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Developing Rubrics

This article is collecting articles and online resources about Rubrics. In the distance learning environment, having a fair and effective rubric is becoming more important to evaluate open-ended assignments.

1.What is Rubrics

A description guideline that helps students and instructors grade the qualities of learning outcomes of students for the open-ended assignment.

2.Types of Rubrics





Level 1                 Level 2                 Level 3                 Level 4

Performance attribute 1

Performance attribute 2

Performance attribute 3


4. Writing rubrics

a) set the scale

three levels, four levels, five levels, or seven levels


b) define the rating

4 = advanced; 3) proficient; 2) basic; 1) beginning

When developing rating, I am encouraging do not use negative terms such as novice, below expectations. I met some students who was upset about my grading based on my rubrics, though they got a relatively good grade. Because they believed that their performances were not good as the rating label contains negative terms.

c) identify basic descriptions

4 – advanced ability to …

3- proficient ability to

2- developing ability to

1-starting ability to

d) Describe performance description for each number on the scale




  • Resources
  1. Developing effective rubrics for PBL learning.


2. Developing rubrics for assessment from University of New England


Coronavirus can become a topic of problem-based learning.

This morning, I found an article, “How can we help one another during the Coronavirus outbreak?”. The author started with a question.

“In a time of anxiety and social distancing, what can we do to look out for one another?”

This question itself can be a good starting point of problem-based learning. I am teaching Transportation Systems class where we learn how transportation influences on our daily lives with its engineering principles. For my class, I will throw the similar question.

”In a time of anxiety and social distancing, what can transportation systems do to look out for one another?” “How we can improve or utilize transportation to help our community?”

Read the article

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