Beginning of Class Writing: Concise Summary of Article and APA Citation

For today’s beginning of class writing assignment, write a memo addressed to a colleague. It’s purpose is to let your colleague know the main point of the article in exactly 100 words plus/minus 5 words (use your word processor to check the word count of the body of your memo). Also, you will want to end your memo with an APA citation of the article. An example of this is included below, and more information is available here.

APA Reference Examples:

Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number(issue number), pages.

Henry, W. A., III. (1990, April 9). Making the grade in today’s schools. Time, 135, 28-31.

After spending about 30 minutes on this assignment, we will use the rest of class time to work on Project 1. The files linked below will be given out as handouts and discussed during class to help facilitate our progress on Project 1.






3 thoughts on “Beginning of Class Writing: Concise Summary of Article and APA Citation”

  1. TO: Jason Ellis, Assistant Professor
    FROM: Eugenia Pierre, PTW Student
    DATE: 2/6/2019
    SUBJECT: Beginning of class writing #2, Summary Memo

    In this memo I’m going to summarize an article by Anthony Calonico titled “Hiring with Vision.”

    One thing this article focus on is not being prejudiced about who you hire but smart. When hiring the need of the company has to be the priority in mind, so it’s important to hire the right candidate for the job. Two employees in Anthony’s department who were siblings ask for time off that they didn’t have, and for the same period of time, which put him in very inconvenient situation because granting them both the time off, will hurt his department.

    Calonico,A. (2018,August/September). Hiring with vision. Journal of Dental Technology, 30

  2. TO: Jason Ellis

    FROM: Kyrah McFarlane

    DATE: Feb. 12, 2019

    SUBJECT: Beginning of Class Writing #2, Summary Memo

    In this memo I am going to summarize the article “ A creepy, ambiguous story of US” by Stephanie Zacharek.

    The article is focusing on what the movie “Us” by Jordan Peele is trying to tell us. They’re saying that he is trying to share some messages in his film by using different symbols. He is trying to tell us something by not physically or verbally telling us. Jordan wants us to figure out the clues ourselves and piece them together instead of explaining it himself. He wants you to look at things from a different perspective then you usually would do.

    Zacharek,S. (2019,April). A creepy, ambiguous story of US. Time, 50

  3. To: Professor Ellis
    From: Savan De Jesus
    Date: May 8, 2019
    Subject: Beginning of class writing #2, Summary Memo

    In this memo I will summarize an article by James Gunn called ”Bacigalupi and Morrow Win Campbell and Sturgeon Awards.”

    This article is mainly about the John W. Campbell Memorial Award received by Paolo Bacigalupi for his novel titled “The Windup Girl” and by James Morrow for his novel titled “Shambling Towards Hiroshima.” It also speaks on the theme of this year’s Campbell Conference which was “Theodore Sturgeon and the Science-Fiction Short Story.” Special guests from the science-fiction writing world came from all over the country to host writing workshops, book readings, autograph signings and more!

    Gunn, J. (2010, August). Bacigalupi and morrow win campbell and sturgeon awards. Locus, 65(2), 10

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