Project 1: Thinking in Writing

Before class on Monday, add a comment to this post with your day of thoughts.

First, you should type up your day of thoughts in Microsoft Word or another word processor program.Ā You might choose to include the time that you recorded your thoughts or you might not–I will leave this up to you. Save your typed thoughts on your computer/flash drive/cloud storage.

Then, copy-and-paste your list of thoughts into a comment on this post.

19 thoughts on “Project 1: Thinking in Writing

  1. kaylaf54


    9:30am Woke up and got ready to go do laundry and food shopping.

    10:35am Sitting in the laundry mat thinking about my boyfriend and all the things we’ve been going through lately.

    11:02am Thinking about all the h.w I have to do this weekend plus I gotta go to Manhattan with my friend at 3pm today

    11:15am On my way to the super market with my brother.

    11:45am Just got back in the house to put the food away then going back to the laundry mat to bring the close home.

    12:19pm Finally home with all the laundry and food…decides to go make bacon and eggs

    12:25pm The thought of cooking was too much I just settled for cereal lol

    12:55pm Thinking about my boyfriend again…

    1:27pm Decides to go post my homework on OPENLAB since I have time to kill and it means I have less homework to worry about.

    2:12pm finally finished with my English homework.

    2:55pm About to leave my house.

    7:58pm Just got back home, brought candy from a candy store in Manhattan!

    7:36pm Calls my boyfriend.

    10:39pm Got off the phone because his phone was dying.

    10:47pm Decides to go take a shower.

    11:21pm Calls my friend Allison.

    4:09am Decided to get off the phone because we were both tired.

    4:32am Decides to get off Facebook and go to sleep…my sleep schedule is still not back to normal lol and not having school two days out of the week from Monday to Friday doesn’t help. I’m not obligated to go to sleep early everyday because I don’t have school everyday .

  2. AroojNawazish

    – Getting good grades is necessary for me.
    – The things I am doing and the steps I am taking right now, I hope I won’t end up regretting them.
    – I want to travel around the world.
    – World is gorgeous.
    – I have to make my name in this world.
    – I need to work very hard in order to get successful.
    – I can’t afford to get less than A in every class.
    – Biology exam did not go well.
    – I have to study harder for next exam and I just can not be dependent on the review sheet.
    – Review sheet was no help at all.
    – I hope I fulfill all wishes of my mother.
    – I have to be a dentist at any cost and I can not step back.
    – Weather is no nice today.
    -City Tech is not as bad as people think about it.
    -I need to focus on my studies rather than anything else.
    – I have the ability to get good grades.
    -I just need to give my best in everything and just need to stop getting nervous.

  3. Norman

    My Friday Log
    6:00 am. -I woke up
    6:30 -I wondered how to bathe and brush my teeth
    7:00 – i wondered if i will get to the train station on time
    7:30 – in a train thinking about if i have any home work due for today
    8:00 – the next stop i will get off the train
    8:30 – in circuitry class trying to learn OHM’S LAW
    9:00- trying to stay awake in class
    9:30 – cant wait to get that new i phone though lol šŸ™‚
    10:30 – wondered if i should buy lunch or just save money
    11:00 – class is over should i take the elevators or the stairs to the first floor.
    11:30 – remembered i have an assignment to write a log of my thinking for English class.
    12:00 – went to the library and slept.
    12:30 – friend woke me up i thought why do you hate me
    1:00- went to the electrical laboratory
    1:30 – thought about how i should connect these resistors to this circuit correctly
    2:00 – measured the amount of current going through the circuit
    2:30 – in my head i calculated the color codes for three resistors to see if they have the correct value
    3:00- DAMN my group member is cute, but she got herself a boyfriend already… oh well šŸ˜€
    3:30- i packed up my bag and walked out because i finished early
    4:00 – met up with my friends in the library
    4:30- thought about my plans for the future to make a good living.
    5:00 thought about getting that new i phone again šŸ™‚
    5:30 got on a train
    6:00 two more stops and i get off
    6:30 – wondered if any of my friends were online
    7:00 – played my friend in fifa 14 and defeated him 6-0
    7:30 – turned off the ps4 and called my girlfriend
    8:00 – BED LOL

  4. Farzana R.

    Friday Log:
    6:30 ish – should I get up now? it’s too early but I cant sleep.
    7:00 – I love cheerios. I should watch a movie or should i just finish all my homework so i don’t leave it for Sunday? ehh..I’ll just watch a movie.
    7:30 – Movie!!
    8:00 – I have to grade my students paper for the tutoring center! stop the movie!
    8:30 – Grading. I think grading keeps my mind working. it’s good for me.
    9:00 – it’s so boring grading! but I have to do it!
    9:30- finally finished grading. what can I do next?
    10:00 – I should finish reading my book. but lets see what’s going on in Facebook..
    10:30 – I miss high school. teachers there let you off easy which isn’t good. students struggle in college because its so different from high school teaching.
    11:00 – thinking of drawing a new portrait of one of my idols iisuperwomanii šŸ˜€
    11:30- I honestly really need to gain more confidence and try to find myself. need to know more about who I am and what I really want in life.
    12:00 – I don’t know if graphic designing is for me because it’s so competitive. there’s so many creative people out there.
    12:30- thinking of changing my major to become a registered nurse. the feeling of knowing you’re saving people’s lives would be great. I would want to know that people in need of help look up to me.
    1:00 – I need to find a way to eat healthy. I’m way too small for a 18 year old.
    1:30 – My book for English class hasn’t arrived yet. I need it for Monday! I hope I can share with someone for now.
    2:00 – I wish I could help all the people in need out there. you don’t really know what this person may have gone through.
    2:30 – Got to go tutor the little kids. I like teaching.
    3:00 – 6:30 – creating tests for my students is hard work! the upcoming tests are getting harder and harder each year!
    7:00 – I need to have a full meal but I feel like having fries and soda..
    7:30 – I wonder how people who make funny vines get their ideas. they really go far to show something funny. but it makes people laugh so I’d call it a talent.
    8:00 – I’m not sure how to finish my art project. lost the sheet for my measurements!
    8:30 – time to catch up on my shows!
    9:00 – I sleep too early. I don’t think I’ll be able to stay up when I need to study for finals! this is bad.
    9:30 – I wish I could dance.
    10:00 – I really need to do good in all my classes. I want to make my parents proud. they’ve worked really hard to raise me.
    Enough of thinking about life. I should sleep.

  5. rebeccam24

    -Thinking about my dreams so eager to achieve them all
    – Thinking about my life
    -Thinking about school really want to do good even though i hate school so much but i want to be educated.
    – My boyfriend home coming game is next Saturday and I hope me and my brother could make it.
    -Just came from Church and I enjoyed it.
    -Watching 12 years a slave and this movie inspires so much to be an actress (one of my dreams)
    – I really hate being shy! It holds me back from so much opportunities!
    -I took speech class junior year of high school and it helped me a lot but i wish i had finish speech club my senior year of high school ill probably be more brave.
    -Thinking about my plan B which is to become a psychiatric nurse practitioner. I love psychology! Before i wanted to be a psychiatrist but people made me change my mind which is kind of a good thing.
    – Writing in my writing book. I love’s a gift I’m bless with. I write about love, life, things that’s on my mind. I know my writings can do a lot for this world..
    -Reading quotes
    -Listening to music it takes me to my fantasy world and I’m believing my fantasy world will come to reality.
    -Talking to my best friend and Diary they’re so stressed out about college..trying to help them feel better and not to give up.
    -Tumblr i love tumblr it inspires me so much and also takes me to my fantasy world. My dream world.
    -I’m such a dreamer…i have so many things i want to be in life and accomplished! I know i can do it…but the work that comes with it will drive me crazy, but i know God will guide me through it all and help me.
    – Looking at a magazine oh my always wanted to be a model since 3rd grade, would always use to watch America’s Next Top Model.
    -I have so many dreams and its mostly celebrities dreams and in my head I’m like Rebecca how are you going to achieve this all? Sometimes it seems so impossible for me….but with a willing heart anything is possible! And if people can do it so can I.
    -I feel like giving up on my dreams sometimes but something is telling me not too!
    -Going to work hard for my dreams and my plan B! you always need a back up plan
    -I have to many things to offer to this world….i just hope my ideas and talents don’t go to waste.
    – So happy i only got one day of school this week…..hopefully during the weeks I’m off i get to hang out with my boyfriend, have fun and finish my college work.
    -I hope JC Penny hires me to work for them…i really need a job! i want to make my own money! You can’t have fun unless you have money that’s my opinion. I want to spoil my boyfriend and mom.
    – I really love my mom i swear when i get a job she’s the first person getting paid from me! She deserves the whole world! I really look up to this women(sometimes)

  6. darynhw

    Saturday Thought Log-
    10:00 AM- Wake Up
    10:30 AM – Breakfast
    11:00 AM- Shower, brush my teeth, wash face
    12:00 PM- Netflix
    2:00 PM- Home Work, Study, Review
    4:30 PM- Lunch ( Enchiladas) my favorite
    5:30 PM- chores
    6:30 PM- call a friend
    7:30 PM- text another friend
    8:00 PM- Dinner ( mole chicken Burrito) with avocado salad ( my favorite)
    9:00 PM- clean up after dinner dishes
    9:30 PM- listen to music on internet ( Beyonce music )
    10:00 PM- I’m sleepy, so go to sleep now

  7. Betsy

    9:30 – Just woke up, thinking why am I up so early if I don’t have class today
    10:00 – Still in bed contemplating whether to get up or not
    10:30 – About to take a shower
    11:00 – I’m really hungry and I want a bagel now
    11:30 – I should get dressed so I won’t feel lazy
    12:15- trying to remember to write every 30 min is really hard
    1:00 – I’m going to take my dog to the park
    1:30 – realizing that my dog is getting old šŸ™
    2:15 – I don’t feel like going out anymore
    3:45 – yay friends is on tv!
    4:30- maybe I should do homework tonight since I’m not doing anything
    5:00- I feel like taking a nap but I know I shouldn’t
    5:45- I’m hungry again
    6:30- Yay my mom made cheeseburgers
    7:00 – full and now more tired than before
    7:45 – my best friend came back from college for the weekend! Maybe I’ll see her later
    8:15- I’m too lazy to go out..
    9:00 – my room is messy I should probably clean
    9:45 – im really sleepy, maybe I should go to bed
    10:30- already in bed now I can’t seem to fall asleep
    11:00 – I don’t want to go to work tomorrow morning
    11:45- I really should put my phone down and try to sleep
    12:00- okay I have to be up in about 6 hours, it’s time for me to sleep

  8. Antony F

    11:40- just woke up lol
    12:00-Ate breakfast (cereal)
    12:30- watching tv
    1:00- waiting for my sister to bring me Chinese food on her way home from school
    1:30- on amazon trying to find the cheapest way to buy my architectural college books
    2:00-4:00 went outside to play handball with my friends
    4:30- continued my lettering homework
    5:30- went to my grandmotherā€™s house to visit her
    6:00- finishing movie I started watching on hbo(twelve years a slave) and thinking about how this guy mustā€™ve felt being in slavery for twelve years without knowing nothing about his family
    6:30- checking for any hidden food or snack in my refrigerator
    7:00-watching baseball game (Mets vs. Braves & Yankees vs. blue jays) HR DUDA Lets go Mets
    9:00-researching building renovations in NYC for engineering project
    9:30- Dinner (mangu con salami)
    10:00- on Facebook scrolling down my newsfeed thinking about what I am doing with my life
    10:30- Netflix trying to catch on my missed episodes
    11:00- Again on Facebook watching funny vines and videos
    11:30- more food
    12:00- just remembered about john medinas 7th rule-ā€œsleep well, think wellā€ and realizing the reason why im being less productive

    1. Antony F

      (updated with thoughts)
      11:40- just woke up lol
      Thought- I wonder if itā€™s cold or warm outside
      12:00-Ate breakfast (cereal)
      Thought- I think they are putting less sugar in this cereals nowadays
      12:30- playing video games
      Thought- When are they going to add the new update to this game
      1:00- waiting for my sister to bring me Chinese food on her way home from school
      Thought- my mom told me to fix my room, should I fix it now or 10 mins before she gets home
      1:30- on amazon trying to find the cheapest way to buy my architectural college books
      Thought- should I get the good condition one which is cheaper or should I get the very good condition one which cost more
      2:00-4:00 went outside to play handball with my friends
      Thought-On the way to the park, saw a crane on top of a building and thought about how the heck they get cranes of the buildings.
      4:30- continued my lettering homework/ architectural draft
      Thought- Iā€™ve never imagined to find doing architectural letters hard to do
      5:30- went to my grandmotherā€™s house to visit her
      Thought- here she goes again cooking food for me when I am already full
      6:00- finishing movie I started watching on HBO(twelve years a slave) thinking about how this guy mustā€™ve felt being in slavery for twelve years without knowing nothing about his family
      Thought- thinking about how this guy mustā€™ve felt being in slavery for twelve years without knowing anything about his family
      6:30- checking for any hidden food or snack in my refrigerator
      Thought-my mom is probably hiding something good from me somewhere
      7:00-watching baseball game (Mets vs. Braves & Yankees vs. blue jays) HR DUDA Lets go Mets
      Thought- I wonder who is going to win the World Series this year
      9:00-researching building renovations in NYC for engineering technology project
      Thought- I found out 432 Park Avenue is going to be the tallest building in Manhattan without measuring the antenna on the freedom Tower
      9:30- Dinner (Mangu con salami)
      Thought- I am thinking about repainting my shoes, what color should I repaint them
      10:00- on Facebook
      Thought- scrolling down my newsfeed thinking about what I am doing with my life
      10:30- Netflix trying to catch on my missed episodes
      Thought- Netflix should add season 2 of this show
      11:00- Again on Facebook watching funny vines and videos
      Thought- how do this people get these crazy ideas to do pranks
      11:30- More food
      Thought- I think should slow down on food a little
      12:00- Reading john Medinas book
      Thought- just remembered about john medinas 7th rule-ā€œsleep well, think wellā€ and realizing the reason why I am being less productive
      Thought-I am really tired I think I should go to sleep now

  9. DCS91

    Sunday 10:35 justwoke up
    Thought 1: I’m tired , and just want to go back to sleep, I do y want to do anything tomorrow!

    11:07am thought 2
    I just want to relax and be happy today and
    I really need to go to cvs but I don’t want to

    I need to do more with my life experience new things and new people I need to jus be free

    I don’t want to feel this way I just want to be happy ,I want to do more in life

    I’m so tiredand jus want to sleep I need to get up eventually

    For whatever reason I can’t think straight I want to disappear and be someplace else it’s like sadness and depression is apart of me

    I’m going to sleep

    Why does everything in my life have to be so difficult I want to give up

    I don’t care about doing this homework right now, I don’t care about anything

    I’m so mad I put this homework off I just want to get it done!

    I need to get out this house!

    I don’t wanna do this work or be here at this moment! Life sucks

    I hate being alone, i need smothering to do,I need some food

    I should of never drank yesterday,I always feel depressed later

    I hope I’m not wasting my time wit the school thing, I hope it’s not a mistake

    Writing my thoughts is starting to irritate me , I’m just having a bad day

    Seriously this is getting out of control, what am I doing with my life,I need to find happiness!

    I hope that I start to get this math thing down pat , i don’t want to go to school!, I need a vacation

    He really can’t help himself , he always has to give the third degree , I’m over it

    I need to get out of this neighborhood, it’s always something negative and I’m over it , I just want to be in a safe enviornment

    This math hw is really annoying me , never again will I put off my homework to the last minute

    I can’t wait to go to sleep and be done with all this,why does this professor insist on giving us all this math to do fml

    Final thought
    I pray tomorrow will not be stressful I just want my day to go smoothly , I’m tired and don’t want to get up at all

  10. Karen Rodriguez

    –Ahh itā€™s already past 12 p.m., I wanted to wake up a bit earlier than todayā€¦. just five more minutesā€¦

    — Hunger, hunger, hunger, want food but what to eatā€¦ everything requires so much workā€¦ Iā€™ll just skip breakfast

    –Still checking emailā€¦ so many dealsā€¦ donā€™t get tempted though!

    –Sister is asking what Iā€™m writing down, sheā€™s so noisyā€¦ ALL.OF.THE.TIME.

    –GRR, whoā€™s calling? Iā€™m donā€™t want to pick upā€¦ nope not picking up.

    –Bestfriend wants to come over but I donā€™t necessarily want her to comeā€¦ she kind of ditch me last nightā€¦(Iā€™M NOT MAD AT ALL) I should ditch her tooā€¦. but I canā€™t. I told her is fine for her to come

    –HAHA funny video omg, replayā€¦ I should do H.W. but the suggestion playlist on youtube is too good!

    –Okay I will start HW…wait bestfriend is hereā€¦. Iā€™ll do it later

    –This exercise feels kinda of unnaturalā€¦ because Iā€™m thinking about what Iā€™m thinking, does that makes senseā€¦ Iā€™m consciously thinking of my thoughts so theyā€™re not free. I wish there was a machine that just takes my thoughts out of my head and prints them outā€¦ that would be sort of cool

    — Seeing my mother, Iā€™m getting kind of angryā€¦ yeah, Iā€™m a little mad at her but I know I shouldnā€™t be because afterall she is my mother but I canā€™t really help itā€¦ and I ramble too much

    –I wish I wouldā€™ve pick another day to do this exercise Iā€™m kinda moody todayā€¦

    –Bestfriend left, now time for HWā€¦.

    —PSYCHOLOGY why are you sucking the soul out of my bodyā€¦. I feel more and more tired the more psychology homework I doā€¦. help meā€¦ someoneā€¦

    –Must get the shape and siloutte of this drawing right for my drawing class tomorrow

    –Why do I leave everything for the last minute?? I never, ever, learn do I?

    —I should wash my hair but is lateā€¦. but I should still wash itā€¦ okay Iā€™ll wash it

    —I should go to bed but the internet is temptingā€¦ Iā€™ll just watch one more video

    —I lied, I watch more than one video and now is late and Iā€™ll be tired tomorrowā€¦

    — On bed, canā€™t go to sleepā€¦
    —I forgot to… *dooze off*

  11. Samantha Yu

    Wednesday, September 24, 2014
    11:30: I should start on this eng project
    the main character is being stupid
    12:00: what time should I leave the house?
    Should I lay here and just watch a little more?
    12:30: I’m hungry.
    This is boring.
    I want to play volleyball.
    1:00: when should I do this pile of hw?
    I’ll do it tomorrow…hopefully.
    1:30: my bed feels too good.
    I should get up and play some ball.
    Nahh…gonna keep laying and watching tv
    2:00: I’m craving ramen.
    Should I get up to make one? Nahh.
    2:30: this show is boring and stupid now.
    Should I start to get ready now?
    3:00: ok, I’m going to force myself up now
    Time to get ready.
    3:30: what should I wear?
    What should I bring besides my camera?
    Do I need a ball?
    4:00: should I go to Baruch’s game or Lab’s game?
    Why is this train so slow?
    I want to play volleyball really badly now
    Dam, I’m awake. how did I miss my stop?
    4:30: I’m early. I’ll watch the first game
    Graphic arts sucks this year
    ELRO is beast
    5:00: ELRO won.
    Should I warmup with Baruch? I will.
    5:30: game time. Who’s going to win?
    6:00: how did Baruch lose the first set?
    6:30: Baruch won second set
    7:00: this is dragging way too long
    Third set.
    7:30: game’s finally finished. Should I go home?
    What to do when I get home?
    8:00: it’s so boring…I rather be playing
    8:30: should I do my hw?
    How long should this paper be?
    This perspective drawing is confusing.
    Which color should I use?
    9:00: this is taking forever
    I still have other hw to do
    10:00: finally dinner time.
    SOF vb team bugging me about coaching on Saturday
    Yay! my mom finally ordered me the iphone 6 plus
    10:30: gonna stall time by eating slow
    11:00: should I continue hw?
    I’ll just lay around, watch tv and continue tomorrow
    12:30: I should shower, I sweat before
    1:00: going to watch tv until I fall asleep
    Can’t wait to coach Baruch and SOF on Saturday

  12. Malik Barrett

    3:30- Can’t wait to go to Basketball practice, I should take my nephew with me
    4:00-Thinking how I should make him more vocal and be more a leader
    4:30-So far I like the energy he’s putting out, i guess the talk we had worked
    5:00- This pick up game is going to so much fun all i have to do no work
    5:30- I can’t believe i’m getting no calls i guess Kevin has something against me
    6:00- I like what i’m hearing about my nephew being a good shooter and good defense
    6:30- I can’t wait to come home it’s pizza/movie night
    7:00- I can’t believe that they did not order the pizza yet
    7:30- I hate how long pizza hut takes
    8:15- I can’t believe that they now show up
    8:30- Everyone got together, love spending time with them
    9:05- I hope these two movies dad got are good
    10:25- The watch was a very good movie i could not believe who was the real threat
    11:45- The hike sucked why people always fall down when they are chased
    12:00- why does my sister have to give me trouble every time I bathed her
    1:00- Now time for bed

  13. Farzana R.

    Day of Thoughts: Saturday, September 27

    9:15 – I was supposed to wake up early today! Damnit! I have to go to the post office now to renew my passport. ugh why do I always leave everything for the last moment!!! I have today and tomorrow for hw. watch me leave it for tomorrow….
    10:00 – its interesting to see so many kinds of people on the train. I wonder what their occupations are. there are a lot of unique people out their. unique personalities interest me. uhh why is this creep staring at me?! ok look away.
    10:30 – this worker at the post office is really rude :/
    11:00 – cant even say anything right now. I did not know they did not take credit cards at the post office and I had no debit card or cash. I have to come back later on this week. my morning has been wasted!
    11:30 – thank god im noting down my thoughts for today. had a really bad weekend, didn’t think I’d do it. but I have to retype this on openlab!
    12:00 – I should do my hw right now no time tomorrow. but my best friend wants to hang out. I’ll do hw later. im going to quickly run to her house to watch a movie! yay!
    12:30 – loving the movie so far and the food šŸ˜€
    1:00 – the Bollywood movie we’re watching is so sweet. only if things like that occurred in reality šŸ™
    1:30 – the movie was great. now time for a second one! should I go home and get started on my hws? its okay I got all day tomorrow.
    5:30 – got caught up in the movie! forgot to note down my thoughts :/
    6:00 – why am I laying down? get up! get up! I walk to the refrigerator but close it and come back. these vines are so addicting!
    6:30 – thinking of opening a new page on fb where I will post some of the little artworks I’ve done. I need a really catchy name not so good at that.. lets see what my friends say.
    7:30 – I honestly feel if a guy loves a girl that means he’ll respect her way of life. if she’s a good girl he shouldn’t try to change her to what he wants her to be like. relationships are way too complicated.
    8:00 – so I didn’t do any of my hw yet. this break went by really fast.
    8:30 – some people need someone to help them take a step back and tell them to breathe and live for once!
    9: 00 – I think Facebook is where all the nocturnal humans live lol
    9:30 – dinner! no matter how much I eat I never gain. which is an advantage but im too tiny!
    10:00 – doing this project for English really reminds me of how much I actually think. wow I think about a lot of stuff. What if we were to write what we thought of every minute? wow that’d be crazy
    10:30 – so many people texting me.. so many notifications!
    11:00 – I play too many games on my phone and this phone’s battery dies too fast
    11:30 – I remember from psychology class in high school. our brains combine different kinds of memories in our brain to create a dream. no wonder I have such weird dreams!
    12:00 – sleep

  14. mmiler30


    8:00am- WHY AM I AWAKE, oh I remember I have math at 10:00am.

    9:00am- Thinking about this long train ride to Brooklyn.

    10:00am- I am surprisingly on time for math.

    11:50am- One class down one more to go but itā€™s 3 AND A HALF HOURS!!!

    1:00pm- I was lucky enough to be granted a break that I would use to just stretch and try not to face the fact that I had 2 and a half more ours in that class.

    4:00pm- IM FREE!!!!!

    5:00pm- Iā€™ve got some work to do so lets get that out of the way.

    6:15pm- just finished work so I guess I could go workout for a bit.

    8:30pm- Worked up an appetite, thank God dinner is ready.

    9:30pm- Something good better be on T.V.

    10:30pm- Should I stay up or be the responsible person Iā€™m not and get some rest? Ill stay up a little longer.

    11:00pm- Good night America.

  15. Christopher Mena

    Day Thoughts
    1: Can wait to see my girlfriend
    2: Why am i the only one without an iPhone ? šŸ™
    3: I’m Bored
    4: Music is my passion
    5: I need write something on the English’s Posts :O
    6: Now Play some games.
    7: Would I past all my classes :S
    8; I would like to buy a pizza.
    9: Finally get the book
    10: Is time to cook!
    11: I can’t wait anymore to eat.
    12: The iPhone 6 bends!
    13: Big screens are better?
    14: Call of Duty is not the same :O
    15: My obsession is the music. I live for the piano. But I’m still learning. šŸ™
    16: Why do I have to walk so far?
    17: The Walking Dead is coming. :O
    18: Ufff..! I’M BORED! :S
    19: I wish I was rich.
    20: I wish I could live where there’s always rain.
    21: Getting ready to Go!
    22: Good Night Everyone šŸ˜€

  16. Katherine

    6:45 am: I am really tired, I wish I could sleep earlier.
    7:30 am: Oh 7:30 I need to leave the house now before I’m late and write this down.
    8:30 am: I should study for a few, but for some reason I seem to not care.
    9:40 am: Wow that test was confusing, I should make some time to study next time
    10:30 am: Finally time to go home, I like long train rides I get to think.
    11:00 am: I really dislike school but I know without it my future wouldn’t look so good.
    11:30 am: I should try sleeping so I’m not tired for my next class.
    12:00 pm: Cant sleep ill just go out and eat with my sister.
    12:30pm: It’s crazy how me and my sister are so close yet we think so differently
    1:00pm : Next semester I need to make sure my schedule is good so I can have time for a job.
    1:30pm : Happy I ate well so I should be good for class now.
    2:00pm : Just thinking about class makes me lazy to go but…. I have to.
    2:30pm : I like writing down notes.
    3:30pm : Yes! Class ended a earlier today.
    4:00pm : Almost home
    5:00pm : Time to nap
    7:53 : Just have to type this up and I could go back to sleep if I could.

  17. christopher peralta

    – Have to get to class on time
    – Later got to help my mom with the groceries
    – Need to read this book for next English class
    – Iā€™m bored and hungry might play Xbox
    – Just saw an interview of mayweather he makes so much money I need to make money like day one day
    – Am I really writing down my though? Is this like a diary
    – Wish I could play baseball right now
    – Donā€™t know why professor is making us do this but I guess itā€™s part of our project
    – I wonder who has more money warren buffet or bill gates
    – It sucks that city tech doesnā€™t have stock broker as a major
    – Music always calms me down and gets me thinking about life especially when I am listening to meek mills
    – Just seen a rap battle Charlie clips vs. tay roc it was good I think tay roc got that one
    – Wow my mom just bought a lot of food thatā€™s good I am happy now
    – Going to sleep now good night need to wake up early tomorrow early class

  18. Rayatous

    My daily thoughts

    Wednesday, September 24, 2014

    9:00 am ā€“ Time to wake up, brush my teeth, wash my face, and get ready to start my day.

    10:00 am ā€“ finally done getting ready now let me make my daily cup of coffee so I can be mentally awake and not get hit by a car on my way to school.

    10:30 am ā€“ oh great I missed the train now I have to wait another 10-15 minutes for another train to come.

    11:00 am ā€“ Just another few stops and I get off the D train to transfer to the R train, then I will finally arrive at school

    11:30 am ā€“ Thank god I arrived to class before the professor did now let me sit in my seat next to the outlet

    12:30 pm- Uggh already the first draft of project 1 is due Monday , where did summer go ? the last thing I remember was being at the beach in July and now I am in school getting ready to hand in project 1.

    1:00 pm ā€“ Oh great psychology class, when can it be 2:15 so I can eat already I am starving!!

    2:00 pm ā€“ the joy of having another project due on Monday for psychology, did my English professor and psychology professor have a talk and decide to torture me and make both projects due the same day?

    2:30 pm- Finally time to go get me some food and worry about Spanish class at 6

    3:30 pm- this 4 hour break is killing me ā€¦.. time is running by so slowly

    4:30 pm ā€“ let me go hang out with my friends so I can waste time

    5:30 pm ā€“ time to head to class although I am 30 minutes early

    6:30 pm- I am exhausted all I want to do right now is be in my bed sleeping.

    7:00 pm ā€“ can we leave already I cant wait another 15 minutes this is exhausting and trains come so late during the evening times.

    8:15 pm ā€“ home sweet home , coming home to a meal made by mama has to be the best after such a long day.

    9:00 pm ā€“ Time to do the dishes , I hate having to do dishes on days I come home late

    10:00 pm ā€“ dishes are done now time to take off make up and go to sleep.

    11:00 pm ā€“ I have been in my bed for the past half hour

    12:00 pm ā€“ I am going to close my eyes and try to sleep.

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