GA4: From Exploratory Draft to Working Draft

GA4: From Exploratory Draft to Working Draft

The purpose of this week’s Group Assignment is, like RWA4, to assist you in assembling a working draft of your personal literacies narrative essay, which you will bring to class on Wednesday, September 27.

Here are the instructions for this group assignment:

1. Please re-read the essay assignment, your GA3 post, and your exploratory draft.
2. Please respond to any questions that Professor Rodgers has asked you and post any questions or comments that you have ON YOUR OWN GA3 post.
3. Review your classmates’ GA3 posts and post a comment to Professor Rodgers’ September 20 post explaining why you agree or disagree with her review of GA3.
4. Post at least ONE QUESTION or OBSERVATION about the drafting process as a comment to the GA4 OpenLab Post.
5. RESPOND to at least one question or comment that is part of the GA4 OpenLab Discussion.

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22 Responses to GA4: From Exploratory Draft to Working Draft

  1. Account Deleted says:

    I don’t have a question really towards the drafting, but I guess I can say as long as I know what I will be talking about that connects to reading and writing, it shouldn’t be hard to come up with ways to explain it. Pretty much as long as the topic can be related to reading and writing, everything should be good in the drafting process.

  2. Chadel says:

    I don’t really have a question either the outline and other essays that you have given us explains the concept really well but if I do I will make sure to ask on this website and Sheldon pretty much explained it perfectly.

  3. Tyra Daniel says:

    An observation I made of drafting is that it is really necessary for me as a writer. It helps me narrow down ideas/sentences I should keep for my essay. I am glad. that I grew up writing drafts because it is a good habit, even though it is time consuming.

  4. Same as the others i don’t really have a question towards drafting, but I’m happy that I’ve had time to really think about all the ideas and details i wanted to add on my essay, and all the brainstorming i did to write my essay. Drafting is fun because i can either continue to add more ideas or take out what doesn’t make sense

  5. Huilinmei says:

    Hi professor Rodgers!
    Actually, I don’t have any questions toward drafting. I think I don’t have any difficulties when working on my draft. And brainstorming did help me a lot, it makes it easier when I writing the essay because I have most of the idea before. I hope I am doing fine..

  6. Huilinmei says:

    Hi professor Rodgers!
    Actually, I don’t have any questions toward drafting. I think I don’t have any difficulties when working on my draft. And brainstorming did help me a lot, it makes it easier when I writing the essay because I have most of the idea before. I hope I am doing fine..

  7. Anika says:

    One observation I had about the drafting process is that it’s really helpful. You get all your thoughts out and then it’s just about putting them together in essay format.

  8. Alex says:

    One observation I had about the drafting process is to wrap up the piece of writing by connecting all the related ideas from our brainstorming. It makes the essay more clearly to understand.

  9. Omayra says:

    While drafting my essay I found that my brainstorming ideas helped a lot to explain more of what to write instead of going off topic. Brainstorming also helped me map out my essay. Learning about the way a paragraph is structured also helped with drafting my essay, because each of my body paragraphs should have a topic sentence and a transition sentence.

  10. Kyle Brunson says:

    I don’t really have any questions about the brainstorming or drafting process. But I did notice how difficult it was to come up with a specific story about writing and reading that I could write multiple pages about. That’s the reason why my GA3 post about my narrative essay was so vague at the time. The drafting process, however, was very helpful with going through multiple ideas and picking the best one.

  11. I don’t really have any questions about drafting. Some of the things I observed about drafting was it helps fix lots of mistake, which we don’t pay mind to when writing it for the first time. Also helps put new ideas in paragraphs or maybe come up with whole new paragraph. Brainstorming also helped me writing my ideas in order.

  12. Ian Ackerman says:

    As I revise the drafts for the narrative essay I sometimes find my self overwriting and losing a bit of the text that has “me” in it. I was wondering if anyone else ran into something like this and found themselves backtracking to sections of previous drafts you liked better than the revised ones.

  13. chemar prussia says:

    I don’t have a question really towards the drafting or any other outline because they seem clear because u went over the prompt briefly plus i went to tutoring and get help so all the little error i made i think i should be fine.

  14. Demba Diop says:

    I don’t have any question about the drafting. you did explain very well the way to do it . But I have problem making the difference between simple and complexed sentence.

  15. Ojanny says:

    One observation about the drafting process is that I get to flush out my ideas without necessarily being formal which allows me to express my real raw thoughts and the kind of fix my mistakes with the other drafts.

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