For Thursday, 8/1


In Class

  1. Attendance
  2. Announcements
    1. Dems Round 2
    2. Sex, Gender, and Athletic Competition
    3. Housing Law (and Aging Populations)
  3. Immigration: Assimilation vs. Multiculturalism
  4. On Passing the Torch
    1. Video: Ran (Akira Kurosawa, 1985)
      1. Which theoretical perspective (‘disengagement theory’, ‘activity theory’, or ‘conflict theory’) sheds the most light on the opening scene? Cf. Sociology (2016:438-40).
    2. Going Dutch (Sociology 2016:462)
      1. Ibid., p. 466, Question 2
  5. BREAK
    • I will set up the Blackboard pages for the class participation essay as well as the final exam during this time.
  6. Review: Kyle D. Stedman, ‘Annoying Ways People Use Sources’, Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing, Vol. 2 (2011):
    1. Armadillo Roadkill
    2. Uncle Buddy’s Encyclopedia of Useless Facts
    3. Am I in the Right Movie?
    4. I Can’t Find the Stupid Link
    5. I Swear I Did Some Research!
  7. Review: Class Participation Self-Evaluation Essay
  8. Review: FInal Exam
    1. Decoding Cryptic Grading Comments
    2. When Should I Use Dictionary Definitions? (Hint: Rarely)
  9. For Next Time

For Next Time

3 Replies to “For Thursday, 8/1”

  1. As we went over the elderly topic in class , we not getting any younger . A lot of diseases are taking our seniors away. My concern is if its any cure for this so they stay longer.

    Attached is a video.

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