De’Asia Butler – Core Value

Hello Class,

For my Core Value I chose Respect:

There is a saying “Respect others the same way you would want to be respected” this saying is important to me because I feel respect goes a long way. We are all human beings and we all have feelings. I give everyone around me the respect they deserve, because i want the same treatment in return.  At work I hold a management position, I am the lead dental assistant, I have employees who work under me. The catch to that is we are all still dental assistants, yes I may have a few extra tasks then my workers, but we still do the same task overall. Does that mean I should treat them any different or act mean and disrespectful towards them because I have lead assistant in front of my name. I say no I will not be mean to my workers, I will not treat them differently, even more importantly I will not disrespect them. My workers are human just like me, and have feelings and I want them to give me the same respect i give to them.

For the future I would hold this same core value of respect because I want to open up my own business. I’ve been in the dental field for many years, that means I have worked in different dental practices and different work environments. I’ve worked with some pretty nasty people, who don’t understand the true meaning of respect. I have even worked for some employers who were rude and disrespectful. One employer I worked for would scream at us and punch the walls, you would think as an employer they would have carried themselves in a certain manner of professionalism, we thought wrong. We all want to be respected and not screamed at by our employers, so when I open up my business, no I will not scream and punch walls, I will respect my employees and treat them like the humans they are.

For a person like me who has the goal of opening up their own business, I would need money and lots of it, starting a business is not cheap. I would possibly need investors or possibly business loans to get started. That means I will need to communicate and write to my future investors so they would want to invest in me and my vision for my company.

De’Asia Butler




  1. Aziza Rasheed

    I love this De’Asia!! A good Lead is sometimes hard to come by, especially one who doesn’t allow their ego to lead the pack, she is the true leader at heart!! keep up the good work!

  2. Gianlucca

    It is sad to read that you have encountered such disrespectful people in the work field, but I’m pretty sure that your coworkers remember you very fondly because of the positive impact that a leader or someone above us has on us if they treat us with respect and kindness.

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