Writing My Brain with Daryn

Introduction-  My project is about realizing all my daily thoughts, tendencies, and patterns of actions.  This project will show me everything I really think about opposed to what i want to think about idealy.  All my photos will have relation to my essay topics such as cooking, art, soccer, video games, and education.

darynhw September 21, 2014 at 7:51 pm

Saturday Thought Log-
10:00 AM- Wake Up
10:30 AM – Breakfast
11:00 AM- Shower, brush my teeth, wash face
12:00 PM- Netflix
2:00 PM- Home Work, Study, Review
4:30 PM- Lunch ( Enchiladas) my favorite
5:30 PM- chores
6:30 PM- call a friend
7:30 PM- text another friend
8:00 PM- Dinner ( mole chicken Burrito) with avocado salad ( my favorite)
9:00 PM- clean up after dinner dishes
9:30 PM- listen to music on internet ( Beyonce music )
10:00 PM- I’m sleepy, so go to sleep now

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                                                                writing the brain pictures project 010writing the brain pictures project 002
 writing the brain pictures project soccer 005

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Daryn Hamilton-Ware                                            English 1101 D346

Professor Ellis                                                       Cuny Tech

Project 1 : Writing the Brain                                   Essay


          My name is Daryn-Amel, Im eight-teen years old and daily thoughts that run through my mind on a constant basis that I would like to dissolve because they upset, frustrate me are ( what is my talent ?, what is unique about me ?, and who am I ? ). These three questions/ thoughts run through my mind on a daily basis constantly when I truly want to be thinking positive uplifting thoughts like ( Im good at many things like art, cooking, soccer and more so it doesn’t matter that I don’t excel at one specific talent, I should just be proud of myself for this one accomplishment ).

          My dilemma in my thoughts are that I can be playing soccer, cooking, or doing art, and instead of being completely satisfied or content with those hobbies Im good at, Ill let my mind naturally go to a place of unconscious thoughts racing about the topic of ( excelling greatly in one talent ) when I want to be thinking ( Wow Daryn, you have many fascist of your personality and natural abilities, feel content ). This is a true example of how the brains neurons, cells, and memory take over subconsciously of your mind instead of focusing on your present.

          In John Medina’s ‘ Brain Rules’, Medina explains many times how your thoughts whether conscious or subconscious are all affected by your past, present, experiences, traumas, and memories. This concept leads me to believe that I feel the way I feel about wanting to have one specific great talent I could find in myself while in college because I have many memories as a child of my parents saying ( you have to find a great natural talent like your cousins ) or your not going to truly know who you are ever and people wont take you seriously. These words my parents installed in me as a young child are forever drilled inside my brains memory I realized, causing me to sometimes doubt myself and my abilities/decisions. Although realizing that my parents harsh/strict words were meant as guidance for me as a child in hopes of me being successful in life, the way I perceived them as a child has caused me to always subconsciously doubt myself and not truly enjoy ‘ being in the moment’ of good events in my life.

          After reading Medina’s ‘ Brain Rules’ about memory being connected to present day thoughts, Ive realized that most of my thoughts are impacted, affected , and constructed by past events. To take my mind completely off of my past I play video games because it requires attention on a mental level completely and even physical because you have to make sure you press the correct buttons for specific functions or you could lose a level or virtual life. Video games has always been something im good at and that puts my mind completely at ease from everything in my past because when I play video games I feel a sense of control, power, imagination, and like since im looking at a whole other virtual world its like a sense of a real world although its pretend. Video games has always made me feel like ( I may not be able to control the chaos in the outside world, but I can control this one virtual world whether its being a pretend hero, princess, or have super powers) or the ( occasion of wanting to be the villain for once ).

          John Medina’s ‘ Brain Rules’ has really changed my life and the way I think about things, realize things, and put things in perspective because now I can really rationalize why I do certain things whether its actions or opinions. I was never really able to explain to my parents my video game obsession, soccer playing need, or constant abstract drawing because I never understood until now after reading ‘ Brain Rules’ why I was so obsessed with these juvenile hobbies. The reason im so obsessed with cooking, playing soccer, video games, and art is because whenever I was surrounded by chaos, stress, darkness, constant change of scenery or surrounding, I always had these hobbies to count on as happy moments or a sense of ‘ constant’ or ‘ always in my life’.

          While attending college I hope to expand and broaden my horizon of knowledge, understanding, and self-exploration. I also hope to understand the world more and find my way in it. Medina’s literature is just a big first step in understanding myself giving me a basic few facts about my brain which resulted in me understating my actions, thought process, patterns, and my coping mechanisms.



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