For Tuesday, 8/6


  • Due Monday, 8/5: Class Participation Self-Evaluation
  • Audio: ‘Recycling Won’t Eradicate Plastic Pollution’. 2018. Midday on WNYC(26 July 2018). Ecologist Matt Wilkins and Environmental Sociologist Rebecca Altman, discuss the evolution of plastic in the environment, the problems it’s causing today and what we can do about it. 
    • And here’s a very timely piece that you might treat as a follow-up on the problems with ‘Big Plastic’ (note: not required!):
      • ‘Big Plastic vs. The World’, The Brian Lehrer Show(30 July 2019). Sharon Lerner, environment reporter atThe Intercept and reporting fellow at Type Investigations, talks about her investigation into the lobbying and organizing efforts by the plastic industry to keep growing, even as citizens worldwide begin to question the need for single-use plastic items given the environmental damage plastic causes.
  • ‘Social Change and the Environment’

In Class

  1. Attendance
  2. Q&A: Thinking Sociologically About Plastic Pollution
  3. BREAK
  4. TBA
  5. For Next Time

For Next Time

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