10/22/19
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article About Datacolor Spyder 5PRO
    I wanted to bring your attention to this article about Datacolor Spyder 5PRO.
    For someone who would not only want to create the setting but also calibrate the display like PC HDTV via its own color management settings to accommodate multiple inputs, the Datacolor Spyder 5PRO would be a better choice. It would also be upgrade to a projector, if you choose Spyder 5PRO.

    Grajales, J. P. (2019, September). Color Accuracy. MAXIMUMPC, 94.

  5. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Jeremy Corona
    DATE: 10/22/2019
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article About the Evolution of Cosumer facing GPS Technology is Airplanes
    Hey Prof. Ellis, I read this interesting article about technology advancing in airplanes. In this article the author is talking in first person about his experiencing on airplane. He describes in detail the feeling of being on a flight with a 3D satellite map where he is able to see everything as it is rendered such as the mountain, a forest, and the clouds. The author compares this technology with the 1980’s ETA screen, and what came later which was the 2D GPS map. With this 3D satellite technology the author feels like he is experiencing flight in a new and exhilarating way, almost as if he was flying the plane himself.

    Light, R.D. (2019). Totally Wired. WIRED, 27(9), 10.

  6. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Daniel Lawrence
    DATE: 10/22/19
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article About A Land Rover on its way to Mars
    I was reading a magazine article about a Land Rover soon heading to mars for about a year span.
    Whats cool about this mission is not just that the rover will be spending a year on mars researching but all that it can do. The rover has the capabilities to scan Mar’s soil up to 30-ft deep along with multiple powerful cameras that can cut through smog . The main purpose of this mission is to scan for micro bacteria in Mars soil.

    Oberhaus.(Sep 2019). Land Rover. Wired,30.

  7. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Marco M
    DATE: 10/22/19
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article About Electric Dirt Bike

    I wanted to bring your attention to this article about electric dirt bike and how it has transforms over the past few years.

    The Zero FX is an electric dirt bike that is changing the game. It has a 450cc engine
    Even with a smaller engine compare to one of the high-end motorcycles like the Ducati, it has a higher torque output. Even though it’s such a powerhouse, it is still battery power which mean you still need to dedicate some hours to charge it before you can take it back out on the streets.

    Dyer, E. (2019). The amazing silent speedy electric dirt bike. Popular Mechanics, 185(6),12-13.

  8. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Masum. Hossain
    DATE: 10/22/19
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article about Hackers

    Hackers look for the insecure passwords, insecure networks and malware in a various way.
    Hackers usually looking for defaults password from account to account because defaults password remain unchanged. Another way hacker can access to other people account by searching insecure networks. For example, public wifi is not secure because information can be sent and receive and view by third parties. Malware is another trick to give hackers the private information.

  9. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Dominick D
    DATE: 10/22/19
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article about the rebuilding from past errors

    The purpose of this article is to focus on the assessment of world’s technological projects over the years and how we can grow from it.
    The technological industry has been able to expand and thrive over the years, but not without a few errors. The article expresses examples from the rebuilding of the world’s largest bridge to the mistakes of Facebook in order to emphasize the danger we constantly put ourselves through for a better future.

    Thompson, N. (2019, November). Rebuild the bridge again. Wired, 40-44.

  10. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Luke Thomas
    DATE: 10.22.19
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article About Glass revolution in solar cell evolution.

    I want to speak about the technological advancement in the glass being used to make solar panels and how these new break throughs will lead to increased power output.
    Researchers have discovered that micro etches on the surface the glass used in solar panels and improving efficiency technology will now lead to energy outputs almost 4 times greater.

    Glass Revolution in Solar Evolution (2018, March 6). Retrieved from https://solarmagazine.com/glass-revolution-in-solar-cell-evolution/

  11. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Alain Palmer
    DATE: 10/22/19
    SUBJECT: Facebook hit with billions of dollars fine.

    Facebook breached privacy rules and now have to pay a mighty sum in fines.

    I want to bring to your attention to this article about Facebook. Facebook was slap with a mighty fine of five billion US dollars (USD) for supplying 50 million peoples’ personal data with third parties. Facebook has about 40 billion USD in reserve cash and 3 billion USD set aside, neither its investors nor Facebook are worried about this sum. After this announcement, their stock price hiked up by 1.8 percent so this shows how powerful of a company Facebook is.

    Lloyd, C. (2019, September). Facebook Pays $5 Billion. MAXIMUMPC, p12.

  12. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Devina Budhan
    DATE: October 22, 2019
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article About a Plane That Can Fly with No Moving Parts

    I am writing this memo to inform you about a plane that was able to fly with no moving parts, or what they call ionic wind system. The plane is able to fly due to airflow and electricity. Instead of having propellers like normal planes it uses a negative and positive charge to create wind that reaches 200 mph, enough for lift off. This system could also be used on jets to help with turbulence since it will help control air flow and because it doesn’t require heavy maintenance like normal aircrafts, it would also be ideal for surveillance.

    Blum S. (2019). Plane Achieves Flight with No Moving Parts. Popular Mechanics, 196(2), 18.

  13. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Hector Dextre
    DATE: 10/22/2019
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article About Phone Extensions

    The purpose of this memo is to indicate what smartphones do and last longer. In other words, its functionality and longevity with help of some accessories. For example, screen protector is a good accessory to avoid scratches or cracks. If your smartphone’s batteries were about to die, it would be better to have with you battery packs built in cables when you are not in a physical place or charging pad/mat when you are in a physical place. People love music so they prefer to use headphones with no need to use their hands. Finally, smartphones comes in watches for people who like exercising regularly to check how many miles they run, heart rate, etc.

    Saltzman, M. (2019, October). Phone Extensions. Costco Connection, 34(10). Page 27.

  14. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Luke Thomas
    DATE: 10.22.19
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article About Glass revolution in solar cell evolution.

    I want to speak about the technological advancement in the glass being used to make solar panels and how these new break troughs will lead to increased power output.

    Researchers have discovered that micro etches on the surface of the glass used in solar panels and improving efficiency technology will now lead to energy outputs almost 4 times greater.

    Glass Revolution in Solar Evolution (2018, March 6). Retrieved from https://solarmagazine.com/glass-revolution-in-solar-cell-evolution/


  15. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM:Mustafa Nagi
    DATE: 10/22/19
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article About (AL Speech Recognition Is Better than Human
    I wanted to bring your attention to this article about, AL Speech Recognition Is Better than Human.
    The article tells us about the new technology technics of using the voice to recognize people and things. It faces many difficulties such as error with sounds or words usage. Last few years, it was improved with computer program which helped to get rid of many mistakes in the system.

    APA stock, shutter. (19AD 4). AL Speech Recognition Is Better than Human. Popular Science, 19.

  16. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Alpha Barry
    DATE: 10/22/19
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article about BYU researchers extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade
    I wanted to bring your attention to this article about extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade again.
    We already know that all electronic devices communicate through the internet or wireless by sending a binary code 0’s and 1’s. Due of that so, researchers found also we need to increase the number of bits per second to be sent over a given distance between two or more circuits.

    Brigham Young University, BYU, connected devices, gear, internet, iot, mesh networking, on-off noise power communication, ONPC, protocol, range, router, routers, smart home, software, Washington University, wifi

  17. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Alpha Barry
    DATE: 10/22/19
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article about BYU researchers extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade
    I wanted to bring your attention to this article about extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade again.
    We already know that all electronic devices communicate through the internet or wireless by sending a binary code 0’s and 1’s. Due of that so, researchers found also we need to increase the number of bits per second to be sent over a given distance between two or more circuits.

    Brigham Young University, BYU, connected devices, gear, internet, iot, mesh networking, on-off noise power communication, ONPC, protocol, range, router, routers, smart home, software, Washington University, wifi

  18. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Alpha Barry
    DATE: 10/22/19
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article about BYU researchers extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade
    I wanted to bring your attention to this article about extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade again.
    We already know that all electronic devices communicate through the internet or wireless by sending a binary code 0’s and 1’s. Due of that so, researchers found also we need to increase the number of bits per second to be sent over a given distance between two or more circuits.

    Brigham Young University, BYU, connected devices, gear, internet, iot, mesh networking, on-off noise power communication, ONPC, protocol, range, router, routers, smart home, software, Washington University, wifi

  19. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Alpha Barry
    DATE: 10/22/19
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article about BYU researchers extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade
    I wanted to bring your attention to this article about extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade again.
    We already know that all electronic devices communicate through the internet or wireless by sending a binary code 0’s and 1’s. Due of that so, researchers found also we need to increase the number of bits per second to be sent over a given distance between two or more circuits.

    Brigham Young University, BYU, connected devices, gear, internet, iot, mesh networking, on-off noise power communication, ONPC, protocol, range, router, routers, smart home, software, Washington University, wifi

  20. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Alpha Barry
    DATE: 10/22/19
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article about BYU researchers extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade
    I wanted to bring your attention to this article about extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade again.
    We already know that all electronic devices communicate through the internet or wireless by sending a binary code 0’s and 1’s. Due of that so, researchers found also we need to increase the number of bits per second to be sent over a given distance between two or more circuits.

    Brigham Young University, BYU, connected devices, gear, internet, iot, mesh networking, on-off noise power communication, ONPC, protocol, range, router, routers, smart home, software, Washington University, wifi

  21. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Alpha Barry
    DATE: 10/22/19
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article about BYU researchers extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade
    I wanted to bring your attention to this article about extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade again.
    We already know that all electronic devices communicate through the internet or wireless by sending a binary code 0’s and 1’s. Due of that so, researchers found also we need to increase the number of bits per second to be sent over a given distance between two or more circuits.

    Brigham Young University, BYU, connected devices, gear, internet, iot, mesh networking, on-off noise power communication, ONPC, protocol, range, router, routers, smart home, software, Washington University, wifi

  22. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Alpha Barry
    DATE: 10/22/19
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article about BYU researchers extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade
    I wanted to bring your attention to this article about extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade again.
    We already know that all electronic devices communicate through the internet or wireless by sending a binary code 0’s and 1’s. Due of that so, researchers found also we need to increase the number of bits per second to be sent over a given distance between two or more circuits.

    Brigham Young University, BYU, connected devices, gear, internet, iot, mesh networking, on-off noise power communication, ONPC, protocol, range, router, routers, smart home, software, Washington University, wifi

  23. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Alpha Barry
    DATE: 10/22/19
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article about BYU researchers extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade
    I wanted to bring your attention to this article about extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade again.
    We already know that all electronic devices communicate through the internet or wireless by sending a binary code 0’s and 1’s. Due of that so, researchers found also we need to increase the number of bits per second to be sent over a given distance between two or more circuits.

    Brigham Young University, BYU, connected devices, gear, internet, iot, mesh networking, on-off noise power communication, ONPC, protocol, range, router, routers, smart home, software, Washington University, wifi

  24. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Alpha Barry
    DATE: 10/22/19
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article about BYU researchers extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade
    I wanted to bring your attention to this article about extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade again.
    We already know that all electronic devices communicate through the internet or wireless by sending a binary code 0’s and 1’s. Due of that so, researchers found also we need to increase the number of bits per second to be sent over a given distance between two or more circuits.

    Brigham Young University, BYU, connected devices, gear, internet, iot, mesh networking, on-off noise power communication, ONPC, protocol, range, router, routers, smart home, software, Washington University, wifi

  25. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Alpha Barry
    DATE: 10/22/19
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article about BYU researchers extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade
    I wanted to bring your attention to this article about extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade again.
    We already know that all electronic devices communicate through the internet or wireless by sending a binary code 0’s and 1’s. Due of that so, researchers found also we need to increase the number of bits per second to be sent over a given distance between two or more circuits.

    Brigham Young University, BYU, connected devices, gear, internet, iot, mesh networking, on-off noise power communication, ONPC, protocol, range, router, routers, smart home, software, Washington University, wifi

  26. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Alpha Barry
    DATE: 10/22/19
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article about BYU researchers extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade
    I wanted to bring your attention to this article about extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade again.
    We already know that all electronic devices communicate through the internet or wireless by sending a binary code 0’s and 1’s. Due of that so, researchers found also we need to increase the number of bits per second to be sent over a given distance between two or more circuits.

    Brigham Young University, BYU, connected devices, gear, internet, iot, mesh networking, on-off noise power communication, ONPC, protocol, range, router, routers, smart home, software, Washington University, wifi

  27. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Alpha Barry
    DATE: 10/22/19
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article about BYU researchers extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade
    I wanted to bring your attention to this article about extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade again.
    We already know that all electronic devices communicate through the internet or wireless by sending a binary code 0’s and 1’s. Due of that so, researchers found also we need to increase the number of bits per second to be sent over a given distance between two or more circuits.

    Brigham Young University, BYU, connected devices, gear, internet, iot, mesh networking, on-off noise power communication, ONPC, protocol, range, router, routers, smart home, software, Washington University, wifi

  28. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Alpha Barry
    DATE: 10/22/19
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article about BYU researchers extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade
    I wanted to bring your attention to this article about extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade again.
    We already know that all electronic devices communicate through the internet or wireless by sending a binary code 0’s and 1’s. Due of that so, researchers found also we need to increase the number of bits per second to be sent over a given distance between two or more circuits.

    Brigham Young University, BYU, connected devices, gear, internet, iot, mesh networking, on-off noise power communication, ONPC, protocol, range, router, routers, smart home, software, Washington University, wifi

  29. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Alpha Barry
    DATE: 10/22/19
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article about BYU researchers extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade
    I wanted to bring your attention to this article about extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade again.
    We already know that all electronic devices communicate through the internet or wireless by sending a binary code 0’s and 1’s. Due of that so, researchers found also we need to increase the number of bits per second to be sent over a given distance between two or more circuits.

    Brigham Young University, BYU, connected devices, gear, internet, iot, mesh networking, on-off noise power communication, ONPC, protocol, range, router, routers, smart home, software, Washington University, wifi

  30. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Alpha Barry
    DATE: 10/22/19
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article about BYU researchers extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade
    I wanted to bring your attention to this article about extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade again.
    We already know that all electronic devices communicate through the internet or wireless by sending a binary code 0’s and 1’s. Due of that so, researchers found also we need to increase the number of bits per second to be sent over a given distance between two or more circuits.

    Brigham Young University, BYU, connected devices, gear, internet, iot, mesh networking, on-off noise power communication, ONPC, protocol, range, router, routers, smart home, software, Washington University, wifi

  31. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Alpha Barry
    DATE: 10/22/19
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article about BYU researchers extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade
    I wanted to bring your attention to this article about extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade again.
    We already know that all electronic devices communicate through the internet or wireless by sending a binary code 0’s and 1’s. Due of that so, researchers found also we need to increase the number of bits per second to be sent over a given distance between two or more circuits.

    Brigham Young University, BYU, connected devices, gear, internet, iot, mesh networking, on-off noise power communication, ONPC, protocol, range, router, routers, smart home, software, Washington University, wifi

  32. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Alpha Barry
    DATE: 10/22/19
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article about BYU researchers extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade
    I wanted to bring your attention to this article about extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade again.
    We already know that all electronic devices communicate through the internet or wireless by sending a binary code 0’s and 1’s. Due of that so, researchers found also we need to increase the number of bits per second to be sent over a given distance between two or more circuits.

    Brigham Young University, BYU, connected devices, gear, internet, iot, mesh networking, on-off noise power communication, ONPC, protocol, range, router, routers, smart home, software, Washington University, wifi

  33. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Alpha Barry
    DATE: 10/22/19
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article about BYU researchers extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade
    I wanted to bring your attention to this article about extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade again.
    We already know that all electronic devices communicate through the internet or wireless by sending a binary code 0’s and 1’s. Due of that so, researchers found also we need to increase the number of bits per second to be sent over a given distance between two or more circuits.

    Brigham Young University, BYU, connected devices, gear, internet, iot, mesh networking, on-off noise power communication, ONPC, protocol, range, router, routers, smart home, software, Washington University, wifi

  34. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Alpha Barry
    DATE: 10/22/19
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article about BYU researchers extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade
    I wanted to bring your attention to this article about extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade again.
    We already know that all electronic devices communicate through the internet or wireless by sending a binary code 0’s and 1’s. Due of that so, researchers found also we need to increase the number of bits per second to be sent over a given distance between two or more circuits.

    Brigham Young University, BYU, connected devices, gear, internet, iot, mesh networking, on-off noise power communication, ONPC, protocol, range, router, routers, smart home, software, Washington University, wifi

  35. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Alpha Barry
    DATE: 10/22/19
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article about BYU researchers extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade
    I wanted to bring your attention to this article about extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade again.
    We already know that all electronic devices communicate through the internet or wireless by sending a binary code 0’s and 1’s. Due of that so, researchers found also we need to increase the number of bits per second to be sent over a given distance between two or more circuits.

    Brigham Young University, BYU, connected devices, gear, internet, iot, mesh networking, on-off noise power communication, ONPC, protocol, range, router, routers, smart home, software, Washington University, wifi

  36. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Alpha Barry
    DATE: 10/22/19
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article about BYU researchers extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade
    I wanted to bring your attention to this article about extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade again.
    We already know that all electronic devices communicate through the internet or wireless by sending a binary code 0’s and 1’s. Due of that so, researchers found also we need to increase the number of bits per second to be sent over a given distance between two or more circuits.

    Brigham Young University, BYU, connected devices, gear, internet, iot, mesh networking, on-off noise power communication, ONPC, protocol, range, router, routers, smart home, software, Washington University, wifi

  37. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Alpha Barry
    DATE: 10/22/19
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article about BYU researchers extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade
    I wanted to bring your attention to this article about extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade again.
    We already know that all electronic devices communicate through the internet or wireless by sending a binary code 0’s and 1’s. Due of that so, researchers found also we need to increase the number of bits per second to be sent over a given distance between two or more circuits.

    Brigham Young University, BYU, connected devices, gear, internet, iot, mesh networking, on-off noise power communication, ONPC, protocol, range, router, routers, smart home, software, Washington University, wifi

  38. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Alpha Barry
    DATE: 10/22/19
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article about BYU researchers extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade
    I wanted to bring your attention to this article about extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade again.
    We already know that all electronic devices communicate through the internet or wireless by sending a binary code 0’s and 1’s. Due of that so, researchers found also we need to increase the number of bits per second to be sent over a given distance between two or more circuits.

    Brigham Young University, BYU, connected devices, gear, internet, iot, mesh networking, on-off noise power communication, ONPC, protocol, range, router, routers, smart home, software, Washington University, wifi

  39. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Alpha Barry
    DATE: 10/22/19
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article about BYU researchers extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade
    I wanted to bring your attention to this article about extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade again.
    We already know that all electronic devices communicate through the internet or wireless by sending a binary code 0’s and 1’s. Due of that so, researchers found also we need to increase the number of bits per second to be sent over a given distance between two or more circuits.

    Brigham Young University, BYU, connected devices, gear, internet, iot, mesh networking, on-off noise power communication, ONPC, protocol, range, router, routers, smart home, software, Washington University, wifi

  40. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Alpha Barry
    DATE: 10/22/19
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article about BYU researchers extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade
    I wanted to bring your attention to this article about extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade again.
    We already know that all electronic devices communicate through the internet or wireless by sending a binary code 0’s and 1’s. Due of that so, researchers found also we need to increase the number of bits per second to be sent over a given distance between two or more circuits.

    Brigham Young University, BYU, connected devices, gear, internet, iot, mesh networking, on-off noise power communication, ONPC, protocol, range, router, routers, smart home, software, Washington University, wifi

  41. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Alpha Barry
    DATE: 10/22/19
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article about BYU researchers extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade
    I wanted to bring your attention to this article about extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade again.
    We already know that all electronic devices communicate through the internet or wireless by sending a binary code 0’s and 1’s. Due of that so, researchers found also we need to increase the number of bits per second to be sent over a given distance between two or more circuits.

    Brigham Young University, BYU, connected devices, gear, internet, iot, mesh networking, on-off noise power communication, ONPC, protocol, range, router, routers, smart home, software, Washington University, wifi

  42. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Alpha Barry
    DATE: 10/22/19
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article about BYU researchers extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade
    I wanted to bring your attention to this article about extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade again.
    We already know that all electronic devices communicate through the internet or wireless by sending a binary code 0’s and 1’s. Due of that so, researchers found also we need to increase the number of bits per second to be sent over a given distance between two or more circuits.

    Brigham Young University, BYU, connected devices, gear, internet, iot, mesh networking, on-off noise power communication, ONPC, protocol, range, router, routers, smart home, software, Washington University, wifi

  43. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Alpha Barry
    DATE: 10/22/19
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article about BYU researchers extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade
    I wanted to bring your attention to this article about extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade again.
    We already know that all electronic devices communicate through the internet or wireless by sending a binary code 0’s and 1’s. Due of that so, researchers found also we need to increase the number of bits per second to be sent over a given distance between two or more circuits.

    Brigham Young University, BYU, connected devices, gear, internet, iot, mesh networking, on-off noise power communication, ONPC, protocol, range, router, routers, smart home, software, Washington University, wifi

  44. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Alpha Barry
    DATE: 10/22/19
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article about BYU researchers extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade
    I wanted to bring your attention to this article about extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade again.
    We already know that all electronic devices communicate through the internet or wireless by sending a binary code 0’s and 1’s. Due of that so, researchers found also we need to increase the number of bits per second to be sent over a given distance between two or more circuits.

    Brigham Young University, BYU, connected devices, gear, internet, iot, mesh networking, on-off noise power communication, ONPC, protocol, range, router, routers, smart home, software, Washington University, wifi

  45. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Alpha Barry
    DATE: 10/22/19
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article about BYU researchers extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade
    I wanted to bring your attention to this article about extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade again.
    We already know that all electronic devices communicate through the internet or wireless by sending a binary code 0’s and 1’s. Due of that so, researchers found also we need to increase the number of bits per second to be sent over a given distance between two or more circuits.

    Brigham Young University, BYU, connected devices, gear, internet, iot, mesh networking, on-off noise power communication, ONPC, protocol, range, router, routers, smart home, software, Washington University, wifi

  46. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Alpha Barry
    DATE: 10/22/19
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article about BYU researchers extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade
    I wanted to bring your attention to this article about extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade again.
    We already know that all electronic devices communicate through the internet or wireless by sending a binary code 0’s and 1’s. Due of that so, researchers found also we need to increase the number of bits per second to be sent over a given distance between two or more circuits.

    Brigham Young University, BYU, connected devices, gear, internet, iot, mesh networking, on-off noise power communication, ONPC, protocol, range, router, routers, smart home, software, Washington University, wifi

  47. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Alpha Barry
    DATE: 10/22/19
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article about BYU researchers extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade
    I wanted to bring your attention to this article about extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade again.
    We already know that all electronic devices communicate through the internet or wireless by sending a binary code 0’s and 1’s. Due of that so, researchers found also we need to increase the number of bits per second to be sent over a given distance between two or more circuits.

    Brigham Young University, BYU, connected devices, gear, internet, iot, mesh networking, on-off noise power communication, ONPC, protocol, range, router, routers, smart home, software, Washington University, wifi

  48. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Alpha Barry
    DATE: 10/22/19
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article about BYU researchers extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade
    I wanted to bring your attention to this article about extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade again.
    We already know that all electronic devices communicate through the internet or wireless by sending a binary code 0’s and 1’s. Due of that so, researchers found also we need to increase the number of bits per second to be sent over a given distance between two or more circuits.

    Brigham Young University, BYU, connected devices, gear, internet, iot, mesh networking, on-off noise power communication, ONPC, protocol, range, router, routers, smart home, software, Washington University, wifi

  49. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Alpha Barry
    DATE: 10/22/19
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article about BYU researchers extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade
    I wanted to bring your attention to this article about extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade again.
    We already know that all electronic devices communicate through the internet or wireless by sending a binary code 0’s and 1’s. Due of that so, researchers found also we need to increase the number of bits per second to be sent over a given distance between two or more circuits.

    Brigham Young University, BYU, connected devices, gear, internet, iot, mesh networking, on-off noise power communication, ONPC, protocol, range, router, routers, smart home, software, Washington University, wifi

  50. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Alpha Barry
    DATE: 10/22/19
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article about BYU researchers extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade
    I wanted to bring your attention to this article about extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade again.
    We already know that all electronic devices communicate through the internet or wireless by sending a binary code 0’s and 1’s. Due of that so, researchers found also we need to increase the number of bits per second to be sent over a given distance between two or more circuits.

    Brigham Young University, BYU, connected devices, gear, internet, iot, mesh networking, on-off noise power communication, ONPC, protocol, range, router, routers, smart home, software, Washington University, wifi

  51. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Alpha Barry
    DATE: 10/22/19
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article about BYU researchers extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade
    I wanted to bring your attention to this article about extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade again.
    We already know that all electronic devices communicate through the internet or wireless by sending a binary code 0’s and 1’s. Due of that so, researchers found also we need to increase the number of bits per second to be sent over a given distance between two or more circuits.

    Brigham Young University, BYU, connected devices, gear, internet, iot, mesh networking, on-off noise power communication, ONPC, protocol, range, router, routers, smart home, software, Washington University, wifi

  52. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Alpha Barry
    DATE: 10/22/19
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article about BYU researchers extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade
    I wanted to bring your attention to this article about extend WiFi range by 200 feet with a software upgrade again.
    We already know that all electronic devices communicate through the internet or wireless by sending a binary code 0’s and 1’s. Due of that so, researchers found also we need to increase the number of bits per second to be sent over a given distance between two or more circuits.

    Brigham Young University, BYU, connected devices, gear, internet, iot, mesh networking, on-off noise power communication, ONPC, protocol, range, router, routers, smart home, software, Washington University, wifi

  53. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Burhan Saeed
    DATE: 10/22/2019
    SUBJECT: Brief summary of an article about The Inside playbook of ansible

    IT industry is evolving, and Automation is becoming a very important tool in IT industry. I want to bring your attention to this article about The inside playbook.
    In IT industry there are always new technologies coming along. Ansible is one of the tools in IT industry that has made System Admin’s life alot easier it allows the admin to do a certain task across hundreds of machines.And in this article you can read about couple of more modules that are in the industry now that will make things easier than they already are.

    Andrius Benokraitis(2019). Network features coming soon in ansible engine 2.9. Red Hat ansible  

  54. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Tariq Hemraj
    DATE: October 22nd, 2019
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article About death rates in America due to vehicles.

    I wanted to bring your attention to this article about the death rates due to vehicles in America.

    This article explained that deaths driver and passenger deaths has decreased a significant amount since 2018. But, car’s versus pedestrian death count has significantly increased. Automobile manufacturers have gone further than before to increase the safety in passengers during crashes, and this caused the count to go down. However pedestrians struck by vehicles are increasing, the article explains that manufactures need to work harder on computerized braking or pedestrian avoidance systems.
    AAtiyeh, C. (2019, October 22). Driver, Passenger Deaths Down in 2018, but Car vs. Pedestrian Is Up. Car and Driver, Oct(2019), 1–48.

  55. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Samuel L. Rivera
    DATE: 10/22/2019
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article about WEBCASTING ROYALTY RATES

    This memo is to bring to your attention an article I have recently read about webcasting royalty rates. This article describes how the Internet has effected the way the recording industry can keep control of their content over the internet. The article discusses the disputes of both the recording industry and of webcasters who under recent laws imposed in the past decade can now legally play copyrighted music over the streaming channels. Both parties disagree with the rates, what percentages of royalties should go to who, and this article goes into the topic more extensively.

    Fessler, K. (2003). Webcasting Royalty Rates. Berkeley Technology Law Journal, 18(1), 399. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=9816810&site=ehost-live&scope=site

  56. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Masum. Hossain
    DATE: 10/22/19
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article about Hackers

    Hackers look for the insecure passwords, insecure networks and malware in a various way.
    Hackers usually looking for defaults password from account to account because defaults password remain unchanged. Another way hacker can access to other people account by searching insecure networks. For example, public wifi is not secure because information can be sent and receive and view by third parties. Malware is another trick to give hackers the private information.

    Wizke, D. (2019). Protecting Client Secrets From Hackers. Paralegal Today, 22-30.

  57. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Fernando
    DATE: 10/22/2019
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article About who owns outer space

    I wanted to bring your attention to this article about owning outer space

    This article is mostly about new technologies that private companies want to use in order to gain more information on the moon by establishing mining operations. In addition, many people start to question on whether if one these companies start to claim things from outer space how will this issue be solved.

    Knipp, J., D. (2019, Feb). Who owns outer space? Roomb, #2(20) 2019, 36-39.

  58. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Haider Ali
    DATE: October 20, 2019
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article About down time in video games.

    I wanted to bring your attention to how servers being down can effect a game and its users.

    The Author of the article talks about how a very popular multiplayer video game used its down time to create a media event about it. They talked about how the developers used this downtime disguised as if the game was broken to do server maintenance and so they can add a new map for the players to play and this made millions of players log in to see what actually happened to the game. This internet event even brought its attention to celebrities like Lady Gaga. The article also brought the attention to how destiny two which is also a multiplayer game had a 24hr down time and once it got back on it was not working optimally and players were frustrated while waiting really long just to get a game in.

    Gault, M. (2019, October 16). How Fortnite Turned a Server Outage Into a Media Phenomenon. Retrieved October 22, 2019, from https://time.com/5702675/fortnite-black-hole-season-2/.

  59. TO: Prof. Ellis
    FROM: Liuming Chen
    DATE: 10/22/19
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article about Fan Fiction

    I want to share a fascinating article on the WIRE magazine, about how technology change fan fiction.

    This article talk about fan fiction were usually private, personal, popular in its own community but never mainstream. The internet let these fan fiction writers to share their own stories to others in a quiet place. Nowadays, video streaming platform like Netflix, Hulu, HBO need these writers to structure different stories that weren’t usually being seen by the public, because they inject new blood to the market, meets interests of different people, and telling many stories at once.

    Penny, L. (2019, September). We Can Be Heroes. WIRED, 27(09), 50–59.

  60. To: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Huzaifa Anas
    DATE: 11/5/2019
    SUBJECT: Mythic Proportions
    The article Mythic Proportions is an interesting read about the dynamic opinion about fame and its evolving nature through history,

    Beowulf had four virtues with the fourth one being his unrelenting pursuit of fame, and similarly, other people had similar characteristics like Julius Cesear’s drive to surpass Alexander’s prestige and be skewed into the annals of history or Alexander’s desire to enact a real-life play of Achilles and immortalize himself. There are some people who shun this pursuit of fame like Sun Tzu who looked down on generals who pursued fame instead of loyalty to their liege and country as their driving force, but other people like Leonardo Da Vinci praised the pursuit of fame because it immortalized people into the minds of people, while worldly gains would pass away into dust with one’s death. Overall, the article speaks about the changing nature of fame from great conquests and sacrifices in the historic times to lip jobs of Kylie Jenner constituting fame today through the internet, which immortalizes our existence, but to what extent and how valuable and entrenched that fame truly is to be questioned.

    Magazine APA Citation: HEFFERNAN, V. I. R. G. I. N. I. A. (2019, August 20). MYTHIC PROPORTIONS. WIRED, 27(09), 15–20.

    Note: This is for the October 22, 2019 class, which I was absent for. I was in the hospital at the time and wasn’t aware of this assignment till recently along with midterm/test week delaying its submission.

  61. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Eric Llerena
    DATE: 10/22/2019
    SUBJECT: Brief Summary of an Article about Israeli settlements in West Banks.

    I wanted to bring your attention to this article about Israeli settlements.

    This article is so interesting and shows how controversial Israeli settlements differentiates in importance for the U.S. to other countries. So, the United States announced that Israeli settlements they had aren’t against the law, therefore it isn’t illegal. The European Union believes otherwise and says that the Israeli settlements are illegal and can cause problems instead of being peaceful.

    Gardner, L. (2018, April 13). How A.I. Is Infiltrating Every Corner of the Campus. Chronicle of Higher Education, p. 1. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=131501743&site=ehost-live&scope=site

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