GA11: What Is a Bibliography? What are In-Text and Bibliographic Citation Styles?

Please respond to the following questions as a reply to this blog post:

  1. What is your discipline or major?
  2. Do you know which style guidelines (MLA/APA/Other?) are used in your discipline/major? If not, how might you find out?
  3. Post the bibliographic citation for ONE of your sources in MLA format.
  4. Which short story did you select to read?  Why?  Please post the MLA bibliographic citation for the short story you are reading.

Purdue OWL MLA Works Cited Guidelines (Overview)

Periodicals (articles from newspapers, magazines and scholarly journals)
Electronic Sources (web sites, articles published on web sites and in online databases)

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29 Responses to GA11: What Is a Bibliography? What are In-Text and Bibliographic Citation Styles?

  1. Account Deleted says:

    1: My major is computer system. I’m currently taking CST 1100 and 1101.

    2: Regarding MLA (Modern Language Association), it is used towards citing sources. When you want to cite your source ( information that you’ve found useful to help you with whatever it is you’re presenting or have), you can add some elements such as the name of that source, the author , the publish date, website link if there is one, etc. So if I want to share a link that helped me understand MLA, I would cite the URL displayed “ “. Usually the author would be the first entry, follow along with the title source, subtitle, etc..

    3 and 4: An example of MLA format
    Author John Cheever
    Article title: Expelled
    Website title: New Republic
    Publish: October 1st, 1930

    The story I choose to read here was “ Expelled” by John Cheever. From reading the Purdue OWL MLA Works Cited Guidelines, this is how I the story I choose.

    • Account Deleted says:

      this is how I cited the story I choose*

      • Thanks, Sheldon! Do you know which style guidelines (MLA/APA/Other?) are used in your discipline/major? If not, how might you find out? Could you post the bibliographic citation for Cheever’s short story “Expelled”? A bibliographic citation for an article from a print magazine would look like this sample: Poniewozik, James. “TV Makes a Too-Close Call.” Time 20 Nov. 2000: 70-71. Print.

        To create a bibliographic citation, you must first identify your source type. In the case of the John Cheever short story, you know a/ it is a short story and b/ you are referencing an online version published on the New Republic web site. Putting all of this together, you will then find the sample bibliographic citation that most closely matches yours. Of the three categories: books, periodicals, electronic sources, which best describes your source? Answer: electronic source. Now, in the Purdue OWL collection of samples of bibliographic citations for electronic sources, which best describes your source? Answer: An Article in a Web Magazine. Now, using the model provided, create the bibliographic citation for your source.

        Please also post the bibliographic citation for one of the research sources that you plan to use.

        If you are getting confused by the numerous examples offered on the Purdue OWL, you may want to consult this “cheat sheet” that I compiled:


        • Account Deleted says:

          In my CST class 1100, MLA is used for our assignment due.

          Bibliographic Citation for my story-
          Cheever, John. “Expelled” New Republic. 1 Oct 1930. Web 9 Nov 2017

          Bibliographic Citation for one of my research sources-
          Parrack, Dave. “ The Positive Impact of Social Networking Sites on Society”. MakeUsOf (MUO). 12 Apr 2012. Web 9 Nov 2017

          Thanks for the reply. Very useful.

          • Thank you, Sheldon! The bibliographic citation for the Cheever looks great. Likewise, the citation for your research source looks good. However, since I am not familiar with the MakeUsOf web site, I must ask why you chose to use that instead of a more common source, i.e., The New York Times, etc.

            All best,

            Prof. Rodgers

  2. Chadel says:

    1. Computer Engineering (As of right now, Not to sure what I want to do right now)

    2.Im not to sure but it’s most likely MLA I haven’t been able to take any computer class because I need to pass a math class to be able too.

    3. Example of MLA
    Author: S.Carig Watkins
    Article Tittle: Mobile Phones, Digital Media, And America’s learning divide
    Publishication: DML Central
    Website: DML central
    Published: September 11, 2017

    4. I choosed to read this article because it’s a very good source for my research paper, it’s a very detailed article talking about how technology and the digital divide may be connected some how and on how we can try to fix it in some way. I also choose it again because it’s related to my personal narrative topic.

  3. Anika says:

    1. My major is fashion marketing.
    2. Fashion marketing has a lot of business classes which use APA format for citations.
    3. The MLA citation for one of my sources is –
    “How Does Technology Affect Literacy? | UTA Online.” University of Texas at Arlington Online, The University of Texas at Arlington Academic Programs, 10 Dec. 2015,
    4. I chose to read this article because it relates to the general topic of my reasearch question. It talks about the positive and negative affects technology has had on reading and writing.

    • Thanks, Anika. This looks like a great source. Regarding the bibliographic citation, this looks quite good. My only edit would be to the title of the article. You do not need to include the title of the web site in the title of the article.

      Finally, did you select a short story to read? If so, could you let us know which story?


  4. Kyle Brunson says:

    My major is Computer Engineering. I’m not sure which writing style guideline is used in Computer Engineering. I could find out which guideline is used by asking someone in the faculty.

    Woodward, Hazel. Ebooks in Education: Realising the vision. Ubiquity Press, 2014.

    I chose to read Craig Watkins’, “Mobile Phones, Digital Media, and America’s Learning Divide” because the phrase, “America’s Learning Divide”, caught my eye.

    Watkins, Craig. “Mobile Phones, Digital Media, and America’s Learning Divide.” dmlcentral, 30 May 2011,

  5. 1. My major is Architetural Technology.
    2.The style MLA is used in architecture.
    3. Neuman, Michelle M. Young Childrens use of touch screen tablets fr writing and reading at home: Relationship with emergent literacy. 2016. New York City College Library. March, 2.
    4. The effect of electronic books on enhancing emergent literacy skills of
    pre-school children
    Fathi M. Ihmeideh*
    The Department of Psychological Sciences, College of Education, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar.
    I have chosen that text since it is of greater extension in relation to the others, it offers current statistical data that help to better understand the study.

    • Jazmin,

      This looks like a great source! In your bibliographic citation, I’m not seeing the title of the journal where the article was published. Please review and revise the bibliographic citation.

  6. Alex says:

    1. My major is computer science.
    2.Their is no set standard citation style in Computer Science, we can use all MLA, APA, CSE, OR IEEE guideline depend on the instructor.
    3.Bibliographic Citation for one of my research sources:
    Lytle, Ryan. “Study: Emerging technology has postive impact in classroom.” Time 14 October 2011. U.S. New&World Report L.P.
    4. The short story I chose is “A meta-analysis of the impact of technology on learning effectiveness of elementary students” by Sumedha, Chauhan. Because it introduce some technology had change student in learning.
    Bibliographic Citation for one of my research sources:
    Sumedha, Chauhan. “A meta-analysis of the impact of technology on learning effectiveness of elementary students” February 2017, Vol.105, pp.14-30

    • Thanks, Alex. It is interesting to me that there is no set style guideline for the field of computer science. Your source looks like an excellent one! In your bibliographic citation, I’m not seeing the title of the journal where the article was published. Please review and revise the bibliographic citation.

  7. Demba Diop says:

    1. my major is Environmental Control Technology
    2. there is no specific standard citation style in Environmental Control Technology ,we can use any of the guidelines depend on the professor
    3.bibliographic citation for one of my research sources;
    M.Cristina Patualli , Debbie Rabina ” Lis students attitudes towards portable ,E-book reader published in 2010 in Emerald insight
    4. The short story I chose is ” t The Evolution of Technology In The Classroom” because it compared the way people learnt in the colonial years and today.
    It’s published in 2017

    • Demba,

      I’m not seeing the complete bibliographic information for either of your sources. Could you make sure that you have included the title of the publication in which each was published?


  8. Huilinmei says:

    1. My major is Marketing management and sales.
    2. Most of the classes regarding my major require APA citation format.
    3. Author: Matt McFarland
    Article title: Robots: Is your job at risk?
    Website title: CNNMoney
    Publish: September 15, 2017
    4. I read this article because it is very helpful for my research paper. My research paper is about the cons and pros of the advance robot. This article gives a lot of cons about putting the advance robot into our society. Those cons are what we should eliminate if we want to put the massive advance robot to work.

    • Hui Lin,

      This source looks like a very good one and your synopsis of it is excellent. However, you still need to post the bibliographic citation. If you have any questions about how to do that, please see my comments on Sheldon’s post, which I’m reposting here:

      To create a bibliographic citation, you must first identify your source type. In the case of your current source, you know a/ it is an article and b/ you are referencing an online version published on the CNN web site. Putting all of this together, you will then find the sample bibliographic citation that most closely matches yours. Of the three categories: books, periodicals, electronic sources, which best describes your source? Answer: electronic source. Now, in the Purdue OWL collection of samples of bibliographic citations for electronic sources, which best describes your source? Answer: An Article in a Web Magazine. Now, using the model provided, create the bibliographic citation for your source.

      If you are getting confused by the numerous examples offered on the Purdue OWL, you may want to consult this “cheat sheet” that I compiled:

  9. 1. My major is Architectural Technology.

    2. The Style or guidelines that are used in Architecture my discipline/major is MLA. A helpful link I used to find out my style:-

    3. Wajcman, J.(2015)Pressed for Time: The Acceleration of Life in Digital Capitalism 2015 Chicago University Press 215 pp. The British Journal of Sociology, 67: 189–190. doi:10.1111/1468-4446.12169 Print.
    4. I chose to read this article because I agree with the Author argument on the reality of technology have changed our behavior of time management, characterizing our relationship leisure time and objective time for coordinating activities.

  10. T. Mohamed says:

    1- my major is Computer Information Systems
    2- Chicago Manual of Style is mostly used for my major
    3- author: Susan O’Hara, Robert Pritchard
    title of source: What is the Impact of Technology on Learning?
    title of container:
    date: April 30, 2014
    4- I chose this because it directly addresses my research question: How does technology impact one’s literacy development? This talks about the impact of technology on learning and one’s development in readhing and beyong.

    O’Hara, Susan, and Robert Pritchard. “What is the Impact of Technology on Learning?”, April 30, 2014

  11. chemar prussia says:

    1. Computer Engineering
    3.Matt Richtel ”Disrupting class:How disruptive innovation will change the way the world learns. “The New York Times 1 November, 2012

    4. I choose to read this article because it’s a very good source for my research paper and also it show evidences I need .

  12. omayra garcia says:

    1-My major is fashion marketing
    2-I’m not sure which style guidelines I have to use, it depends on the class I’m taking and what the professor prefer.

    3-Turkle, Sherry .”Alone Together: Why we expect more from technology and less from each other.”Basic Books, 2011.

    4-The short story I selected to read is “The First Writing-machines” by Mark Twain because when I was in high school my teacher assigned my class to read “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”,and I loved it.
    Twain,Mark.”The Writings of Mark Twain: Volume 24.” Harper&brothers, 1917

  13. 1. My major is Mechanical Engineering.
    2. I’m not really sure which guidelines does my major use, but I can find it out by asking my depeartment.
    3. & 4. Watkins, S. Craig. “Mobile Phone, Digital Media, and America’s Learning Divide.” DML Central, May 30th, 2011.
    I decided to this story because of last part of the title “America’s Learning Divide”. I was very curious to know how that relates to the technology.

  14. Samuel says:

    1. My major is currently Mechanical Engineering.
    2. I’m not sure about the guidelines for my major.
    3. Watkins, S. Carig. “Mobile Phones, Digital Media, And America’s Learning Divide.” 30 May 2011.
    4. I chose the story “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin because the title was interesting and I like short fiction stories.
    Chopin, Kate. “The Story of an Hour.” 6 December 1894.

  15. Tyra Daniel says:

    My Major/Discipline is: Civil Law and Paralegal Studies, and the guidelines of my major is MLA.
    Bibliographic citation for one of my sources (electronic resource): Steele-Carlin, Sherril. “Caught In the Digital Divide.” Education World, Education World, 2000.
    The short story I chose to read was “Mobile Phone, Digital Media, and America’s Learning Divide.” as well because it relates to my topic for my research question. I wanted to learn more and gain more insight on the impact of technology on learning, and see how it can be negative or positive.
    Watkins, S. Craig. “Mobile Phone, Digital Media, and America’s Learning Divide.” DML Central, May 30th, 2011.

  16. Ojanny says:

    1.My major is Entertaintment Technology
    2.The guidelines we use is the MLA
    3.David Kates, “Kids are getting too much screen time – and it’s affecting their development”August 23, 2016
    4. This article has great evidence for my research.

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