For the Final Exam Period


  • Make sure to submit the link to your final exam (remember: it should be the same Google Doc you created for the midterm!!!); I will wait until after we’ve met to begin grading, however, so you’ll have a little time to make any last-minute revisions.
  • Don’t forget to review Caroline Hodges Persell, Kathryn M. Pfeiffer, and Ali Syed, ‘What Should Students Learn After Taking Intro Sociology?’, Teaching Sociology 35 (October 2007).

Zoom Session 

We will meet for part of our regularly scheduled exam period to discuss any remaining questions/issues regarding the exam, and I will then offer a few concluding thoughts.

  1. Prelude: Which core themes might be applicable here?
  2. Attendance
  3. On Plagiarism
  4. Review: Ten Core Themes
  5. Review: Final Exam

Week 14


Zoom Session 

  1. Attendance
  2. Review: Ten Core Themes
  3. Review: Final Exam
    1. Introductions and Conclusions
    2. On Plagiarism
    3. What Is an Assigned Reading?
    4. ASA Style In-Text Citation

For Next Time

  • We will meet for part of our regularly scheduled exam period to discuss any remaining questions/issues regarding the exam, and I will then offer a few concluding thoughts.

Week 11


  • Conley (2019), Ch. 9 (‘Race’): ‘The Myth of Race’; ‘Ethnic Groups in the United States’; ‘The Importance of Being White’; ‘Minority-Majority Group Relations’; ‘Group Responses to Domination’; ‘Prejudice, Discrimination, and the New Racism’; ‘How Race Matters: The Case of Wealth’; ‘The Future of Race’

Zoom Session 

  1. Attendance
  2. Review: Midterm

For Next Time

Week 10


  • Conley (2019), Ch. 9 (‘Race’): ‘The Myth of Race’; ‘The Concept of Race from the Ancients to Alleles’; ‘Racial Realities’; ‘Race versus Ethnicity’

Zoom Session 

  1. Attendance
  2. Review: Midterm

For Next Time

  • Conley (2019), Ch. 9 (‘Race’): ‘The Myth of Race’; ‘Ethnic Groups in the United States’; ‘The Importance of Being White’; ‘Minority-Majority Group Relations’; ‘Group Responses to Domination’; ‘Prejudice, Discrimination, and the New Racism’; ‘How Race Matters: The Case of Wealth’; ‘The Future of Race’

Week 9


  • Conley (2019), Ch. 9 (‘Gender’): ‘Mars and Venus’; ‘Sex: A Process in the Making’; ‘Gender: What Does It Take to Be a Woman (or a Man)?’; ‘The Woman Question’; ‘Sociology in the Bedroom’; ‘Growing Up, Getting Ahead, and Falling Behind’

Zoom Session 

  1. Attendance
  2. Last Call: Semester Goals HW
  3. Review: Midterm Guidelines
  4. Review: ASA Style

For Next Time

  • Conley (2019), Ch. 9 (‘Race’): ‘The Myth of Race’; ‘The Concept of Race from the Ancients to Alleles’ ‘Racial Realities’ ‘Race versus Ethnicity’; ‘Ethnic Groups in the United States’ ‘The Importance of Being White’; ‘Minority-Majority Group Relations’ ‘Group Responses to Domination’; ‘Prejudice, Discrimination, and the New Racism’; ‘How Race Matters: The Case of Wealth’; ‘The Future of Race’

Week 8


  • Conley (2019), Ch. 7 (‘Stratification’): ‘Views of Inequality’; ‘Standards of Equality’; ‘Forms of Stratification’; ‘How Is America Stratified Today?’; ‘Global Inequality’; ‘Social Reproduction versus Social Mobility’

Zoom Session 

  1. Attendance
  2. Q&A: Standards of Equality
  3. Q&A: Forms of Stratification

For Next Time

  • Conley (2019), Ch. 9 (‘Gender’): ‘Mars and Venus’; ‘Sex: A Process in the Making’; ‘Gender: What Does It Take to Be a Woman (or a Man)?’; ‘The Woman Question’; ‘Sociology in the Bedroom’; ‘Growing Up, Getting Ahead, and Falling Behind’

Week 7


  • Conley (2019), Ch. 15 (‘Authority and the State’) subsection on ‘Bureaucracy’
  • Conley (2019), Ch. 5 (‘Groups and Networks’): ‘Organizations’
  • Conley, (2019), Ch. 14, (‘The Economy’): ‘The Reign of the Corporation’

Zoom Session 

  1. Attendance
  2. Review: Midterm
  3. Q&A: Bureaucracy
  4. Annotated Bibliography Assignment

For Next Time

  • HW Due: Annotated Bibliography Assignment
  • Conley (2019), Ch. 7 (‘Stratification’): ‘Views of Inequality’; ‘Standards of Equality’; ‘Forms of Stratification’; ‘How Is America Stratified Today?’; ‘Global Inequality’; ‘Social Reproduction versus Social Mobility’

Week 6


  • Lennie Irvin, ‘What Is “Academic” Writing?’, in Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing (Parlor Press)
  • Conley (2015), Ch. 5 (‘Groups and Networks’): ‘Social Groups’; ‘From Groups to Networks’; ‘Network Analysis in Practice’; ‘Conclusion’

Zoom Session 

  1. Attendance
  2. Q&A: What Is Academic Writing?
  3. Keywords: dyad; triad; 

For Next Time

  • Conley (2019), Ch. 15 (‘Authority and the State’) subsection on ‘Bureaucracy’
  • Conley (2019), Ch. 5 (‘Groups and Networks’): ‘Organizations’
  • Conley, (2019), Ch. 14, (‘The Economy’): ‘The Reign of the Corporation’