

My name is Gianlucca, I’m from Asuncion, Paraguay, and I’ve been living in the United States for the last 5 years, I’m majoring in Emerging Media Technologies, with a concentration on Game Design, this is my first year at City Tech. I’ve lived in Paraguay for 20 years so English is my second language. I’m passionate about designing and developing games, I dedicated some of my free time to creating videogame prototypes. Thank you for ready my Introduction, hoping to read yours soon.


  1. Jasmine

    Nice to meet you!!! I hope one day to play one of your video games, I love to play Minecraft with my son so maybe if you got something like that we could be great friends lol

  2. Stephano

    Nice to meet you! you’re going to be a great game designer and I will definitely be playing one of your games.

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