Author: Stephano (Page 2 of 2)

Core Value

My core value has to be culture, especially my own. I loved my home country very much. The food, music, and people made me happy about where I came from. I always visit Peru every year to see my friends and family. I spend time with them because they are the people who made me the person I am today and I thank them for being there for me by my side ever since. I also loved my country because it’s a beautiful place to visit.

This value relates to me for my future goals to who I’m friends with and how I can overcome the obstacles I’ll be facing them during life. When I struggle with something during the moment, one of my friends back home show me to take a breath and relax. It really works like a charm and I’m glad I learned it from them to get out of my system.

My writing and communication skills has improved a lot when I got back to the United States. Of course it was hard at first, but once I got to practice over it I got better at it step-by-step. I would like to thank my English professor where I went to the CLIP program, for pushing me to be better in my English grammar and I thank her for that. If it wasn’t for her I wouldn’t be here in class and city tech.

Introducing Me

Hi my name is Stephano I’m from Lima, Peru. I came to United States when I was 1 years old, after that at the age 12 I went back to Peru due to family problems. By the age 19 I finish my high school in Peru and pursued my dream to become a dental hygienist. When I came back to the U.S.A I had to repeat everything because the collage doesn’t accepted my high school diploma in Peru. I took the TASC program finish it in 6 months here in New York. By the time I register the class for spring 2020, the pandemic started. I work in a full-time job work throughout the pandemic. After the pandemic had stopped I started to register classes for Fall 2021, the admission office told me I had to take a test to know where is my level at. After I took the test I failed Math and English, the administration recommended me a program to improve my Math and English skill. So I did, I went to a online course to improve my English writing, talking, and grammar. After 2 semester in the CLIP program I went straight to the math program called MathStart to be better at Math collage level. Passed the 1 semester in math and register for my collage career. Why I’m doing this you say? I’m just here to be somebody for my future and make my parents proud as a proud Peruvian student. Thank you for your time for reading, hope I can read yours!

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