- Transportation – how to attract people to the site?
Happiness: Making the site a center for social interactions. The Journey of arriving to the site, for an new experience.
2. To attract early families and young adult to live at the site.
Happiness: Making the site safe, having comfort and promote a healthy communities and families.
3. Analyze and understand circulation and hierarchy of importance and relationships of uses.
Happiness: fulfill the peoples needs. Trying not to make things hard to get to and allowing the people to become self-sufficient.
4. Easy circulation throughout the site for bicycles, cars and pedestrians
5. Incorporating existing neighborhoods and buildings
6. Keep the style and feel of Brooklyn and try not to modernize too much.
7. Flood resilience and Storm awareness
8. Provide a right ratio of commercial and public area with residential
Eliza Baraggan, Walkiria Cabrera, Isaias Garcia and Jennifer Valerio