Writing My Brain Project By Katherine Lopez


This project hasn’t been just any essay but instead it has given me a chance to reflect better on my thoughts and think deeper than just going along with my days blindly. From writing down a day of thoughts, to taking pictures, and finally to writing an essay about each and its meaning, has helped me better understand where I stand as of now.

Thinking in writing

6:45 am: I am really tired; I wish I could sleep earlier.

7:30 am: Oh I need to leave the house now before I’m late and write this down.

8:30 am: I should study for a few, but for some reason I seem to not care.

9:40 am: Wow that test was confusing, I should make some time to study next time

10:30 am: Finally time to go home, I like long train rides I get to think.

11:00 am: I really dislike school but I know without it my future wouldn’t look so good.

11:30 am: I should try sleeping so I’m not tired for my next class.

12:00 pm: Can’t sleep I’ll just go out and eat with my sister.

12:30pm: It’s crazy how my sister and I are so close yet we think so differently

1:00pm: Next semester I need to make sure my schedule is good so I can have time for a job.

1:30pm: Happy I ate well so I should be good for class now.

2:00pm: Just thinking about class makes me lazy to go but…. I have to.

2:30pm: I like writing down notes.

3:30pm: Yes! Class ended a bit earlier today.

4:00pm: Almost home

5:00pm: Time to nap

7:53pm: Just have to type this up and I could go back to sleep if I can.

Thinking in visual

School, books, stress

School books



My sister

My sister

Thinking rhetorically and reflectively

A lot of people aren’t aware of their thoughts and how they either shape you or influence your future. Up until I actually wrote my thoughts down on a piece of paper I was able to read it over and reflect deeply into what were the causes for these thoughts. Does some of my thinking contribute to my future success? or are they just random irrelevant thoughts that should be pushed aside for things that matter and need to be focused on. After these observations I was able to link my past experiences along with recent conflicts, then to the corrections I’ve made and finally to my way of thinking now. Although my thoughts seem to be all over the place I know that each one of them has a purpose in making my life including myself better. Overall I argue that my current thinking is focused on the things that will enable my future success.

A sad memory I think will always be engraved into my mind is my childhood days when I just started school. I remember these days perfectly well because they often replay in mind especially at this time since I just started my first year of college. When I was younger I didn’t have my parents to share all these activities I did in school like my classmates did, so I always thought “What’s the whole point of trying”, with this thought in my head I hardly cared about school and was quickly discouraged. I got accustomed to people constantly reminding to do my work; even then I saw that putting a little bit of effort was good enough to go to the next grade and didn’t bother to try harder. As the years went on school wasn’t as simple anymore but on the bright side I was reunited with my mother. She has helped me a lot in making sure I improve in school. Although I have made it far, I often think back and just feel like giving up because all this college work isn’t something I am used to doing. As I walked to class I remembered of my first college test, after remembering that I thought to myself “I should study for a few, but for some reason I seem to not care” (Lopez, par.3) I still have this sense of carelessness in the back of my head so I usually think to myself “I really dislike school but I know without it my future wouldn’t look so good”(Lopez, par.6) I think a lot about the future as well so I can focus on the things that will be important later on and should be worth putting my time into. I wouldn’t want to disappoint my mother who cares so much and has bought me all these supplies to see me succeed in school (Lopez, “School”). School is stressful but I always remind myself that it will be worth it in the end. I am also content that I have been putting a great amount of my time and thinking into different ways I can accomplish my goals of obtaining a degree.

To start off I been thinking a lot on practicing to overcome my shyness. I look up to my older sister (Lopez, “My Sister”) who is much more talkative and knows exactly what to say when it comes to having a conversation. She’s had every job she applied for and I believe it is because she’s outgoing. We went out to eat on a Thursday morning and as she was talking I started to think “It’s crazy how my sister and I are so close yet we think so differently” (Lopez, par.9), why was this? After taking the time to think I figured it was the different ways we were raised and how the people we were surrounded by influenced our personalities. She grew up with my aunt who is cheerful, talkative and outgoing meanwhile I grew up with my grandparents who focused on hard work and only did what was important. Not having anyone to talk to especially not my parents has made it difficult for me throughout the years to express myself and feel comfortable around new groups of people but this is something I have to change. School will require a lot of presentations, meeting people and even working with them and it is why I have been thinking on ways to improve my way of presenting myself, being more confident, less shy, and improve my speech. One method I’ve tried was going out more and trying to meet new people, ask questions and be friendly. I’ve also met up with a couple of my old friends and caught up on a couple of things that’s going on with our lives. They were willing to share their personal experiences which made it easier to talk to them and made me realize that talking to new people isn’t so bad, you can even relate to them in many ways or share the same experiences. This is something I have been working on really hard on because I know it will benefit me both as a student in city tech and in the future especially with the business career I am going for.

After reading the book by John Medina Brain Rules I learned the importance of getting a good night rest, along with exercising. Almost every morning I wake up with this thought “I am really tired I wish I could sleep earlier” (Lopez, par.1). Therefore I’ve been putting an effort in trying to sleep early so I could be more attentive in class, understand more and perhaps remember better. Exercising is as important as getting a good night sleep but I do not play any sports or do any type of activities. I figured that by not exercise I wasn’t doing any good to my health but I never really had anything or anyone stress the importance of it until reading this book. Finding out exercise both benefits your physical and mental health I decided to try a sport, soccer.  From all the games or tournaments I have been too I noticed this sport requires a lot of running and really good ball control, so I thought soccer would be perfect. Well another reason would be that everyone in my family including my friends play this sport so I could have more than one person to practice with. On a Friday morning I decided to stop lying around and asked my friend if he can teach me more about this sport. Arriving to the park I took a good look around at a beautiful sight and thought about the things I have been missing out on. As I was waiting for my friend to prepare himself I remembered to take a quick picture (Lopez, “Exercise”). If I continue exercising it will not only help me at the moment but will also help me in the future physically and mentally.

These past weeks my thoughts have been mostly focused on school and on ways to improve my academic skills. Your thoughts are very powerful especially at this time of your life were you will be choosing a career or if you even decide to continue with school. Given the chance to reflect on my thoughts and write about them I can see clearly on what I am doing in life. I do not wish to change these thoughts but instead find even more ways to develop better habits, enhance my writing, and be more productive.

 Works Cited

 Lkatherine11[Katherine Lopez].”Re: Project 1: Thinking in Writing.”Openlab.ENg1101 D346 English Composition 1, FA 2014, 2 Oct.2014.Web.14 Oct.2014.

Lopez, Katherine. “Exercise” Flickr. 3 Oct. 2014.Web.14 Oct.2014.

Lopez, Katherine. “My Sister” Flickr. 15 Oct. 2014.Web.15 Oct.2014.

Lopez, Katherine. “School, Books, Stress” Flickr. 4 Oct. 2014.Web.14 Oct.2014.

Medina, John. Brain Rules: 12 rules for surviving and thriving at work home school. Seattle: Pear Press, 2008.Print.

Writing My Brain with Daryn

Introduction-  My project is about realizing all my daily thoughts, tendencies, and patterns of actions.  This project will show me everything I really think about opposed to what i want to think about idealy.  All my photos will have relation to my essay topics such as cooking, art, soccer, video games, and education.

darynhw September 21, 2014 at 7:51 pm

Saturday Thought Log-
10:00 AM- Wake Up
10:30 AM – Breakfast
11:00 AM- Shower, brush my teeth, wash face
12:00 PM- Netflix
2:00 PM- Home Work, Study, Review
4:30 PM- Lunch ( Enchiladas) my favorite
5:30 PM- chores
6:30 PM- call a friend
7:30 PM- text another friend
8:00 PM- Dinner ( mole chicken Burrito) with avocado salad ( my favorite)
9:00 PM- clean up after dinner dishes
9:30 PM- listen to music on internet ( Beyonce music )
10:00 PM- I’m sleepy, so go to sleep now

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 writing the brain pictures project soccer 005

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Daryn Hamilton-Ware                                            English 1101 D346

Professor Ellis                                                       Cuny Tech

Project 1 : Writing the Brain                                   Essay


          My name is Daryn-Amel, Im eight-teen years old and daily thoughts that run through my mind on a constant basis that I would like to dissolve because they upset, frustrate me are ( what is my talent ?, what is unique about me ?, and who am I ? ). These three questions/ thoughts run through my mind on a daily basis constantly when I truly want to be thinking positive uplifting thoughts like ( Im good at many things like art, cooking, soccer and more so it doesn’t matter that I don’t excel at one specific talent, I should just be proud of myself for this one accomplishment ).

          My dilemma in my thoughts are that I can be playing soccer, cooking, or doing art, and instead of being completely satisfied or content with those hobbies Im good at, Ill let my mind naturally go to a place of unconscious thoughts racing about the topic of ( excelling greatly in one talent ) when I want to be thinking ( Wow Daryn, you have many fascist of your personality and natural abilities, feel content ). This is a true example of how the brains neurons, cells, and memory take over subconsciously of your mind instead of focusing on your present.

          In John Medina’s ‘ Brain Rules’, Medina explains many times how your thoughts whether conscious or subconscious are all affected by your past, present, experiences, traumas, and memories. This concept leads me to believe that I feel the way I feel about wanting to have one specific great talent I could find in myself while in college because I have many memories as a child of my parents saying ( you have to find a great natural talent like your cousins ) or your not going to truly know who you are ever and people wont take you seriously. These words my parents installed in me as a young child are forever drilled inside my brains memory I realized, causing me to sometimes doubt myself and my abilities/decisions. Although realizing that my parents harsh/strict words were meant as guidance for me as a child in hopes of me being successful in life, the way I perceived them as a child has caused me to always subconsciously doubt myself and not truly enjoy ‘ being in the moment’ of good events in my life.

          After reading Medina’s ‘ Brain Rules’ about memory being connected to present day thoughts, Ive realized that most of my thoughts are impacted, affected , and constructed by past events. To take my mind completely off of my past I play video games because it requires attention on a mental level completely and even physical because you have to make sure you press the correct buttons for specific functions or you could lose a level or virtual life. Video games has always been something im good at and that puts my mind completely at ease from everything in my past because when I play video games I feel a sense of control, power, imagination, and like since im looking at a whole other virtual world its like a sense of a real world although its pretend. Video games has always made me feel like ( I may not be able to control the chaos in the outside world, but I can control this one virtual world whether its being a pretend hero, princess, or have super powers) or the ( occasion of wanting to be the villain for once ).

          John Medina’s ‘ Brain Rules’ has really changed my life and the way I think about things, realize things, and put things in perspective because now I can really rationalize why I do certain things whether its actions or opinions. I was never really able to explain to my parents my video game obsession, soccer playing need, or constant abstract drawing because I never understood until now after reading ‘ Brain Rules’ why I was so obsessed with these juvenile hobbies. The reason im so obsessed with cooking, playing soccer, video games, and art is because whenever I was surrounded by chaos, stress, darkness, constant change of scenery or surrounding, I always had these hobbies to count on as happy moments or a sense of ‘ constant’ or ‘ always in my life’.

          While attending college I hope to expand and broaden my horizon of knowledge, understanding, and self-exploration. I also hope to understand the world more and find my way in it. Medina’s literature is just a big first step in understanding myself giving me a basic few facts about my brain which resulted in me understating my actions, thought process, patterns, and my coping mechanisms.



Writing My Brain Project by Christopher Mena


During the last couples of weeks I have been reflecting about my thoughts. I only not record them by writing but I also made the decision to show the visually. I realize that my thoughts show more that I was expecting, I realize that my mind and brain has an immense amount of power and we don’t know all about it.

Thinking in Writing

1: Can wait to see my girlfriend

2: Why am i the only one without an iPhone ?

3: I’m Bored.

4: Music is my passion

5: I need write something on the English’s Posts.

6: Now Play some games.

7: Would I pass all my classes.

8; I would like to buy a pizza.

9: Finally get the book.

10: Is time to cook!

11: I can’t wait anymore to eat.

12: The iPhone 6 bends!

13: Big screens are better?

14: Call of Duty is not the same.

15: My obsession is the music. I live for the piano. But I’m still learning.

16: Why do I have to walk so far?

17: The Walking Dead is coming.

18: Ufff..! I’M BORED!

19: I wish I was rich.

20: I wish I could live where there’s always rain.

21: Getting ready to Go!

22: Good Night Everyone.

Thinking Visually


Listening to some music.


Looking something to play


Biggest disappointment

Thinking Rhetorically and Reflectively

My name is Christopher Mena, I was born on February 6 of 1997. I am the type of person that is afraid of many things as public speaking, but although it could be terrorizing, I always try my best. The  human’s brain is considered the most powerful machine in the all  known universe. It is capable to go beyond our understanding and even now it is hard to explain certains functions or how it works.The human brain is powerful but at the same time is out of our common understanding . I’ve been reflecting my thoughts,  and found ideas that I never imagine of our brain.I argue that  my current experience are shaping my future goals and thinking.

I am obsessed with music. While thinking I said “Music is my passion”(CMena0602 par.4). It is incredible how a person can love such beauty and being unable to play.  Classical Music is one of my favorites, I’ve been trying to be a pianist from along time ago but help never came. My passion for music started 2 years ago. In the photograph “Music” (Mena, Music) we see some of the most beautiful piece of music created by Frederic Chopin . Music for me is the representation of what is really beauty, but it was rejected for me. For the last couples of years I told my music teacher who is a principal of a music school that I wanted to go to his school, but of most of the time, if not always he said “………..” nothing. I just get ignored. But that did not end at that point. There was a classmate name “Josue”,we can see him seated with his hand on the piano. He  is the most talented student in the whole school. In a couples of months he was well known in the school while I had spent 2 years in the school some people just realize I have been there. My music teacher saw his talent and he did not twice to get him in music school, not his own but one even better. Disappointment and depression got into me. “Why?” I asked myself several times. But then it came again to me “Music is my passion”. I could not let go off my dream. Every Time I’m listening to music I think “One day I will show Him”, although I had this experience, I told never my music teacher how I feel. Instead I joined a choir. I took AP Music with him and improve my musical skills. As a person, I wasn’t the most romantic guy, but even if I wasn’t I always give the best impression of me. Love was something that I felt for sometime but it always end up breaking my heart. I hid my emotion from the world, nobody knew my deepest feelings. Frederic Chopin is considered one the best, if not, the best composer from the romanticism, he became of my idols. Chopin’s music make him the greatest, it was music like nobody else. But despite his music Chopin died alone. As the time was passing by, I realize the same thing would happen to me. No one would like a honest guy, I asked myself  “Why?” I could not understand why did that happen. But suddenly everything changed. “Can wait to see my girlfriend”(CMena0602 par.1) . As a matter of fact is rarely to find someone with your same values. As most people see females as objects, I see them as the greatest creation ever, while most people take advantage of females, I wasn’t, I was not everybody. My girlfriend was the same person as me, I even called her my “ twin angel”. It seems that everything could be possible in life, from the lonely person to the the happiest of all.

As a teennager I love videos games. That is the main source of entertainment that any teen can use. But compare to my parents, they think the other way around. In the photograph “Games”(Mena,Games) we can see the interface of an  Xbox 360 with some the games rated for a mature audience.  But there is a problem when ever I say “Now Play some games”(CMena0602 par.6). My parents had differents beliefs when it comes to videos games. My parents grew up when consoles like “The Super Nintendo” were the future of games, and for them videos games were created for kids. They grew up their whole lives with that idea that videos games are for children. In our generation games are made for everyone, kids, teens and adults. But my parents won’t understand that. It is hard to explain to them, games could be rated “E” for everyone and also can be rated “M” for a mature audience. We are growing up in a society that is constantly changing, in a future we are going to disagree with our children in some of the aspects of life as we do with our own today. Games can be the greatest experience to play but some of them were greatest at its time, now are just declining. “Call of Duty is not the same “(CMena0602 par.14) the Call of Duty franchise is one of my favorites. I remember I used to enjoy playing this game with my friends. In the photograph “Ghost”(Mena, Ghost) we see its last game. Call of Duty ghost is the worst game in the Call of Duty franchise. I rather play any older game that this, because of declining of this franchise I’m very aware that the franchise would have a soon ending. For this reason the developers of Call of Duty game had made a lot of difference. Some people argue that the game is dead but it is not. Although its bad reputation Call of Ghost had a good audience. Most of time I am alone, I mean being alone does not mean not being social but I am one of those person who likes to be in quiet places, but has been changing

My future goal and thinking is now moving forward,and even now I realize that I changed they way I think, most of the time I was afraid to go first, now I am the desperate to go first. My thoughts are moving  the best direction, moving in the right path, my goal are clearer than ever. If everything goes right in college, I’ll see my mind in stable position, not to full of ideas but with unforgettable memories of my classmates, professors and friends. My past had shaped the way I think, my thoughts are very positives, and if I continue with this not only my personal life would be affected but my academic and professional life would change for the best


Work Cited List

CMena0206[Christopher.Mena]. “Re: Project 1: Thinking in Writing.” OpenLab. ENG1101 D346 English Composition 1, FA2014, 29 Sept. 2014. Tue. 14 Oct. 2014.

Mena, Christopher. “Music” Flickr. 14 Oct. 2014. Tue. 14 Oct. 2014

Mena, Christopher. “Games” Flickr. 05 Oct. 2014. Tue. 14 Oct. 2014

Mena, Christopher. “Ghost” Flickr. 05 Oct. 2014. Tue. 14 Oct. 2014

Writing My Brain Project by Samantha Yu


In this project, I was given the opportunity to give my thoughts some reflection by recording everything I was thinking about throughout a day. Recording my thoughts every half an hour, along with taking pictures, gives me a better insight of who I am as an individual. It showed how my actions and memories can really bring beneficial and detrimental effects to my future.


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

11:30: I should start on this eng project

the main character is being stupid

12:00: what time should I leave the house?

Should I lay here and just watch a little more?

12:30: I’m hungry.

This is boring.

I want to play volleyball.

1:00: when should I do this pile of hw?

I’ll do it tomorrow…hopefully.

1:30: my bed feels too good.

I should get up and play some ball.

Nahh…gonna keep laying and watching tv

2:00: I’m craving ramen.

Should I get up to make one? Nahh.

2:30: this show is boring and stupid now.

Should I start to get ready now?

3:00: ok, I’m going to force myself up now

Time to get ready.

3:30: what should I wear?

What should I bring besides my camera?

Do I need a ball?

4:00: should I go to Baruch’s game or Lab’s game?

Why is this train so slow?

I want to play volleyball really badly now

Dam, I’m awake. how did I miss my stop?

4:30: I’m early. I’ll watch the first game

Graphic arts sucks this year

ELRO is beast

5:00: ELRO won.

Should I warmup with Baruch? I will.

5:30: game time. Who’s going to win?

6:00: how did Baruch lose the first set?

6:30: Baruch won second set

7:00: this is dragging way too long

Third set.

7:30: finally finished. Should I go home?

What to do when I get home?

8:00: it’s so boring…I rather be playing

8:30: should I do my hw?

How long should this paper be?

This perspective drawing is confusing.

Which color should I use?

9:00: this is taking forever

I still have other hw to do

10:00: finally dinner time.

SOF vb team bugging me about playing on Saturday

10:30: gonna stall time by eating slow

11:00: should I continue hw?

I’ll just lay around, watch tv and continue tomorrow

12:30: I should shower, I sweat before

1:00: going to watch tv until I fall asleep

Can’t wait to coach Baruch and SOF on Saturday


Foundation Drawing Assignment

Doing My Foundation Drawing Assignment (Yu, “Foundation Drawing Assignment”)

Baruch High School's Volleyball Team's Time Out Session

Spectating Baruch High School’s Volleyball Team’s Time Out Session (Yu, “Baruch High School’s Volleyball Team’s Time Out Session”)

Watching Television

Watching 22 Jump Street (Yu, “Watching Television”)


How often do every individual actually take the time off their busy schedule to think about their own thoughts? Not very often, nor likely. To think about our own thoughts also means thinking about what connects to them and those connections are just memories, which leads us to be thrown off track about what we were initially thinking about. Confusing? It’s just my own thinking and logic by simply saying that even the process of thinking is a procrastination of our mind. My name is Samantha Yu and I’m an expert at focusing on things that I set my mind to and I’m also very indecisive which leads to me having an unpredictable future. Through this essay, I would be expressing my most important thoughts about my past, present, and future self, not only through words, but also visually through photos. To start it off, the assignment was introduced to us, instructing us to log our thoughts in a day every half an hour, and taking pictures alongside. The most important thoughts, themes, and pictures were then picked out and summarized to narrow down the significance of the day and ourselves. Now, going back to my day of thoughts, I can see that everything can lead to different consequences to my future personal, academic, and professional life. I argue that my thoughts are a procrastination, they’re all over the place, and I need to work on focusing them on the things that matter. From looking at all my different actions in a day, it shows that my thoughts lead to procrastinating actions that can affect my future personal, academic, and professional life.

From the moment I wake up till when I sleep again, there are always the same three thoughts that I think about every day. First, is the mountain load of homework that waits for me to complete it. The sight of my homework instantly gives me thoughts such as, “I should really start on this English project…” and “Should I do my homework? How long should this paper be?(SYu, par.1,39-40)” My mind is all over the place most of the time due to all the different amount of workload and stress given by my professors. With my personality, whenever I start something, I would finish it till the end. But before I start the things, I have moments of doubt, uncertainty, and indecisiveness. For example, sometimes I would say things like, “Do I really want to start this? Will I be able to accomplish it? Do I have the confidence to stay focus all the way?” And when I see all those words on the same assignment sheet, I just end up getting scared and try avoiding it. In the picture “Foundation Drawing Assignment”, I was attempting to complete my Foundation Drawing class’s homework, but all those words on the assignment sheet just looks extremely horrifying to me. Thoughts like these are what throws me off track. Luckily, I do try to remind myself about the significance and benefits of the workload every once in awhile. I would think about how doing and accomplishing these assignments would give me the satisfying grades I so desperately want and determined to get. Sometimes my own reminders work and sometimes it doesn’t work, so when it doesn’t work, I just end up getting lazy. I’m all over the place when it comes to commitment of doing homework and I should work on focusing on it more because it matters to my future academic life.

The second thing that I think about every day, are physical activities. As noticed from my first argument, I can’t commit myself to doing homework all the time, and the main reason for that is because I can’t sit still. My body always feel the urge to get up and move around. Whether it be running around the blocks, playing handball, basketball, soccer, or volleyball, I need to do at least one to be satisfied for the day. My love for sports lead me to becoming the assistant coach for the School of the Future High School Volleyball Team and Handball Team. Out of all the sports mentioned, I have the strongest passion for volleyball. I’m so passionate about it that at some points I could play eight hours straight without resting or eating. In the picture “Baruch High School’s Volleyball Team’s Time Out Session”, it shows my main location of that day at Robert F. Wagner Middle School’s Gym watching the Baruch College Campus High School vs. Pace High School volleyball game. The picture brings out a meaning to me that is more important in my point of view than any other’s. It shows dedication, confidence, and most importantly, teamwork. These Baruch girls gave me the honor of coaching and drilling them for a day before their first game and I was more than glad that I could assist them, so I also went to support their first game. During their game, I kept thinking to myself, “Who’s going to win? They have a similar skill level. How did Baruch lose the first set? Baruch won the second set. This is actually dragging way longer than it should. Finally into third set, and Baruch won!(SYu, par. 31-36)” Occasionally, during those thoughts, I somehow start to think back to my stressful amount of homework and where should I go after the game is over. Like previously described, my thoughts are everywhere. Now, to tie back to my argument, volleyball is definitely described as part of me, but it’s also a distraction and the procrastination to my professional future, as my parents would describe it. They think that it’s merely something useless and should just be left in my high school past and memories because playing volleyball all the time would not help me pursue a career anywhere. As much as I don’t want to admit it, I do agree to their concerns because I never was the smartest in academics. The stereotype, Asian parents are very strict with grades lower than A’s, is mostly true. To most Asian parents, they are very strict when it comes to our grades, because they know what hardship is. They don’t want us to experience the same hardship as them because of their low educational status, so they demand more from their kids to have a brighter future. Having my parents and school work in thought, I cut down more on practices and play time this year for work and school, but I know that when next Summer rolls in, I’m going straight back onto the courts and Nationals. Now, unfortunately, the college I attend, New York City College of Technology, don’t have their own volleyball team and that made me a little unhappy. On the bright side, that will keep my mind more on school work and lead me to be focused on the more important matters.

The final thing that I think about daily is sleep and television. It’s obvious, I don’t have much time to think about things like these unless it’s my day off, but it’s actually a constant thing in my head. After the Fall 2014 semester started, I have been pulling all-nighters everyday because of school work and television. True, I have a lot of stressful homework but once I get it done or nearly done, most of the time ends up to be watching television instead of sleeping. The reason I do this is because I have a mindset of having to watch a little bit of TV a day, or else my day would feel completely non-entertaining. And since I have this kind of mindset, this leads me to watch into early morning without even realizing it, and the next thing I know, I have to go to school. In the picture, “Watching Television,” it shows me staying up after homework to watch 22 Jump Street. The most sleep I ever got on a school night was 4 hours and during weekends, I try to sleep in. Throughout the day, I just think about wanting to sleep and being lazy, but I restrict myself of having those thoughts. At night, I would think, “Should I continue homework?…Nope, I’ll just lay around, watch TV, and continue it tomorrow since it’s not even due yet.(SYu, par. 49-50)” Sometimes, in my opinion, I think sleep is not really a complete necessity and productivity is more important. Of course, in order to have productivity, one must have rest and sleep, but my opinion has no logic, it’s just my opinion. I think using every minute of your life to do something productive, rather than sleep, is more important. Like for me, I choose sports and television over sleep, but maybe it’s just because I’m already used to it. Saying this, brings it to how my third argument is about sleep being my third procrastination in life. So continuously being productive means continuously having thoughts and because I don’t sleep much, it gives me a lot of time to think about many things, whether it be important or not. My thoughts about sleep messes with my mind, and I should really change that because sleep is what matters most to every living thing and it would definitely show a detrimental effect to my future personal life.

The most important things in my life all show a beneficial and detrimental effect to my future whether it be personally, academically, or professionally. School work, volleyball, and sleep are all very important to me, but what I need to learn to do is how to control my thoughts of each thing in order to live a less-stressful future. Having my thoughts all over the place every second, leads me to take my mind off the things that actually matter in life.

 Works Cited

1) aznsam366 [Samantha Yu]. “Re: Project 1: Thinking in Writing.” OpenLab. ENG1101 D346 English Composition 1, FA2014, 24 Sept. 2014. Web. 13 Oct. 2014.

2) Yu, Samantha. “Baruch High School’s Volleyball Team’s Time Out Session.” Flickr. 24 Sept. 2014. Web. 13 Oct. 2014

3) Yu, Samantha. “Foundation Drawing Assignment.” Flickr. 24 Sept. 2014. Web. 13 Oct. 2014

4) Yu, Samantha. “Watching Television.” Flickr. 24 Sept. 2014. Web. 13 Oct. 2014

Writing My Brain Project By Rebecca Moore


In this project I was able to share what controls 90% of my thoughts. It helped me to know how my thoughts are, and how I can control them. This project kind of help me open up more about my thoughts, and let people know who I am.

Thinking in writing:

-Thinking about my dreams so eager to achieve them all
– Thinking about my life
-Thinking about school really want to do good even though i hate school so much but i want to be educated.
– My boyfriend home coming game is next Saturday and I hope me and my brother could make it.
-Just came from Church and I enjoyed it.
-Watching 12 years a slave and this movie inspires so much to be an actress (one of my dreams)
– I really hate being shy! It holds me back from so much opportunities!
-I took speech class junior year of high school and it helped me a lot but i wish i had finish speech club my senior year of high school ill probably be more brave.
-Thinking about my plan B which is to become a psychiatric nurse practitioner. I love psychology! Before i wanted to be a psychiatrist but people made me change my mind which is kind of a good thing.
– Writing in my writing book. I love writing..it’s a gift I’m bless with. I write about love, life, things that’s on my mind. I know my writings can do a lot for this world..
-Reading quotes
-Listening to music it takes me to my fantasy world and I’m believing my fantasy world will come to reality.
-Talking to my best friend and Diary they’re so stressed out about college..trying to help them feel better and not to give up.
-Tumblr i love tumblr it inspires me so much and also takes me to my fantasy world. My dream world.
-I’m such a dreamer…i have so many things i want to be in life and accomplished! I know i can do it…but the work that comes with it will drive me crazy, but i know God will guide me through it all and help me.
– Looking at a magazine oh my always wanted to be a model since 3rd grade, would always use to watch America’s Next Top Model.
-I have so many dreams and its mostly celebrities dreams and in my head I’m like Rebecca how are you going to achieve this all? Sometimes it seems so impossible for me….but with a willing heart anything is possible! And if people can do it so can I.
-I feel like giving up on my dreams sometimes but something is telling me not too!
-Going to work hard for my dreams and my plan B! you always need a back up plan
-I have to many things to offer to this world….i just hope my ideas and talents don’t go to waste.
– So happy i only got one day of school this week…..hopefully during the weeks I’m off i get to hang out with my boyfriend, have fun and finish my college work.
-I hope JC Penny hires me to work for them…i really need a job! i want to make my own money! You can’t have fun unless you have money that’s my opinion. I want to spoil my boyfriend and mom.
– I really love my mom i swear when i get a job she’s the first person getting paid from me! She deserves the whole world! I really look up to this women(sometimes)

Thinking Visually:



12 years a slave

12 years a slave



My writings

My Writings

Thinking Rhetorically and Reflectively

My name is Rebecca Anansa Moore.  I was born June 17th 1996, in Brooklyn, NY. Both my parents are from Guyana. I am a freshman at City Tech College majoring in liberal arts. I am planning to change my major to nursing in the coming semester. I love writing, food, traveling, and visiting Manhattan.

Many times I live inside my fantasy world, which will be reality someday. I’ve been reflecting on my thoughts, and what mostly control my thoughts.  My celebrity dreams are to become a supermodel, writer, entrepreneur, and an actress, and my plan B dream is to become a nurse/psychiatric nurse practitioner.

My argument for my essay is that my current thinking is focused on the things that will enable my future and success.  In my days of thoughts I am going to use several examples from there to support my argument. The first thought I am going to use is “Thinking about school, I want to do well in all my classes although I hate school.” I want to be educated because education is mandatory in our world today. While I am thinking about school my next thought connects to it which is “Thinking about my plan B which is to become a psychiatric nurse practitioner. I love psychology. Before I wanted to be a psychiatrist, but people made me change my mind, which is kind of a good thing. ” (rebeccam24par.4). This thought would support my argument, because I’m thinking about things that will enable my future success. This thought enables my Plan B success.  Also, I’m taking a psychology class to see if I really want to do anything that involves psychology in my career.  I took a picture of my psychology class text book to represent my thoughts. (Moore, “Psychology”).

Another thought that supports my argument is “Watching 12 years a slave.” (rebeccam24par.5). This movie inspires me so much to be an actress (one of my dreams). I love watching this movie because I love the acting by the characters. The acting brings out the story making it seem real and that is motivating. Since I am taking Black theater this semester in college, the plays we read I act them out at home. This thought enables one of my celebrity dreams, watching movies to get inspired, watching award shows, taking a black theater class and basically training myself.

These thought about being an actress reminds me of a time when I had to do this monologue in speech class junior years of high school. We got to choose our own, so I chose this movie call “Girl Interrupted”, and I did Angelina Jolie part. I did so good that my teacher gave me a 91. I remember everybody was surprise at my performance; I was also surprise too about my acting. That was the first good grade I got from that class. The reason why I did so well is because I did not have my glasses on. But that’s when I started to like acting. I took a picture of the movie to represent my thoughts. (Moore, “12 years a slave”)

Talking about speech class brings me to my next thought that supports my argument which is being shy.  “Being shy holds me back from so many opportunities”. I took speech class junior year of high school which helped me over come my shyness about 75 percent, but I wish I had finish speech club my senior year of high school which would of probably made me braver.” (rebeccam24 par.7)  This thought enables another one of my celebrity dreams which is being a supermodel. The real reason why I took speech class is because I wanted to attend this modeling agency but I did not because I was so scared and shy.  I remember when I had to do my first speech for speech class, it was so horrible. I was very nervous my voice, legs, and hands were shaking.  Just thinking about it makes me upset and embarrassed. But now my hands and legs do not shake only my voice shakes a little.

Talking about modeling I have a thought that relates to it which is “Looking at a magazine.” Since the third grade my dream was to become a model. I would always watch America’s Next Top Model.” (rebeccam24 par.8)  I always wanted to be a model because of Tyra Banks.  Every time that show aired I would catwalk in front of my mom in her room with her high heel shoes.  I used to train myself with YouTube modeling videos magazines, watch modeling shows for help like “The face.” I am still working on becoming a model. I took a picture of a magazine I was reading to represent my thoughts. (Moore, “Magazine”)

A fourth thought that supports my argument is “Writing in my writing book. I love writing. It is a gift I am blessed with. I write about love, life, things that are on my mind, basically everything that inspires me. I know my writings can do a lot for this world.” (rebeccam24 par.9)  This thought will enable my future success, because I want to be a writer, and a writer for anything. I love writing, I’ve been writing since I was in seventh grade. At first, I used to write poems only, but as I grew older my writing expanded. I’ve been thinking of sending my work to New York Times and let them publish it, but if they do that no other magazine can’t publish my work. But I’m still figuring ways to publish my work. I took a picture of my writings to represent my thoughts. (Moore, “My Writings”)

“I am such a dreamer.” I have so many things I want to be in life and accomplished. I know I can do it but, the work that comes with it will drive me crazy, I know God will guide me through it all and help me. I feel like giving up on my dreams sometimes but something is telling me not to.  If people can do it I can do it too.   I have too many things to offer to this world I just hope my ideas and talents don’t go to waste.’’(rebeccam24 par.10) As you can tell in this thought, I have this thought every second, minute and every day. My argument is correct, because I’m still and always will think about things that will enable my future success. It’s hard to believe in your dreams sometimes when you think it is impossible.  But I try every day, because the only way things can be achieved is if you believe, but mostly if you work hard and put God in everything you plan to do.

I have a plan for my thinking, and it is to have positive thoughts. If I do not have positive thoughts my life will just be miserable. In moving forward with my thinking I have to just take my time thinking. Just think one thought at a time, not all thoughts together. When I think about everything together it makes me over think, angry, and makes me want to give up on everything. Another plan for my thinking is not to let failures over take my mind. There are many celebrities who have failed and still became successful.

Also my thinking have to accept the fact that things are not going to go my way sometimes and if things don’t work out for me is, because God has a different plan for me. It will make me sad, and angry, but everything happens for a reason. But deep down inside I know my celebrity dreams are for me, I have talents, I have gifts, and those special things should not go to waste. But it takes time for things like that to come true, especially if you need more training, all I need is patience, and I lack patience.


Work Cited List

Rebeccam24 [Rebecca Moore]. “Re:Project 1: Thinking in Writing.” OpenLab. ENG1101  D346 English Composition 1, FA, 2014, 21 Sept.2014.Web.6 Oct.2014.

Moore, Rebecca. “12 years a slave.” Flickr. 3 Oct. 2014. Web. 6 Oct. 2014.

Moore, Rebecca. “Magazine.” Flickr. 3 Oct. 2014. Web. 6 Oct. 2014.

Moore, Rebecca. “My Writings.” Flickr. 3 Oct. 2014. Web. 6 Oct. 2014

Moore, Rebecca. “Psychology.” Flickr. 3 Oct. 2014. Web. 6 Oct. 2014


Writing My Brain Project by Betsy Martinez


These past few weeks I’ve worked on a paper about my thoughts. I was given the opportunity to take the time to reflect back on my thoughts. After doing this, I have a better understanding on how to use my thoughts to think more about my future.

Thinking in Writing

9:30 – Just woke up, thinking why am I up so early if I don’t have class today
10:00 – Still in bed contemplating whether to get up or not
10:30 – About to take a shower
11:00 – I’m really hungry and I want a bagel now
11:30 – I should get dressed so I won’t feel lazy
12:15- trying to remember to write every 30 min is really hard
1:00 – I’m going to take my dog to the park
1:30 – realizing that my dog is getting old :(
2:15 – I don’t feel like going out anymore
3:45 – yay friends is on tv!
4:30- maybe I should do homework tonight since I’m not doing anything
5:00- I feel like taking a nap but I know I shouldn’t
5:45- I’m hungry again
6:30- Yay my mom made cheeseburgers
7:00 – full and now more tired than before
7:45 – my best friend came back from college for the weekend! Maybe I’ll see her later
8:15- I’m too lazy to go out..
9:00 – my room is messy I should probably clean
9:45 – im really sleepy, maybe I should go to bed
10:30- already in bed now I can’t seem to fall asleep
11:00 – I don’t want to go to work tomorrow morning
11:45- I really should put my phone down and try to sleep
12:00- okay I have to be up in about 6 hours, it’s time for me to sleep

Thinking Visually





My Job

My Job

Thinking Rhetorically and Reflectively

It is very important to reflect on your thoughts every once in a while. As a freshman in college I’m entering a very important part of my life. These next four years will determine my future. It is now my time to make sure I achieve the goals I want. Taking some time to reflect on my thoughts and actions is important to help improve and better myself. Last week I took the time to write down my thoughts for a day, every thirty minutes. After a few days had gone by I went back to look at what I had written down. As I went over my thoughts I noticed that I didn’t really write down anything important pertaining to my future. Instead, I decided to break down what each thought actually meant to me. After doing so I’ve come to an argument that even though I am not constantly thinking about my future, my thoughts show that all of my actions reflect to my future.

After writing down my thoughts for a day I noticed they were not on the right path. I barely took the time out of my day to actually think about my career and future. My thoughts seemed everywhere and weren’t focused on a specific thing. But even though my thoughts weren’t on a specific topic, I came to the realization that everything I do is a factor to how my life will end up. One thought I had during the day was about my dog (Martinez, “Lilly.”) Clearly dogs are not relevant in nursing careers. I will never work with dogs once I get my job under my career. My dog is very important to me; I’ve had her for about 7 years now. I think about how old she is quite often. Thinking about it gets me really sad; I can’t remember how my life was before I had her. Many people probably just think “oh dogs are just pets” but I’m sure other dog owners can relate. She is very energetic and friendly to everyone. Like I said before I can’t remember not having a pet, she has a very important role in my life. It must have been boring before I had her because now I have something I’m always occupied with, whether it’s her wanting to play or taking her on walks.

Having a dog comes with a lot of responsibility. It’s sort of like having a child. They have to be fed, bathed, groomed and walked. Also, just like us and our checkups, they also have to get their checkups and shots at the veterinarian. I believe having a dog is beneficial. It teaches a person a lot about responsibility which is very important for the future of a person. Not that I wasn’t responsible before but I have definitely become better at taking care of somebody other than myself. I believe a person is more likely to do better in certain things than those who are not responsible.

Another thought I wrote down was about my homework. I’m pretty sure that I’m not the only one who debates on whether doing their homework or not every once in a while. Most people like myself don’t like doing work once they’re at home because they feel like it’s time for them to relax and they just get lazy. In the middle of the day I thought “maybe I should do my homework since I’m not doing anything, (betsymartinez par. 11.) You would think that of course I would want to do my homework to get it out of the way. But it was the opposite; I just stared at my textbooks (Martinez, “Textbooks.”) I didn’t feel like doing anything because I knew I had so much free time available, I was thinking that I should just do it later. But I finally encouraged myself to stop being lazy and do something productive. After I did my homework it felt great knowing I had done all my work. I didn’t have to worry about not having anything done on time. I should try to remind myself that getting things done earlier is better than procrastinating and rushing to do things.

I don’t think I really pay mind to how little things like homework affect my future. I mean I know it does, but at the moment when it comes down to actually doing it I don’t have the energy or motivation to do so. But reflecting back on my thoughts, I know that homework is essential to my education therefore to my career. If I don’t do homework then that will obviously affect my grades. However, I simply remind myself that just a little bit of my time isn’t going to hurt me, because it will be worth it in the end and put me where I want to be.

The last thought I chose to write about was about my job. I wrote down “I don’t want to go to work tomorrow morning,”(Betsymartinez par.21.) I’ve been working in a bakery for almost three years. This is something I’m quite proud of because I know for many people it’s hard to balance work and school. I think I’ve done a pretty good job at accomplishing that. It was a lot easier to balance it out when I was in high school because I got less work. But now that this is my first year at City Tech, I’ve had to cut back on work so I can focus more on school.

From this job, I’ve developed a lot of skills that I didn’t have before. I was a very quiet girl who really didn’t like talking to new people, but since I work at a bakery I’m constantly helping customers and talking to them which have helped me a lot. Like every worker there are going to be a few customers that you come across with that might give you attitude or are just simply rude. Patience is key, because as a worker you should always remember that the customers are important. I don’t think I really come across people that give me problems at work but every once in a while I do. I’ve learned that you can’t get mad over everything and you have to try to be understanding towards other people. My future goal is to have a job in the neonatal nursing field. Working in a bakery obviously isn’t the same environment as a hospital but I’ve learned so much that I feel it well help me in the future.

Everything that I think about right now has a role in my future. Even though at the moment my thoughts might seem irrelevant to my future they aren’t. After reflecting over some of my thoughts, I’ve come to realize that everything I’m doing in the present is helping me prepare for the kind of person I want to be. Thoughts about my pets, school work, and my job have all impacted my life in a better way. I’ve learned how to be responsible from all three of those things. My dog has taught me how to take care of somebody, while on the other hand my school work has taught me how to be determined and motivated. My job has given me skills that I think are important in a working environment and has prepared me to be a better and responsible person in the future. I don’t have to be thinking about my future every minute because I’m self-consciously doing it. Thinking about little things like work is me thinking about my future without realizing I am.

Works Cited

Betsymartinez (Betsy Martinez). “Re: Project 1: Thinking in Writing.” Open Lab. ENG 1101 D346 English Composition 1, FA 2014, 21 Sept. 2014. Web. 5 Oct. 2014.

Martinez, Betsy. “Lilly.” Flickr. 26 Sept. 2014. Web. 5 Oct. 2014.

Martinez, Betsy. “My Job.” Flickr. 26 Sept. 2014. Web. 5 Oct. 2014.

Martinez, Betsy. “Textbooks.” Flickr. 26 Sept. 2014. Web. 5 Oct. 2014.

Writing My Brain Project by Kayla Francois


            During project one, I have allowed myself to admit some things out loud that I probably would have not if it wasn’t for this assignment. I also have a different way of viewing my current situation and things are finally starting to turn around. I am learning how to better deal with problems and using those strategies in my everyday life.

Thinking in Writing


9:30am Woke up and got ready to go do laundry and food shopping.


10:35am Sitting in the laundry mat thinking about my boyfriend and all the things we’ve been going through lately.


11:02am Thinking about all the h.w I have to do this weekend plus I gotta go to Manhattan with my friend at 3pm today


11:15am On my way to the super market with my brother.


11:45am Just got back in the house to put the food away then going back to the laundry mat to bring the close home.


12:19pm Finally home with all the laundry and food…decides to go make bacon and eggs


12:25pm The thought of cooking was too much I just settled for cereal


12:55pm Thinking about my boyfriend again…


1:27pm Decides to go post my homework on OPENLAB since I have time to kill and it means I have less homework to worry about.


2:12pm finally finished with my English homework.


2:55pm About to leave my house.


7:58pm Just got back home, brought candy from a candy store in Manhattan!


7:36pm Calls my boyfriend.


10:39pm Got off the phone because his phone was dying.


10:47pm Decides to go take a shower.


11:21pm Calls my friend Allison.


4:09am Decided to get off the phone because we were both tired.


4:32am Decides to get off Facebook and go to sleep…my sleep schedule is still not back to normal and not having school two days out of the week from Monday to Friday doesn’t help. I’m not obligated to go to sleep early everyday because I don’t have school every day.



Dumbo Park

City Tech College

City Tech College

Where I Meet My Boyfriend

Where I Meet My Boyfriend

Thinking Rhetorically and Reflectively

Relationships & College

     College and relationships is a hard thing to balance. How do I make sure that I’m not spending too much time on college work? How do I make sure that my relationship isn’t interfering with my college work? Multitasking is easy for most people including myself but ever since I started school in a new environment, I can’t seem to wrap my mind around the thought of balancing college and my relationship of 4 years.

I attend City Tech College (Francois, “City Tech College”) and I still haven’t gotten the hang of college yet, which makes me overwork in my opinion. If it is not school related, it is hard for me to say yes to other activities when I have homework even if I just have one left. This has its advantages and disadvantages. On one hand, I’m getting all of my homework and studying out the way. On the other hand, I’m stressing myself out and not making enough time for myself and fun activities to make the most out of my freshmen year. My boyfriend has told me about twice that ever since I started college I haven’t been making much time for him. I do believe that it’s true, but I just can’t seem to find the time for play when I have so much work that needs to be done. Do I make more time for my relationship? Do I continue to solely make my life about dreadful college work? How will my decisions now affect my future?

Being in a relationship is great, I always have someone who is encouraging and supporting me even when I don’t believe in myself. Recently, I’ve had thoughts of leaving college. One of the things stopping me from doing so is the fact that I know that I will never return. I want to go through college all at one time so that I can close that chapter of my life. My boyfriend been helping me a lot actually. I haven’t even really told him about how college is making me feel, he just knows that I’m not really feeling it right now. He has helped me out a great deal since I started taking my summer class with studying and homework. Even math, which we both hate!  He doesn’t get frustrated when we both try to figure out how to get the answer. He tries to understand it first then helps me understand it. He doesn’t even know how that makes me feel. It feels good to have someone willing to go through it with me. Especially since my mom can’t really help me because she doesn’t remember a lot of the work I’m having trouble with. She has offered to get a tutor for me but for right now I’m declining.

Being in a relationship also can be stressful at times. When I have so much going on in school, I don’t want to have any extra weight on my shoulders. When my boyfriend and I are not getting along, it becomes difficult for me to focus on anything else. I’m usually sad for a little while, then I’m okay but I still can’t seem to focus on getting anything else done. Before, it used to take us a couple of days to get back on good terms but now, we are usually on good terms the same day or the next day. Although this doesn’t happen a lot, I’m trying to find better ways to deal with this specific situation. I’m thinking maybe making the first move in addressing the situation so that way it can be squashed sooner. The funny thing is we are two totally different people in general but when it comes to emotions we are very much the same. In general, he’s more outgoing, likes to talk about problems he is having verbally. Me on the other hand, I am shyer, and when it comes to talking about problems, I’m a writer. It’s hard for me to begin to talk verbally about a problem. I usually write a letter to start off and ease into verbal conversation. One thing I can say about our downs is that it definitely broke me out of my nonverbal approach shell. Eventually I started talking about what’s bothering me. When it comes to us not talking, we both want to end the problem sooner rather than later but i don’t think either one of us is comfortable with making that first move. We both just wait around until either the other person calls or we can’t take not talking anymore. Thinking about my boyfriend again… “Day of Thoughts” (Kayla Francois, par.8) When I’m thinking about him I think it would help to just call him, seems like all I do is think about him and I don’t do anything about it.

I do wish that he was more understanding. We went to the same school for middle school but for high school, I remained in the same school and he went to another. During this time we would meet each other downtown (Francois, “Where I Meet My Boyfriend”) when we wanted to see each other, then we would go to Dumbo Park (Francois, “Dumbo Park”), walk the Brooklyn Bridge, or other fun activities. The school he went to actually allowed him to graduate in three years. So while I was in 12th grade, he was starting his first year of college. I personally decided to give him a little more space. My reason for this was because I didn’t know how it felt to be a college student, I didn’t know what he would have to go through during his first year and I didn’t want to put him under any more stress than what he was going to have. When I would call him, we would talk a lot less on the phone because he either had work to do or he was extremely tired. I understood that. Sometimes I would wait for him to call me when he had down time. Me going into my first year and him going into his second year, I expected that he knew how it felt to go through college for the first year. Although we are in different majors and everyone’s experience is different, I can imagine our work load is pretty much the same. I feel like he wants me to still be available as much as I used to be. I would love that too but college is a lot different from high school. I didn’t have to do all my homework; I didn’t even have to study. I went to school the same time everyday in high school. Now I have late classes, early classes, every assignment I get I have to complete if I want to pass my classes and understand what I’m being taught.

Thinking about the problem I’m having and doing nothing about it is not going to actually get rid of the problem. I have to go through trial and error. I know that I can’t just do one thing and not worry about the other. Maybe it would be easier to set days where we see each other, days where homework gets done, days where I relax and not worry about anything. College is about being organized so why not try to ease my situation with organization? I think it would be a great help. I think that once I find the right balance, it will be easier to deal with my current situation. I’m a person who likes challenge and doesn’t become overwhelmed easily. At the same time this is all new to me. Also from the very beginning of college, I told myself that all my college work was going into one spiral notebook. It may seem unorganized but I find that when my stuff is all together in one, it’s easier to manage. I have a file folder where I keep all my papers. I don’t have to worry about which notebook I have to bring to my classes for the day, I don’t have to worry about if I forgot a paper at home, everything is always together.

My sleep schedule is still not back to normal (Francois, “Day of Thoughts”). This is also affecting both my school work and relationship. If I’m not getting any sleep, I don’t have the energy to get things done. I usually make myself get out of bed to do my homework. When that’s done I just want to go back to sleep, not making time to make sure I even call him to let him know I’m thinking about him and missing him. I believe that my choice will be to continue school, and organize my social life to mingle with my college life so that everything doesn’t feel like a chore to me. I think that right now my mind is looking at everything as a chore wheel; everything is the same week after week. I have to try to gain something out of everything I do so that I stop thinking about everything as a routine.

As for my future, I do want to get into the culinary business maybe even own my own restaurant. I do need to get through college but also make connections and become very social. Hopefully as time progresses, I will become more comfortable with going up to people and making friends. College is just the door to success, being social is the key that I need to open the door and get through!


Work Cited


Francois, Kayla. “City Tech College.” Flickr. 12 Oct 2014. Web. 12 Oct 2014

Francois, Kayla. “Dumbo Park.” Flickr. 12 Oct 2014. Web. 12 Oct 2014

Francois, Kayla. “Where I Meet My Boyfriend.” Flickr. 12 Oct 2014. Web. 12 Oct 2014.

Kaylaf54 [Kayla Francois]. “Re: Project 1: Thinking in Writing.” Openlab. ENG1101 D346 English Composition1FA2014. 21 Sept 2014. Web. 12 Oct 2014.


Writing My Brain Project by Arooj Nawazish


In this project I was given the opportunity to get to know myself better. This project gave me a sense of my inner thoughts and what my brain is more focused towards.  I also got to know what should I focus on more to get where I want to.

Thinking in Writing

Getting good grades is necessary for me.
 The things I am doing and the steps I am taking right now, I hope I won’t end up regretting them.
I want to travel around the world.
World is gorgeous.
I have to make my name in this world.
I need to work very hard in order to get successful.
I can’t afford to get less than A in every class.
Biology exam did not go well.
I have to study harder for next exam and I just can not be dependent on the review sheet.
Review sheet was no help at all.
I hope I fulfill all wishes of my mother.
I have to be a dentist at any cost and I can not step back.
Weather is no nice today.
City Tech is not as bad as people think about it.
I need to focus on my studies rather than anything else.
I have the ability to get good grades.
I just need to give my best in everything and just need to stop getting nervous.

Thinking Visually

Brooklyn Bridge

Walking next to the Brooklyn Bridge

Studying for exam

Studying for the Biology Exam

Lab coat "

Lab Coat

Thinking Rhetorically and Reflectively

Writing the Brain


My name is Arooj Nawazish. The project I have been working on is “Writing the Brain.” This is my first project in college. There are three portions of this project and I am already down the road. This project is about our thoughts and the pictures that reflect our thoughts. My thinking from the day of thoughts are very focused on my present. I argue that my thoughts are focused on important things in my life in the present.

Almost everyone wants to do amazing things in college, so do I. I want to get good grades . As I am arguing that my thoughts are focused on important things in my life in the present and it is true because on my day of thought this was my first thought. That it is necessary for me to get good grades est, “Day of thoughts” (Arooj Nawazish par.1) . Getting good grades is very important in my life because in the present education is my first priority at any cost. Without education surviving in  this world is nearly impossible. Education is very important to survive in this world.

In the present there are so many things that are important. Getting good grades is one of those things in my life. I can not get good grades if I am not interested in what I am doing, specially if my thoughts are everywhere and If I am not focused on the things that I am stuck with. The motivation is also very important, if there is no motivation and you lose your interest half way then there is no way you can get that interest back without that motivation and without believing within yourself. Believing within your self is very important and since my thoughts are very centered of my present, if I ever get out of motivation and believing then I just tell myself that I know I can do this. There is no way that I can not do it. If I have a problem in life than it is only there because I can handle it.

World is a very gorgeous place est, “Day of thoughts” (Arooj Nawazish par.4). I showed the picture of Brooklyn Bridge from Pier one (Nawazish, “Brooklyn Bridge”). I think it is very important to travel around the world whenever you get a chance rather than not taking an action about it. Whenever I get a chance, I go out to visit places. I did the same thing last weekend and took a picture of it. My present is very stressed and at the same time its so much fun as well. My thoughts are very well centered on my present. The world is gorgeous and we all know that very well that’s why I try to make my present as amazing as possible without stressing about future. I do what I like to do rather than worrying about future. I believe in living in the past and thats what I try to do as much as possible.

In every step of life we  have to take decisions, some are wrong at times and some are right. Every decision is very important and it counts. In the present I have to take so many decisions in my everyday life that can either make my future or ruin it. My thoughts are very central to my present. I argue about the way I can prove my argument, whenever I have to take a step in my life   I have to think.The things I am doing and the steps I am taking right now, I hope I won’t end up regretting them est, “Day of thoughts” (Arooj Nawazish par.1). Every decision that we take impacts our life even though we do not realize it. That shows how central my thoughts are towards my present and how much I think about the thing that happen in the present.

The picture I posted on the flicker of Books (Nawazish, “Books”). The picture of books represent my studies. I am very focused toward my studies. Studies are very important part of my life and specially my present. The action you take in present affect your future. It is very important to have your thoughts focused on the present. Concerning more about future can kill your present and present is what makes your future. Studying for every class is very important for me and it is a very important part of my life. The argument I made is that my thoughts are focused on the important things in my life in the present and that is true because studying is a very important part of my life and I think about it at almost every point of my day.

Biology exam on thursday did not go well for me est, “Day of thoughts” (Arooj Nawazish par.8) . I was very disappointed at myself because I knew I can do way better than what I got but this  was all because of my silly mistake. I only studied from my review sheet and nothing else. I should not have depend on the review sheet only est, “Day of thoughts” (Arooj Nawazish par.9) . This example shows that I did realize about the things that are happening in my present and I know very well about those things. Not only know, I try my best to learn things from them as much as possible. After getting this life lesson from one exam I learned no matter what study each and everything that your professor give you and not only prepare yourself from the review sheet. It shows that the argument I am making is right and my thinking is based on my present and the things that are the important things not only the useless stuff.

The most important thing of my life is my mother. She is the most important person, I care about her the most in my life. She is before everything in the world for me. I had a very small argument with my mother the other day. The argument was not that big of a deal but I know that I have hurted my mother very badly. She has always been there for me and I talked to her in such a bad manner. Since then I understood what parents mean in my life. I just listen to my mother and my aim is to fulfill my mothers every single wish possible. No matter what I will listen to my mother and fulfill every single wish of my mother. This example shows how the things that happen in my daily life affect me and I have always self centered my thinking in my present which shows that my argument that I am making for this paper is correct.

Education is not the only latest hot topic and matters the most in students life but the institute matters as well. Before coming to City Tech I was told that City Tech is not that good of a college est, “Day of thoughts (Arooj Nawazish par. 14). I was told that I shouldn’t go to city tech because its far and their education is not good at all. After hearing all these rumors I still focused on what I think is right instead of listening to people. After coming to City Tech I found this campus is very amazing not only that but the teachers are good as well and very helpful. Taking this decision was very hard and I did take the decision and made my thoughts only linked to the important things that take place in my everyday life. Every example I have used so far is based on my life and the captions as well. The pictures are the proof that my thinking is based on my surrounding and are a very important part of my life.

The thinking that I have been moving on with is very good for me. I have never thought about anything wrong. I have always been focused on the important things in my life. There is nothing that I would like to change myself about or change anything while moving ahead in life. My thinking is perfect but the only thing I would like to focus on by moving forwards is becoming a doctor, which is my future. Becoming a doctor is my future because It’s my mother’s dream. This is the only thing she have ever asked me and I think she deserves to see me as a doctor. My thoughts are focused on important things in my life. I have to fulfill my mother’s dream, that is why I am so focused towards my goal.


Work Cited Page

Arooj Nawazish [Arooj Nawazish]. “Re:Project 1: Thinking in Writing.” OpenLab.ENG1101 D346 English Composition 1, Fall 2014, 21 Sept. 2014. Web. 6 Oct. 2014

Nawazish, Arooj “Biology.” Flickr. 1 Oct. 2014. Web. 6 Oct. 2014

Nawazish, Arooj “Brooklyn Bridge.” Flickr. 1 Oct. 2014. Web. 6 Oct. 2014

Nawazish, Arooj “Lab Coat.” Flickr. 1 Oct. 2014. Web. 6 Oct. 2014








John Medina’s Brain Rules, Short-Term Memory

During today’s class, you will have spent the first ten minutes of class writing a summary of the “Short-Term Memory” chapter from John Medina’s Brain Rules (if you happen to have the newer edition of his book, you the first half of the “Memory” chapter–up to the section on “Long-Term Memory” essentially the same material). Before our next class, you will want to type up and edit your in-class writing and post it here as a comment to this blog post.

John Medina’s Brain Rules Attention

Before class on Wednesday, type up your in-class writing on John Medina’s Brain Rules, Attention chapter as a comment to this blog post. Remember, to receive credit for in-class writing, you have to use the writing process (drafting and revising). This means write during the first ten minutes of class in your notebooks, and then before our next meeting, type your in-class writing (editing and improving it in realtime) and post it here as a comment to this blog post.