Monthly Archives: December 2015

Instant access to the world By Jonathan Valverde

Throughout the recent years of technology being introduced to society, there has been much debate on whether it benefits us or does the exact opposite to the brain. Technology, it is a key to instant access to everything, whether calling someone or receiving an email instantly, we see ourselves using phones, laptops, desktops, tablets and other sources to instantly obtain information on the news or your plans for the weekend. In the following essay I will discuss  with my own experience, the two individuals I interviewed, and all the research i’ve done why I believe technology can only benefit us, particularly the Internet web.


Technology surrounds us today, anywhere you may go technology is present. As i’m writing this essay i’m using a laptop to complete the assignment. As an individual who has been growing with this great asset of technology I have seen a positive outcome. I can use the Web for different reasons these include education and personal use. Ever since I could remember I have been using the web to obtain information for assignments. Whether it’s looking up a historical figure or researching a particular event, the web has been the key to access all the information. I also use the web for my personal use or in other words when I have nothing to do. I can search up music, play games, and buy anything I desire. Accoriding to it can be used for entermainment purposes. Overall the internet has had a greater positive impact in me rather than a negative effect, I use it towards my advantage whether it is for a school assignment or just searching up song. The vast web has endless explorations that anyone can use for different reasons to better shape the brain.


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, the two people I interviewed were my little sister age 12 and my father age 43. Firstly I asked my sister how often does she see herself using the web, she replied, “when I come home I usually do homework first but then go use the computer to play games or watch Youtube videos”. Then I asked if she uses the Internet to search up anything regarding school, she said, “ yeah to search up a word I don’t know or when I have to type up a paper but while using the Internet I would open another page and go on Youtube to watch videos”. When she told me this I thought about Nicholas Carr ‘The Shallows’ and how the web can be a distraction to the brain and have an effect on the individual. So lastly I asked her do you the Internet being a good or bad thing, she said, “both I can use it to help me in homework but also see myself in the computer for a long time.” With that being said I can understand why my younger sister may feel this way towards the web. Secondly I interviewed my father, as a person who wasn’t used much of the technology we currently have let alone the Internet my dad tells me he is intrigued by what can be done within the web. I started off with the same question as my sister, how often do you see yourself using the web, he said, “ not much, but that’s because I don’t know how to use it much.” Then I asked him if he would learn how to run the web, he told me, he knows what things can be done in the Internet such as shopping, watching videos, and even paying bills. Overall the two individuals I interviewed had different answer and what I also realized was they had different agendas, my younger sister may use the web for searching up information for homework while on the other hand my dad may want to learn how to operate the computer to pay some bills much faster rather than mailing it. This opened my eyes how vast the web truly is and how everyone has different uses for it.


Society may see the Internet as a positive or negative thing, according to Gabriela González a writer, he wrote an intreseting article on regarding how the Internet is ‘good for you’. He brings different studies on different aspects on how the internet can benefit the individual or even society. It states, “ In one study it was demonstrated that people over 60 years old who spend most time online are more likely to be more mentally active and to suffer less depression. According to that study, social networks can enable people of any age to make decisions about their health, once they have gathered enough relevant information. In a survey, 42% said that they used social networks to find descriptions related to health services, 40% said that the information they got from social networks would help them to deal better with the effects of a chronic illness, while 45% said that depending on what they read on sites such as Facebook and Twitter, they might consider seeking a second opinion from another doctor”.  In other words it may help your health, you may find information where you probably wouldn’t have found if it was not for the Internet. Surprising Gabriela González also brings up how the internet can be good for the economy, “The internet creates jobs and for each job created in the technology industry, five more are created in other branches, jobs that are needed to support an entire company… The internet has made many things change, and in the search for a formula to reduce piracy, the “Netflix” effect has come about, something so simple whereby if people have a legal place where they can pay to watch movies, view series and listen to music, piracy will fall. According to one study, 40% of people download less pirate copies if they can use a service such as Netflix and similar sites”. In addition to what he says I can relate to the last thing he refers, on how less people use pirated copies because of a service such as Netflix. In essence the web can improve in numerous different aspects in the human life.


There are those who argue that it the Internet impacts of lives in a negative way, that it is a distraction to the brain and that is a problem., a blogging site wrote an article called ‘ This Is How The Internet Is Rewiring Your Brain’, in which they discuss how the internet is a negative thing for the human brain. They refer to many different readings to back up their thesis, for instance they refer to Dr. Anthony Wagner, an associate professor of psychology at Stanford, she said, “When they’re in situations where there are multiple sources of information coming from the external world or emerging out of memory, they’re not able to filter out what’s not relevant to their current goal,” or in other words due to the brain multitasking in the web and being distracted it becomes difficult to obtain and store the information being received. The article also refers to an author I have learned about,  Nicholas Carr and his book ‘The Shallows’ they quote him saying, “The Internet is an interruption system. It seizes our attention only to scramble it”.  Just how Nicholas Carr wants society to be aware of how the internet is affecting the brain’s function on doing activities. Although many may argue that the internet may affect the human brain in a negative way it should not overshadow how great of an asset the internet can be.


The Internet, instant access on your finger tips, a great distraction or even a better asset. I believe it can only help the individual when searching up a word or an event that needs more research. While many may argue how it is too much of a distraction, the outcome is much more positive than negative. With that being said technology will continue to shape our brains in the future with many things to keep on changing.


Works cited

The Internet Is Becoming More Human Than Humans? by Sasha Dorvil

For the past century, the way humans live and how they live has dramatically changed the course of time. The Internet has shaped our society by making some individuals lazy, dehumanized and developing lower self-esteem. The article, “Losing Our Souls in Cyberspace” by Douglas Groothuis, “Does the Internet Make Us Stupid?” by Hermann Maurer, What The Internet Is Doing To Our Brains by Nicholas Carr, and the interviews with Sarah Dorvil and Johnathan Smith shows the supporting evidence that the internet is having a negative effect on society.
From new inventions to new discovery’s and technology, the evolution of the lifestyle of people have advanced faster than any human could ever predict. However, is it for the good or worse? Is the advancement of new technology evolving faster than our brains can handle? Humans are obviously far more capable than other animals. There’s no comparison in personal capacities and social achievement. Therefore, are we losing what makes us human? Being provided with endless resources to information, communication and entertainment, technology has changed the way people think and how they do things.
With the internet people tend to get more invested with fantasy rather than reality. In “Losing Our Souls in Cyberspace” by Douglas Groothuis, he states, “The internet distributes information widely and quickly, but in a merely electronic form, which lacks the personal presence at the heart of discipleship, fellowship, and worship. When cyberspace begins to replace embodied interactions, we fail to honor the nature of humanity. We may be “connected” to people around the world through the Internet while we neglect our spouses, neighbors, and churches.” Groothuis means even though the internet is a useful way of communication and finding information, the Internet distracts us from our daily lives. Many people find that the social media are their homes. Having five missed calls or mailing piling up for days outside because of a gaming website shows us how easily a person can be dragging in. From spending time with our families to seeing information without thinking rationality. For example, many teens rather stay on the internet to communicate on social platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, and Instagram more than communicating verbally. It has an impact on their social skills making it harder for teens to make personal relationships with friends and families. The internet also makes most people lose their ability to rationalize. People intake certain information in many different ways by the way they perceives things to be. However, the internet takes information to disperse it so it can be interpreted in one way. So, are we losing the human ability of thinking for ourselves?
Eighteen-year-old female Sarah Dorvil attending her freshman year at a University shares her experiences with the Internet and how it has affected her growing up. Sarah states, “The Internet is making me too lazy even though it’s a great source for information, like Google.” Many people rely on the internet for answers to their questions without thinking it through as a first option. For most people Google has become a dependency to a point where most people are being spoon fed information than actually learning Sarah also states, “That I don’t do anything productive. I rather stay home than go out.” The internet has a way of keeping us distracted and busy for a long period of time. From spending it all on playing video games online to interacting with people virtually, to online shopping. There was a time when all these activities were actually done physically. These advancements are positive for those who are physically incapable of doing it, but there are incapable people using them just for the convenience. Instead of a student going to a museum to do a project, some would automatically go on Google and find the paintings. The option of convenience has had a huge impact on what and why people do certain activities from online schooling to online shopping. This leads to people choosing the less challenging way out. This might be the reason of certain habits such as doing a certain task, studying, problem-solving. The Internet might be causing us to negligent.
With the investment of time comes the emotional investment of the internet. In the article, “Does the Internet Make Us Stupid?” by Hermann Maurer, states that “Knowing how to navigate the Net does not make up for synapses generated in our brain. We will be using algorithms doing some job for us (like calculating something, speech translations, finding a route, and other functions). Yet it is clear some basic information and the facility to do serious logical thinking must not disappear. Whether logical thinking can be best achieved by learning mathematics, or by some other means like learning how to play chess or bridge (might be more fun) will still have to be determined.” Maurer is saying that even though the internet is a good source, we might be losing the actual meaning of learning. In the book What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains by Nicholas Carr, Carr talks about the ‘The numbing effect’. Nicholas explains that the numbing effect is when you use tools to enhance our natural ability to do things but most people while using these tool may rely too much on the use and lose sight of their natural ability
Forty-eight-year-old Johnathan Smith, a father, and husband of four children has a lot of strong opinions on how the Internet has changed over the years. Being an older generation Mr. Smith hasn’t had the most advancement with technology and how it has evolved today. Mr. Smith states, “The internet is making kids more emotional in affecting their moods.” He further explains, “The Internet is showing kids images of what they should act and look like. Deterring them from what they personally like and want to do.” Women are now more active than men across major social media platforms such as Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook and have a stronger attachment to social networking than do men. Intense internet usage contributes to increased anxiety and depression and even psychosis. The Internet and what are often regarded as factors that influence girls and guys as a certain image. There are hundreds of studies that draw conclusions between media like the Internet and magazines with poor self-esteem. Mr. Smith states that “The Internet has made children less open to speaking their feelings.” Because of the lowering of the self-esteem of most children that the Internet has contributed, most children have had trouble expressing their feelings and opening up. The internet is a pathway to shallow relationships and emotionally detached communication. When we look into the Internet, we end up comparing ourselves to what we see. On the Internet, everyone’s life looks perfect but people will show you what they want you to see. We can be whoever we want to be on the internet.

With the help of The article, “Losing Our Souls in Cyberspace” by Douglas Groothuis, “Does the Internet Make Us Stupid?” by Hermann Maurer, What The Internet Is Doing To Our Brains by Nicholas Carr, and the interviews with Sarah Dorvil and Johnathan Smith supporting my evidence that the internet is having a negatively effect on our society. The Internet is showing just as much negative effects as positive. Therefore, it’s up to us to clarify and border ourselves with the amount and how we use them. We always hear the saying “ You are what you eat” but how about “ You are what you use”. Less can be more while using the internet.



Kellner, Mark A. “Losing Our Souls In Cyberspace.” Christianity Today 41.10 (1997): 54. Academic Search Complete. Web. 20 Dec. 2015.
Maurer, Hermann. “Does The Internet Make Us Stupid?.” Communications Of The ACM 58.1 (2015): 48-51. Academic Search Complete. Web. 20 Dec. 2015.

Carr, Nicholas. The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains. W.W Norton & Company Norton, W. W. &, 2010. Print.

Distraction is the new Black: By Jolleli S. Garcia

Gaming systems date back to the early 1970s. Gaming systems have brought many burdens on American citizens, especially among mothers. Gaming systems have become a world wide distraction. Video gaming is evolutionizing our attention by the way it serves as a significant distraction. Many video games are fast paced and they display lots of information in a rapid speed. With all the information coming at the player, the player’s attention span can be desperately shortened. The time video gamers invest playing is distracting the players from achieving other things. In this essay, I will discuss the following topics: The evolution of gaming systems, how it affects both the player and their surroundings and I will discuss how being a  gamer can help you reach future jobs in the gaming industry.

Gaming systems date back to the early 1970s. You must think that the most recent video game consoles will have the best graphics you can get. Children used to think that the earlier games had cool graphics, but video graphics are getting better and better and more realistic. The latest game consoles have really cool features such as: wireless controllers, Internet connection to use services like Netflix, buy games, and connect with other players. Back in the days, you were only able to play games and the controllers were connected to the console with cords. With all these cool features game systems have to offer you can connect to the Internet, players from all around the world can play together online. While interviewing my mother a 35 year old woman named Rebecca, I asked her how she felt about the new features game systems have she simply said “the more features they add on these games the more distractions they add.” I wholeheartedly agree with what my mother has to say about the new and improved gaming systems as I personally have gotten caught up using these features. During another interview with my dad a 45-year-old man named Felix, he told me that he thinks gaming systems have improved to better as when he was young the only game systems he knew about for the machines they had in laundromat,” he is surprised how advanced video games have become. Gaming systems will continue to get better over time.

Video games, and gaming consoles can distract almost anyone. They are big distractions that pull you away from achieving task. The distraction that these video games bring not only have a distraction to the player but it also affects his or hers surroundings. In Dubai they did a study to prove the effectiveness of new techniques and reducing discomfort during dental procedures. They use 60 healthy children between the ages of five and 11 who have never had any dental experience. They did this to prove that how do you visual distractions and the use of video games was effective and reducing pain during clinical settings. It was found that the video-game distraction was effective in reducing pain. One may think this is barbaric but in fact it was proved to be effective if you video-game is pound four enough to block dental procedures pain then it shows how much of a distraction it is.

On the contrary, gamers are being utilized more and more. With the rise of more technological  things the more people they need who are into these jobs. The increase of drones has made a high demand on gamers. Not every human beings can acquire new skills therefore there is a high demand on video gamers. They need pilots for aerial drones. This is a great pro against all the negativity video gamers get. Gamers can pursue a career or get a job doing something they like to do. This can prove my argument to be not so true, they now consider gamers an important part of society. Industries like Amazon who are looking forward to expanding their delivery options continue to look for drone pilots. I continue to agree that video games are a distraction, but also believe that if you put your distraction in play you can gain something out of it.

One may argue that the games can be a distraction as they evolve over time but I also have to agree that there are new ways to put your distractions away and put them into work. In 5 to 10 years our technology is going to expand, there will no longer be mailman’s, deliveryman,UPS services will be faster and millions of other forms of getting stuff we need will be here in 25 minutes rather than waiting 5-7 business days.  Drones  will soon take over. That’s an inevitable part of our future. We have no power over it we just have to go with the flow however, we should not let game consoles take over our time if we are not going to pursue career with in that field.


Work cited

“Video Games Distract Kids From
pain during Dental Procedures.” LexisNexis. Khaleej Times (United Arab Emirates), 17 Apr. 2010. Web. 10 Dec. 2015.

Green, C. S. “Learning Attention Control, and Action Video Games.” Academic Search Complete. N.p., Mar. 2012. Web. 9 Dec. 2015.

Effects of The First Person Shooting Games by Sher Syed

Our brain is like a core of our body that basically runs all the functions in our body. In the whole human being life, brain observes the surrounding, retrieve the information and store it into the brain. It is a never-ending process until the life spam of the body ends. Each person’s brain reacts differently in situations even if they go through the same event. This is because their senses focus on different things in the same event. Every person’s brain reacts differently because of its plasticity due to the experience and memories throughout the life. Almost everything around you shape up your brain especially what you pay attention to or focus on. In today’s society the first person shooting games are famous and almost every teenager plays the first person shooting games. The first-person shooting games are actually the games that have first person’s point of view. In other words the screen display is nearly same as your eyes see in real life. It has more realistic features that attract an individual’s brain. Due to its realism, it has negative impact on human brain as well the violent first-person shooting games lead to harmful acts, causes addiction and affects your health. The new technology like Cyberith Virtualizer and Oculus Rift made these games more realistic and have even more negative impact on the brain.

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Few examples of first person shooting games

Few examples of first person shooting games

Due to the violent first person shooting games many tragedies happened that were caused by first person violent games. According to Bilton who wrote article “Gaming industry shows little patience for worries about realistic violence; Diruptions”, “researchers believe that the constant flood of violent images takes away a child’s ability to feel empathy for people who have been through similar situation in real life” (Bilton2). It indicates that the violent first person shooting games have negative impact on brain that could take away a child ability to feel empathy for others. In other words it could make children more violent and can cause problems like shootings and attempt to harm other people. Furthermore Bilton explained, “after the Sandy Hook shootings in Connecticut, when it becomes clear that Adam Lanza was a fan of first-person shooters, including the popular military game Call of Duty” (Bilton2). The violent first person shooting games lead to harmful acts just as shooting incident in Sandy Hooks that was cause by a first-person shooter fan Adam Lanza and it lead to many injuries and deaths. In addition, “The mass shootings in recent years in Newtown, Conn. and Aurora, Colo., were both committed by young men who had regularly played first-person shooters” (Bilton1). The first-person shooting games effect a person’s brain that change the thinking of a person and lead to violence that took away many people’s lives. Moreover Deanworth who wrote article “Brain-Changing Games” explained about the effects of games on brain, “of more concern are studies across thousands of gamers indicating that regularly exposure to violent video games accounts for 1 to 4 percent of the many possible triggers for aggression” (Denworth5). There are percentages of people that get negatively affected by the first-person shooting games and they get aggressive. It proves that violent first-person shooting games have negative effects on person brain and lead to harmful acts.

The first-person shooting games cause addiction and your body gets affected that leads to problem in real life. According to my friend Bilal Shadizai, “I love to play games. Especially the first-person shooting games like Call of Duty, Modern Warfare and Battlefield 4. Sometimes I don’t study because of the game that never let me to leave it until I get tired”(Shadizai par5). This shows that first-person shooting games have factors that keep your attention towards the game and you never want to leave it until you get tired or something important comes up. In addition, “playing video games might even ameliorate certain visual disorders” (Denwoth2). It illustrates that first person shooting games require focus of sight and if you play it more than average time it effects your vision which could lead to certain types of visual disorders. My mother Mah Jabeen who is 52 years old explained her perspective about the first person shooting games, “ I personally never get interested in games and I don’t like these violent games because it spoils kids and they play games instead of studying” (Jabeen par7). In old times there were no digital games that had attracted so much attention and realism comparing to modern games. It cause addictions and person keep himself or herself busy in games and ignore things that are needed to be done to progress in life. The basic idea is first person shooting games cause addiction and effects person’s vision and also make them lazy.

The technology is developing really fast in the present age. There are many technologies that run first person shooting games but now they have created new virtual reality technology that has made these games more realistic which makes a person feels that he or she is in the game. However, it can have many negative impacts on the brain. According to Weger who did research on effects on virtual reality technology gaming on brain, “the point of view we adopt during video gaming thus appears to have implications that extend beyond the virtual environment, into real life”(Weger4). This points out that when we use virtual reality technology for gaming we adapt our surroundings in the game and turn it in to real life, which causes a person to react to the situations in games that seems to be real in his or her perspective. In some cases, it causes stroke. In addition “aggressive video gaming has been shown to lead to dehumanization and more disengagement”(Weger1). This tells that playing violent games cause people to act aggressive and virtual reality gears like that make it much more effective. The new virtual reality technology making games more realistic but it has negative impact on brain because it makes person brain to adapt the game environment and replace it to the real environment.

Some might say first person shooting games improve your visual and decision making skills. The video game players use brain more efficiently. According to Denworth, “spatial reasoning also improved after playing Halo, as determined two standard tests of this skill taken before and after the session” (Denworth3). In other words playing first person shooting games improves your learning and spatial reasoning skills based on the experiments that were performed. In addition, “new psychological studies are finding that as violent games become more realistic, constantly playing them can lead to a desensitization toward real violence” (Bilton1). This shows that playing violent games make children less sensitive towards violence. However, playing first person shooting game is good just to certain extent if you play it on daily basis it causes negative impact on the brain. It causes violence that leads to “a connection between games and gun violence”(Bilton2). It tells that violent first person shooting games lead to gun violence in real life because of it affect on human brain. Also the use of virtual reality technology for the first person shooting games can promote violence and effects the ability of vision.

So it is proved that first person shooting games have negative impact on brain because it cause addiction, promote violence and new virtual reality technologies making these games more realistic and have deep impact on the brain. Even if you play violent games and doesn’t seem to be effecting you but your brain focus on game and shape from it and in some ways it change the way you think. It also effects the decision you make in your life. There are still experiments going on to find more about how first person shooting games affect our brain in other ways. Just as the technology evolving there are more progression in studies for the affects of first person shooting games on brain but our brain is too complex and its hard to understand how it works but the limited use of violent first person shooting games can avoid these problems.

Work Cited

Bilton, Nick. “Gaming industry shows little patience for worries about realistic violence; Disruptions.” International New York Times. (June 16, 2014 Monday ): 918 words. LexisNexis Academic. Web. Date Accessed: 2015/12/11.

Denworth, Lydia. “Brain-Changing Games.” Scientific American Mind 23.6 (2013): 28-35. Academic Search Complete. Web. 11 Dec. 2015.

Jabeen, Mah, Personal interview.2 Dec 2015
Shadizai, Bilal. Personal interview. 2 Dec 2015

Weger U, Loughnan S. Virtually numbed: Immersive video gaming alters real-life experience. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review [serial on the Internet]. (2014, Apr), [cited December 11, 2015]; 21(2): 562-565. Available from: Academic Search Complete.

where words fail music speaks it’s freedom by Marc Larose



Larose, Marc


9 december 2015

Professor Ellis Jason

Eng 1101 D380

Where words fail music speaks It’s freedom

It seems that people feel compelled to give their opinion of new inventions and technology. However, many of those opinions are inaccurate or ill-informed. For example, the great philosopher Socrates believed that writing was evil, because it enables you to record information outside of your brain. I have been encouraged all my life to keep a journal to write things down so that I do not forget them. Likewise, many people believe that the Internet is bad because it is believed that the Internet causes us to lose connection with those around us. The truth is it all comes down to how and why you use it. The way I use the Interned is to listen to digital music. Three great things about listening to music is that it changes my mood, helps me pay attention, and helps me learn. I argue that digital music and it is ease of access online improves listeners emotional state. This improved emotional state can produce other improvement in attention and learning by keeping you motivated.

As teenagers we often feel like nobody understands us or hears what we have to say. We are being treated like a child but yet are expected to act like an adult. Therefore, we rely on art to be the voice of the voiceless. Art is anything that is done with love. Some art can be hooked on a wall and others we listen to. It can be the drawing of a five year old, a twenty year old in a dance competition, or a song you can relate to. I listen to every kind of music but I mainly prefer rap music because I feel like the artists understand me. I feel like we share something in common. It’s like the author know my pain, and what I am going to through without even knowing me personally.

Music is like a drug that produces a physiological affect of a changed  mood while listening to it .In two separate interviews I had, one with my best friend Samuel Harris ,who is 19 majoring in Theater art and law and my mother Marie Jean who is a 40 years old a certified nurse assistant, Samuel and Marie Jean said  that music changes their despite the fact that they have different tastes in music. Samuel mostly listens to R&B while Marie listens to gospel music. Sam listens to music to make time fly by while Marie listens to music to go to sleep faster. They both agree that music disconnects you from the world by putting you in a world of your own. I agree with them, because I also listen to music which is mostly rap. I listen to music when I am doing homework, chores, or to get from place to place. When I to go to the gym, I hate to do cardio but when I put my headphones on and listen to music, I suddenly get motivated and it fells like I did so much in so little time. What I am trying to say is if you don’t like doing something, put some music on and your mood will be positive and you will be motivated.


Skanland, Marie Strand reports that listening to music on MP3 player helps regulate your mood and emotion. Regulate means that to control the rate or speed so that it operates properly meaning if it helps regulate mood and emotions it will always maintain them in a positive state. By regulating people moods and emotion, music relieve them from stress which make them function better because as we know not everyone can perform under stress. Many athletes have said music has helps them calm down before a big game. They make listening to music part of their routine.

In addition to the previous article a newspaper raised the question ” Which came first, language or music?”. The article was basically talking about how different type of music brings out different type of emotions. It also says based on a experiment that was done in Japan and Europe more people were moved to tears than any other art, like novels , painting or Poetry. Music put you on a relaxed mood when a mother first bond with her child is when the baby is crying and she pick him up started singing to him and rock the baby comfortly no words need it.  she calmed the kid down with no word, only lyrics. That action should tell you the impact of music in our brain.

An argument take placed when two parties believed that they are right especially in a topic as controversial as this one. A newspaper repots that “Music a Menace” it talked about how most drivers were distracted while driving changing the station on the radio or putting the Cd in . Most drivers admitted that they taking their eyes off the road to plug in the aux cord. In an Interview of over 25000 people up to 71% admitted that they were distracted by their music player. I do not agree with this article like the other 19% because that does make music a menace. Drivers are easily distracted by a large crowd on the sidewalk, or a police car in front of a house. There are too many factors to blame it on music. I am saying that from my own experience because I am a driver myself and before I drive off I put my phone on shuffle mode. If I want to change the song for some reason , I wait until I am under a red light.What I am saying is do not blame being distracted on music because by pointing one finger towards music, you don’t realize three other finger are being pointed back to you. It means that you are your biggest distraction.

Bob Marley a famous Jamaican songwriter ,singer ,Guitarist and activist said in one of his song called “Trenchtown Rock”, one good thing about Music is when It hits you, you feel no pain”. This mean that music as an incredible impact on us. It is there for us during rough times and it helps us look toward better days ahead. Trenchtown is a poor town in Kingston, Jamaica where Marley grew up. That was hit by a hurricane and destroyed many homes. They settled by a dump site, Marley explain how music was the only escape from this unpleansant life. It is song like that that makes you appreciate the art of music more each day.

To conclude, Music is the best thing that happens to humans because we can never get enough of it and there’s no side effects. It avoid arkawards car rides, also letting us know we know alone and it can also be use as a milestone. For example, play the moments , pause the memories , stop the pain and rewind the happiness. It will help you focus on the positive things in life and not the negative one by rewinding the happiness and stopping the pain. People will always judge what they cannot understand and not in a positive matter. It was no different for music , They do no understand the affect music has on our brain and emotion.Therefore, it must be evil.


Work cited

Harris M. samuel. Personal Interview. 19 november 2015.

jean Marie.Personal interview.19 november 1025

Newspaper. Which came first, language or music?. 7 december 2015

Newspaper.”Music a menace”. 7 december 2015

Skanlan Marie Strand.”Everyday music listening and affect regulation: The role of MP3 players”. 2 December 2015

Modern Workout Machines, Enhances Human’s Brains & Health

Angelica Vargas

Jason W. Ellis

ENG1101 D380

Due Date:12/09/2015


“ Modern Workout Machines, Enhances Human’s Brains & Health “


Modern Technology is transforming the way human brains are now working. Especially when it comes to dealing with a natural and physical workout. It’s hard to believe, each exercise equipment has there own unique history. Fitness goes back to earliest start of when men started speeding while hunting. While many centuries have passed an increased of individuals have experienced with culture development. A fit life will balance out forming into a long and healthy life. Throughout the duration of time fitness equipment has been a major aspect to the change of modern technology.Gym machines have helped humans by decreasing and burning fat in a more quicker way to benefit their life style. Also people can also purchase on of these machines to enhance their daily routine at home.Modern fitness equipment are helping varies generations to shape their bodies.

According to the generation of 2015, we could function better with the modern technology. Most teens would prefer to use workout machine to push their bodies to  achieve their physical goals. This generation often takes advantage of technology throughout their daily day by texting, surfing the web for social media, research for homework, and using a the front camera of devices. Usually most teens attend the gym for the actual cardio machines instead of going out for a run or a walk on their own time. What I have notice is the older a gym member is the more often  they are likely to use the actual physical weights to work out. Teens now usually don’t remember their earliest memory of technology. Deven Mangal ,who is 18 is attending New York City College of Technology stated “ The earliest memory of technology is hearing the dial up tone when I was young and also having the leapfrog learning books.” His thoughts and feelings about technology hasn’t changed much but he also added “I believe that modern technology has impacted this generation by making them lazy in a form and way younger generations are becoming smarter. My little nieces and nephews who are 4 and 8 years old , they have their own tablets using them for games and learning purposes. ” Deven does attend the gym frequently. He can connect to the aspect of the new and advanced technology, which is also helping modern workout exercise machines to enhance the human brain.

Adults over the age of 45 are naturally athletic judging from their childhood .They don’t really need a work out machine to work out, nor they need a gym to work out. Lusiana Ferreira , which is 50 years old feels that today in the 21st century the youth should be way more physical than usual while getting to certain destinations such as work, school and back home. Lusiana says “ I prefer walking to work and back because I don’t have to count on public transportation to get me there on time. All I have to be dependent on are my own two legs “. Lusiana uses technology throughout her daily life by using her cellphone to communicate with her family and friends out of the United States, gossip on social media sites, games to kill time, and alarms to get her day started. Her first time using any type of technology was in her hometown Sabana Iglesia in the Dominican Republic. She used to go to her friends house to watch shows on a small T.V that didn’t contain color. Lusiana’s thoughts and feelings about technology only are basically positives towards the teens of this generation because the technology is helping the teens now rather than keeping the adults alive. Basically she thinks that technology is slowly killing adults. William Vargas which is 53 years old, expressed his feelings on the new and  advanced technology and how it has changed his daily life style. William says “ I’m a 53 year old man that doesn’t mean I have to depend on a machine to move my body “. William takes the train to work rather than driving to work. He says “ It’s way more better for to take the train because it’s less time consuming and i get to walk at the same time.William is learning each and everyday how to better communicate using the new technology with his family that live out of the United States. He uses phone calls, phone applications ,and social media to keep in contact with his family in the Dominican Republic. He also wakes up to his alarm in the mornings before heading to work. William Vargas really started using technology when he came to the United States . He joined a class in the year 1986 to learn about computers and its new functions. He came to have his first flip phone in the year 2007. He says “ it was a wonderful experience to actually be able to be caught up on the advancements of technology then but now in the year 2015 I’m lost than ever. Back in my days I had to wait 15 days to receive a letter, now I wait 15 seconds to receive a text message “ . Computers and other electronic devices have made human life better with commutation and other ways. Working out has become a negative outcome ,now we need a machine to move us.

All of the technology that we use up in our daily lives has got history of their creation. All exercise equipment has a history behind it. Gym equipment such as free weights were first practiced in the ancient times in Egypt, China, India and other cultures around the world. Free weights were onced used in the athletic training, using them as halteres. Halteres were used in the development of strengthening upper body muscular, they were also used for sport training such as the long jump. Cardiovascular Equipment are the the most popular exercise equipment located at the gym. They are the most used machines. When the treadmill was first introduced it wasn’t used for exercise purposes in the year 1875. In the early 1960s, finally the treadmills were distributed to the public to be used  in customers homes and personal gyms. Another common cardio machine is called the elliptical. Cardio machines located at the gym now have advanced information which is given to the member in front of the them while working out. Information such as their heart rate, calories burned,  miles, and laps. Common information is much needed to the member because they are used to getting that type of information while being on the machine.

Judging from the teens and the adults currently ,workout machines and the advanced technology of the 21st century has changed the human lifestyle throughout the duration of time. Work out machines have also made people lazy. They are naturally less active. When having a machine do almost everything to enable a person to lose a certain amount of weight it really makes the human body lazy. The way humans are living now is so much easier than the way the first humans on this earth did. Due to all the history made with gym equipment and how they have impacted to make human life, it’s has resulted to the society to have a healthy and longer life.


Work cited

Mangal, Deven . Personal Interview. 17 November 2015

Ferreira. Lusiana .Personal Interview . 27 November 2015

Vargas . William . Personal Interview . 27 November 2015

Calling all Brains! by Prince Miller

Although cellular phones have been around for a little over forty years, “smart” phones have only been around for about ten. These advanced cell phones have increased capabilities and functionality when compared to their original counterparts, which could only perform basic functions, such as calling and later, texting (mobile phones have been around since 1983, but text messaging launched in the United States in 1995). Over this past decade, as the capability and functionality of these devices has increase, so has human dependency upon them in day-to-day life. Cell phone users today depend on their phones for Internet connection, communication, current events, or whatever else they have personalized their device to do for themselves. This increased dependency comes with a growing detachment from society, because many people today are so addicted to the use of their cell phone that they spend most of their time looking at their phones or listening to music on their phones when out in public instead of socializing. As Nicholas Carr tells us in “The Shallows”, these innovations can be “anti-intellectual” , because we no longer need to make a point of learning information, we can often search for it on the web in less than a minute on these devices whenever we need the information. People born in the “age of technology” may not see these changes in human nature as distinctly as those born a few generations earlier do, because the older people have a better understanding of life before the smart phone. In the following, I will explain why smart phones, while being universally useful and helpful in navigating today’s life, are having a negative effect on the human brain.
One major concern about modern cell phones, or smart phones is that their extensive functionality serves to distract users from the world around them. Before this age of smart phones, if you wanted to look at yourself, you had to go to a mirror. If you wanted to play video games, you had to buy a video game console, or go to an arcade. If you wanted to do research for an essay, you had to go to a library or actively find research materials. However, all in the past ten years, all of these capabilities have become built into a slab of plastic, glass, and metal that conveniently fits in the palm of your hand. Smart phones today are capable of almost an uncountable number of functions. For example, they can operate interchangeably as calculators, cameras, notepads, maps, newspapers, flashlights, and music players, to name a few. The combined cost of these things is more than that of a cell phone, which only serves to intensify the human addiction to them. In a personal interview with my forty-three year old uncle, Shaun Richards, he told me that he believes phones are “addictive and distractive, and are possibly destroying basic human functions and social interaction” (Richards par. 5). He believes that the common person does not need a cell phone, and that only those who have large businesses to manage or oversee do. He says this because the average person is too likely to get caught up in the usefulness of his phone, and be less productive. Also, byproducts of increased human cell phone usage, such as bank tellers, phone operators, toll booth workers, and other jobs being replaced by technology makes it harder for people to survive, which has a clear negative effect. When I interviewed my twenty-one year old brother, Darkim Miller, he told me that he feels cell phones have a profoundly negative effect on a person’s attention span, because of the “social footprint” people are desperate to leave nowadays (Miller par. 3). In his day-to-day life, he says, “it’s like most people are spending their actual life just waiting for their next notification, instead of living their real lives” (Miller par. 5). This, he feels, causes a rift between people on a daily basis that was not previously there. Nowadays there is much less of a window for basic interaction, because people may be tuning out the outside world entirely while intently engaging the device in their hands. Because of this, he feels people are becoming less empathetic towards one another and are losing the ability to communicate with people outside of the Internet.
Ironically, although cell phones were invented to augment our ability to communicate with one another, they can be a constant interruption in face to face communication. People today are likely to check their messages, watch a funny video, or take a call in the middle of a conversation, which can leave a bad impression on the person speaking to them and give both people a warped perception of one another. In an experiment conducted by students at the Public Library of Science, the conclusion was drawn that “One consequence of inattention and distraction during human communication is the disruption of ostension. Ostensive signals, which include among others directing gaze, raising the eye-brows and changing the tone of voice, constitute a natural protocol to convey pertinence in human communication” (Lopez-Rosenfield 6). In this experiment, which involved a large audience of people being put into one on one conversation scenarios, they were able to deduct that not giving someone your full attention while they are speaking to you may hinder your ability to understand them, because you may miss minor details about the subject or the body language the speaker is trying to convey, which can have major effects on what you find important in the story and shape the way you view what they said. The speaker, on the other hand, may feel less inclined to give these ostensive signals to the listener, which may diminish their overall attitude toward speaking at all, leaving them dissatisfied with the conversation and perhaps even the listener themselves.
These changes to our interactions and social patterns brought about by smart phones have also begun to affect the way humans think and memorize things. Being able to find information at the press of a button, or being able to pay for things with your cell phone, or keeping up with all your favorite celebrities’ lives by following their social media profile has made a lot of people today very short term thinkers. There is not much need to bother remembering things when most of the useful information is already on an outsourced memory. As Nicholas Carr tells us, “The Web provides a convenient and compelling supplement to personal memory, but when we start using the Web as a substitute for personal memory, bypassing the inner processes of consolidation, we risk emptying our minds of their riches” (Carr 192). Despite this statement having been written five years ago, it applies equally, if not more (due to further smart phone advancements), to the current day. holds prevalent to this day. Many people, students especially, use their smart phones to take their notes, record important dates, and even quick search information to do their assignments – all in lieu of actually memorizing and utilizing information like students were forced to before these devices came about. The human brain is adaptive by nature, and the patterns developed by getting this quick information can shape the brain to only accept information in this same fast paced rushed through fashion, which could in turn make something that requires long periods of time and focus, such as reading a book or paying attention in a class, become a challenge for people who are attuned to smart phone usage. This diminishing attention span, in addition to the heightened addiction and dependency upon the phones themselves caused by it, is a vicious cycle that is detrimental to the human brain and its functions.
While these small changes to human interaction might be overlooked or dismissed, everyone experiences them in different ways on a daily basis. Many people have a need for these devices, and perhaps are simply willing to accept the social changes that come along with them. In an article posted by The Himalayan Times, it is stated that cell phones have various uses, and therefore should be available to students, especially in college, because of their usefulness as research tools (The Himalayan Times par 5). In time, we may develop a new society or at least an education system that has adapted to the smart phone method of thinking and memorizing, but humanity has not yet had time to adapt, due to the fact that cell phones have existed a relatively short time.

Works Cited

Carr, Nicholas. The Shallows: What The Internet is Doing To Our Brains. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2010. Print.

Lopez-Rosenfeld, Matías, Cecilia I. Calero, Slezak Diego Fernandez, Gerry Garbulsky, Mariano Bergman, Marcos Trevisan, and Mariano Sigman.”Neglect in Human Communication: Quantifying the Cost of Cell-Phone Interruptions in Face to Face Dialogues.” PLoS ONE. 10.6 (June 2015): 1-9. Academic Search Complete. Web. 17 Nov 2015.

Miller, Darkim. Personal interview. 29 Nov 2015.

“Pros and Cons of Cell Phones.” The Himalayan Times. 25 February 2015. LexisNexis Academic. Web. 18 Nov 2015.
Richards, Shaun. Personal interview. 29 Nov 2015.

The Negative Effects of Social Media by Emmanuel Casseus

Over the last few years the Internet and technology have expanded in terms of size, significance and importance. Throughout these last few years many different goals and accomplishments have surfaced into the world. Although there are many positives to the world of Internet and technology, every positive side has a negative side. One particular negative that has surfaced into the world due to the Internet and technology would be social media. There are quite a few social media sites that have influenced the world greatly through both positive but mostly negative events. A few of these social media sites, the more popular one’s would be referred to as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram and Vine. There are multiple different media sites aside from the aforementioned one’s that fall into this category, but these are the most popular social media sites currently in the vast world that we live in. There is one thing I’ve always said when it comes to social media it would be that: “Social Media can be a horrible influence on society”. Moving forward, in the next few entries of this essay I will talk about two articles that support my claim, give feedback from two people who I have asked the personal question “Do you feel that social media has a negative impact on the world?”, and finally I will present a few flaws in my belief that social media is a bad influence.

Any normal person would believe that social media is anything but dangerous. The problem with social media is that even though it allows you to communicate with others over vast different areas of the world, social media can also be the cause of negative events and outcomes to surface. One big example of this would stem from an article titled: “The Effect of Bad News and CEO Apology of Corporate on User Responses in Social Media”. Much like the title suggest, bad news was a primary factor that lead to multiple causalities for a certain company. When I say bad news, I mean a piece of information that was left on a social media site that at the time seemed harmless but later it blew up in the companies face when it spread to vast different parts of the world under their radar. The part in the article goes as follows: “The unpredictable, cascading feature of corporate crisis in social media is at its butterfly effect: It likely starts with a single message in a network but spread to global-scale eventually leading to a devastating consequence for the business at risk.” It is exactly as the article states, one little rumor or false tale of mischief can certainly destroy a company if consumers believe these stories. Whether the story is actually true or false is irrelevant since it all depends on whether the consumer chooses to believe it or not. Companies are easily the most affected by social media in this regard and will do anything to keep their consumers faithful. The first article I read also goes into detail about an event that relates to this statement: “The Papa John’s Pizza Crisis in 2012” that started with a single message on Twitter from a Korean-American customer in New York, who was furious to find a note “lady chinky eyes” written on her receipt by a cashier. Through her negative recounting of the event on Twitter, a local newspaper picked up the story and the news went to national newspapers as well as international news media like CNN within a few days. Papa John’s fired the cashier, sent out a public apology, and even the Papa John’s branch in Korea apologized to Korean customers.” She was merely ranting about a distasteful individual and a newspaper happened to pick up the story which ended up forcing the store to remove the hostile party and apologize to the offended Korean woman. Social media can indeed be a scary thing when used improperly or even by mistake. The main point is that social media can cause companies, societies, organizations, etc, to deal with more complicated issues then necessary. In the next article titled “Social Media for Law Enforcement: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly” the article actually covers both positive and negative sides of the story, but the thing to pay attention to is the section called “the Ugly”. What had basically happened was the article stated that Social Media can be a tactical problems for most police departments. In the article, social media was basically in a sense keeping tabs on the police and what they were doing which gave problems to the police and ruined their extensive setup schemes to capture culprits. So the Police Departments had literally asked people to stop posting and talking about where and what they were doing to avoid these problems. As you can see, social media can even be the cause for the police being unable to perform their own jobs. This is a problematic task at hand that will surely worsen over the years to come.

I decided to interview one of my close friends who wishes to stay anonymous so I will refer to him as “Mr. T”. I asked him one main question to answer for me: “Do you feel that social media has a negative impact on the world?” His response was actually pretty lengthy and it goes as so: “I believe that Social Media has had a negative although while beneficial side to existence when you consider its impact on the world. Due to the wideness of the World Wide Web and how we are able to reach out and socialize with anyone in the globe, it is a powerful opportunity for others to connect to those outside of their own lives, towns, or cities. However, Social Media does have a dark side. It grants the ability of consistent exposure. Your private information whether it be through emails or signing up for social media related websites like Twitter or Facebook provides a security risk for your information to be breached and accessed by another person; someone you don’t know. Social media has provided the means for another form of exposure and that is the ability to voice one’s opinion about anything the topic may be. Everything and I mean everything you comment on or view can be seen by someone else more importantly it could be someone you don’t even know. It has created the existence of Cyber bullying; consistent harassment or humiliation through the use of social networking.” As Mr. T states, although social media itself can be a beneficial factor, it definitely has a dark more rough side. Like the example he used, cyber bullying. Cyber bullying sounds pretty silly from just reading the term, but it should not be overlooked because of the word “Cyber”. Cyber bullying is the same as bullying someone in real life through the use of media over the Internet and sometimes it can be far worse than bullying someone in real life. There have been many cases where people have committed suicide from cyber bullying because the attacker causes them to become too stressed out over life that they end their own lives themselves. Unlike real life bullying, in the hands of an expert the cyber bully can get away with being the cause of someone’s suicide and not being found out by cops. The reason for this is because of hacking and IP changing. Normal conventional means of tracking the source computer who wrote messages to said individual is to check their computers IP Address which would allow authorities full information on the whereabouts of individual. But as times have changed, hackers have found ways to avoid detection like VPN’s, proxy networks and even changing their IP Address to match another countries. Other social media issues stem from individuals themselves who post disturbing and unwanted images and videos. As I’ve said, social media has a huge set of negatives that impact society.

I also decided to interview my father on the same concept. I asked him the same question that I asked my friend: “Do you feel that social media has a negative impact on the world?” It took my father a while to think about it but his reply went as followed: “I’ve been alive for a while, over fifty years at this point and I never would have expected the world to change as much as it has to this day. In regards to your question… Yes, I do feel that social media has had a negative impact on the world as we know it. Back in the day we used to do everything by hand like writing up a letter then putting it in an envelope and shipping it to someone you care about as you wait for the next few days for a reply. Those were replaced with emails and I can’t argue with those, I love the invention of emails. The problem with social media is that it has too many openings. You know when you watch a fighting show and the main character says the opponent has a weakness or they look for an opening to break their guard? You can apply that to social media. Social media, while it looks fun, strong and sturdy has many gaping holes in it. Through these holes everything negative seeps out and slowly travels throughout the Internet preparing itself to poison all viewers of the world. It’s like they say, every positive has a negative and every negative has a positive. In this case however, I would say there is more negatives than positives.” My father makes some good points. He doesn’t feel that social media as a whole is completely corrupt and irritable but rather he acknowledges that it has many bothersome negatives within it.

Now that I’ve stated my opinion on the matter of social media, I will have to admit that there are some positives to using it. For starters, social media is a good way of communicating with others not only through text but even through speech. Programs like Skype that allow users to either send instant private messages or talk to each other manually through the use of built in computer microphones or external microphones. Video and image sharing is another great addition from social media. You can submit an article, video or image to others publicly on a domain such as Facebook for some constructive criticism. Artist are better able to express themselves through social media because they do not have to be a Hollywood star or child prodigy to get their works submitted and posted to a gallery. And finally, social media sites are a good leeway to advertise works like new company products, games, toys and various other projects and products.

To bring everything together, as you can tell I am not very keen on the idea of social media. While I do believe that social media itself isn’t necessarily a horrible product of the growing times, I do believe that it has many casualties hidden behind its “safe” demeanor. I’m going to be honest here and state that I did not always think negatively about social media. But, as time started to go by and I started to grow older and my brain started to grow with both my body size and mental logic I came to the conclusion that social media isn’t always good for you. There are people who commit suicide, threatened institutions, post disturbing and undermining pictures and create absolutely atrocious videos that are posted and show them to everyone in the world. Some videos are even making fun of people with disabilities and others who view the videos end up commenting some rather rude things about it. If they were in the same boat as most of these individuals they wouldn’t be laughing, and if they would be laughing then I don’t believe they are a mentally sane person to begin with. Overall, social media has its upsides and downsides.

Works Cited

Kim, Hoh, et al. “The Effect Of Bad News And CEO Apology Of Corporate On User Responses In Social Media.” Plos ONE 10.5 (2015): 1-21. Academic Search Complete. Web. 9 Dec. 2015.

“Social Media: Law Enforcement Tool – Public Safety – LexisNexis.” Public Safety. N.p., 01 Oct. 2014. Web. 09 Dec. 2015.

Casseus, Mario. Personal Interview. 1 December. 2015.

Mr., T. Personal Interview. 9 December. 2015.

Our changing world effecting us.

Cisco Alers
As we continue to experience new things our brains have the ability to change in order to learn from those new things quick enough to react to them a second time. This ability to change is programmed in all of us deep inside our genes. My topic is the effect that the internet has on our ability to learn, in other words how has the introduction to internet effect the way us humans learn new things. The Internet changes the way we educate ourselves because it gives us a convenient way of gaining information. Most of the new information we are learning today is short and straight to point, and it changes the environment of where we gain experience and intelligence. This means that some day in the far future humans will continue learning through technological devices (as we’re doing today) if we continue educating ourselves in classrooms, rather than where we naturally came from, the outside world.
In our world today we have gone from not having the wheel to making vehicles that can break earth’s atmosphere in a few seconds and then traveling millions of miles away from earth this shows the quick advancement in our technologies and our brains have barely evolved since the Inhabitant of the first civilization, this shows how much humans are able to learn and change in such a short period of time. The human brain control capacity has not changed much from over five thousand years ago, so how is it possible for us to advance in technology so quickly? Part of the reason being is the amount of convince of internet we have placed on this world. The more convenient the internet is to us the faster we can accomplish things that would usually take us an hour or two to complete leaving us more time to focus on other things. For example, Ms. Guzman states that the internet has made “paying bills a lot easier” (Ms. Guzman par 1), she has the convenient internet on her person which can give her the ability to make quick payments. Another example of the internet having lots of convince would be a statement from Ms. Diaz “google helps me answer questions quickly whenever I need them (Diaz par 4). Ms. Diaz has become used to using google as a source of information because it’s a very convenient and available way to learn new things.
In addition to the convenience of the internet, it also an abundance amount of information that is short and straight to the point. This changes our way we obtain new information which can also change the way we act towards information that is larger then just a few paragraphs as said in the shallows “the internet may have made a less patient reader”(Carr page 8). This shows how something like the internet can drastically change the way our brains work. This can make a great change in our lives by shortening our attention span which can effect how we act in class rooms that have long dragged out lectures, also in jobs that require reading long pieces of information. The out come by giving us quick information, we can get other answers from different points of view and get a generalized conclusion to our findings. The other out come to the conclusions that we find can lack in specificity meaning that we can get a conclusion to our findings, but It would only be close to the right answer and the right answer would most likely come from doing the finding yourself. This is difficult for us humans because if we don’t like to do something we find the easiest way to and that is searching up our answers on the internet.
The way we learn things can also be effected by the environment we learn in. Our learning environment was originally the outside world and once we started making the classroom the one thing that boxed us off from the outside world it decreased our ability to learn. This is a reason why kids say that school is so boring most of the time because their attention towards the information and ability to absorb that information has decreased. Over time our brains can change in order to gain information in a classroom easier, but this is only greatly effected if a person constantly is learning while they are boxed off from the outside world. Which could be a reason why some athletes are less attentive in class then a person that spends their time in their studies. With the internet our new learning environment can be both everywhere and at one place. With everywhere meaning in our classrooms, jobs, parks and places that a person normally goes and in one place meaning that the one thing that you’re focused on is the screen that you are looking at for the information. According to the wall street journal “nearly 75% of the US population, or 204.3 million people, have access to the Internet from home”(Wall street journal par1). These statistics were given over ten years ago now our learning environment is just about everywhere there is internet.
The negative impact on the internet being everywhere in our lives is that when we gain fast information we are able to do multiple things at once. This can cause distractions making us unable to absorb the information we are focusing on. “have limited ability to process incoming information” This means that the internet is also effecting us in a way that our conclusions can lack in connection with all the information gathered. This can also effected our short term and our long term memory, because the distractions that the internet gives is making us unable to turn our short term memory in to long term memory.
In conclusion, our brains can be effected by many things including the Internet. Maybe one day in the future we could find a way for the internet to be less of a distraction. One day there could be a software that only lets you open up a few specific things at a curtain period of time of the day, which could help you with focus. One thing that probably won’t decrease is the convince that the internet has, but the other things like environment can change by simply gaining your information in a different place that you feel comfortable in. Something you can do to manage with these effects is change your life style with the changing world. Instead of struggling from switching back and forth from short summaries to two hundred fifty page books stay with the short summaries, it would be less of a struggle on your brain. The world we know today is not staying the same it is changing and I feel its better to change with it rather then to fight against it.

Works Cited
– Dey, Eric, Helen Burn, and David Gerdes. “Bringing The Classroom To The Web: Effects Of Using New Technologies To Capture And Deliver Lectures.” Research In Higher Education 50.4 (2009): 377-393. Academic Search Complete. Web. 7 Dec. 2015.
– Wall Street Journal. “Home Access to Web Rises to nearly 75% in U.S.” Wall Street Journal 18 March. 2004. Section B: Page 5, Column 5. Lexis Nexis. Web. 18 March. 2015
– Carr, Nicholas. The Shallows. New York: W. W. Norton & Company Inc. 2011. Print.
– Guzman, Vanessa. Personal interview. 20 Nov 2015.
– Diaz, Daisha. Personal interview. 20 Nov 2015.