GA2.3 Paragraphs

Please read aboutĀ PARAGRAPHSĀ in your English Handbook. Ā You may also want to take a look at this presentation aboutĀ PARAGRAPHS. Ā Then, post a reply to this postĀ that includes:Ā  1/ One paragraph about what you have learned about paragraphs.Ā  2/ One or twoĀ questions that you still have about paragraphs.

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21 Responses to GA2.3 Paragraphs

  1. demba diop says:

    I learnt in that topic that a paragraph is a combination of words that has a specific message to deliver. following some instructions might make a paragraph easier to understand. a paragraph is composed of things like topic sentence, examples to explain clearly what topic it is about. I also learn that to make a paragraph the ideas must be arranged .And every idea must be introduced first before being developed . the end of the paragraph must be covered by a sentence that enumerate all the ideas developed in the paragraph.

  2. chemar prussia says:

    I learn about paragraph is that it is collection of related sentences dealing with a single topic. A paragraph is composed of thing like (unity) one main idea,topic sentences and other sentences support.(Coherence) well organized details,a clear and sensible connection. (Support) evidence,example and details. Also i learn about the different type of paragraph like descriptive,narrative,expository and persuasive

  3. Chadel says:

    What I learned while reading the paragraph sections of my Handbook is Logical Bridges and Verbal Bridges which is a trait of Coherence which I will be working on this semester. What Verbal Bridges are they are, Keywords you use to repeat multiple in several sentences and What Logical Bridges are they are, Sentences that carry the topic over from sentence to sentence.

    1) How long can you carry out a Sentence with these two bridges?

    2) What are some kind of key words you can use with Verbal Bridges?

  4. Anika says:

    After reading in the English Handbook, I learned the basic information of what a paragraph is. A paragraph is made up of a set of sentences that relate to the same topic. The basic rule to remember when writing a paragraph is to keep it to one main idea. You should have one point with different supporting evidence. You can have different points as long as they correlate to one idea. A paragraph should have unity, coherence, a topic sentence to give the main point of it, and be discussed fully enough for the reader to know what you are talking about. Another important element of a paragraph is transitions. Transitions are words or phrases that help you progress from one idea to another. When you are beginning a new idea or point, you should start another paragraph.

    One question I still have after reading about paragraphs has to do with compare and contrast. It says you should start a new paragraph to contrast information. Could you do a compare and contrast in the same paragraph?

  5. Kyle Brunson says:

    I learned that there’s a lot more to paragraphs than I initially thought. I’m the type of person that avoids overloading myself with information. I take what I need to know and go from there. So to me, a paragraph was always five or six sentences, at least, that contained and elaborated on a single thought. After reading about paragraphs in my English Handbook, I see that I was correct but only scratching the surface. A paragraph should have a topic sentence, unity, coherence and adequate development. By following these guidelines, I will be able to write a better paragraph than I was capable of writing before.

    My question is:
    If I have a topic that needs more than one paragraph to fully explain, would my second paragraph also need a topic sentence?

  6. Tyra Daniel says:

    After reading from this English Handbook, I realized that there are so much more to paragraphs compared to what we are taught. Throughout elementary school, middle school, and high school, we are taught to simply put sentences together to just make sense. I never knew that Paragraphs can go into such depths with unity, coherency, topic sentences, and adequate development. I learned the importance of smooth transitions and what it can do for both writers and readers. Keeping one idea per paragraph, having all sentences relate to each other, and having clear topic sentences are all helpful for successful paragraphs. Once you follow all the rules, you will have sentences that can speak to readers and deliver the entire purpose of writing that paragraph.

    After looking at some methods to making sure your paragraph is well-developed, I realized that using all may make your paragraph a bit too long. When should I stop using all those methods to give my reader a “break”?

  7. T. Mohamed says:

    After reading about paragraphs from the English Handbook, I learned a lot of what should already be known about paragraphs. Every paragraph is based around its topic sentence. It also needs supportive details that back up what the writer is saying about the topic and what they are trying to portray to the readers. In order to do that, they should make use of the four elements a well-written paragraph should consist of: unity, coherence, a topic sentence, and adequate development. These four elements are used in a paragraph in establish clarity and a single focus in a paragraph. I also learned different methods in ways to transition from one paragraph to another and how to know when to start a new paragraph. This should be when the readers need a pause to absorb the material without jumping from topic to topic, especially when introducing new ideas.

  8. Huilinmei says:

    After reading the paragraphs from the English handbook, I learned a lot of the basic rule for paragraphs. Such as how to start a paragraph, how to use signposts and transitions in the paragraph, and what elements we can use for the paragraph. I also learned some new stuff from the English handbook. I realized there are something call logical bridges and verbal bridges, it can help to create coherence in the paragraph, which makes the paragraph easily understandable to a reader. I will work hard on writing good paragraphs, because we have to write paragraphs in everywhere, such as essay, paper, email, presentation etc..

    I want to learn how to write a good topic sentence because we start a paragraph with a topic sentence. It is very important to grab reader’s attention.

  9. After reading the paragraphs from the English handbook by The Writing Lab & The OWL at Purdue and Purdue University, I learn there are several key steps in writing a paragraph. Some of the the steps of structuring your paragraph is Unity, Coherance, a Topic Sentence, and Adequate Development. Using all these elements work in harmony to convey your message clearly to the reader, and explain one point at a time. First step with the use of unity and coherance of a main point, the narrator introduces the topic sentence. After the single idea is known to the reader, Adequate developed evidence should support the single topic in the paragraph. Last the use of transitions helps flow the paragraph to an end.

    Question:How to use create a topic sentance that’s not to long?
    How to transition sentences using key words without creating a run on or fragment?

  10. Samuel says:

    I learned a few thing after reading from the English Handbook about paragraphs. For example, a paragraph is a group of sentences that are supporting information to one topic. It is vital to have organized details with proper language. It should always begin with a topic sentence that explains what the rest of the paragraph will be about. Furthermore transition words are essential to develop a chronological and sensible paragraph. Additionally, I learned that there are four types of paragraphs. Fortunately, I will utilize what I learned about paragraphs in my writing for the future.

    Question: What is the most efficient way to to end a paragraph?

  11. Alex says:

    After reading the English Handbook about paragraphs, I learned that a paragraph is make out of group of sentence that has a topic sentence with many supporting ideas. In the handbook, it tells me how we should build a paragraph with a well developed topic sentence. Additionally, with a strong topic sentence it’s more easy for us to write the rest of the paragraph. It’s much more easy for us to find evident or ideas that support the topic. It also tells me that a paragraph can have different points as long as they are related.
    Question: What’s the better way to start a end a paragraph.

  12. Account Deleted says:

    What I learned from reading the paragraph sections is that paragraphs can describe, explain, entertain and persuade something. A good paragraph contains the right words ( the type of language or tone), supporting details and ideas, a main idea, and so on. Related sentences can help form a paragraph, along with the main idea to understand what the paragraph is about. Also in a paragraph, the details and sentences are usually in order. So if there is a topic sentence, that will be in the beginning/introduction of the paragraph.

    Question: How do you attract the audience reading a paragraph if you know they dislike the topic?

  13. After reading about Paragraphs in the English notebook By The Writing Lab & The Owl at Purdue and Purdue University, I’ve learned that there are some very important key steps to writing a paragraph. I’ve also learned that every paragraph should start off with a topic sentence, which simply states the main idea. A paragraph revolves its self around this topic sentence. A paragraph simply contains a main idea followed by its supporting details and ideas from a certain passage or event. These supporting details and idea usually fall in order based on how the passage and or event went. That is why a topic sentence is so important based of the English notebook.

    1.How do you think a paragraph would sound without an topic sentience?

    2.What would happen if you were to forget to put the main idea in the topic sentience?

  14. Nandi-Iman Sunni-Ali says:

    In the paragraph section of the English handbook, I learned that’s it’s better to stick to one idea. Personally, that’s something I need to work on for the sole fact that even in final drafts, my thoughts seem to be erratic and jump around. It’s better to flesh the paragraph out with one subject and use other subjects for other paragraphs as to not run out of things to say.

    2. How do you avoid run on sentences? It’s very hard to tell when a thought on paper is too lond as you’re writing/typing it

      In the paragraph section of the English handbook, I learned thatā€™s itā€™s better to stick to one idea. Personally, thatā€™s something I need to work on for the sole fact that even in final drafts, my thoughts seem to be erratic and jump around. Itā€™s better to flesh the paragraph out with one subject and use other subjects for other paragraphs as to not run out of things to say.

      2. How do you avoid run on sentences? Itā€™s very hard to tell when a thought on paper is too lond as youā€™re writing/typing it

  15. Omayra says:

    After reading the two sites you’ve posted, Iā€™ve learned so much about how to construct a well written paragraph. On the Purdue online written lab, they explained that a paragraph is full of sentences that describes one specific topic. Paragraphs shouldn’t have more than one topic and if it does then you’ll loose your readers. A well written paragraph should have a topic sentence, evidence or examples, and a transition sentence. In the slide show, it defines the types of paragraphs like Descriptive, Narrative, Expository, and Persuasive. Learning about how a paragraph should be developed can help me so much in this class, because writing paragraphs can be difficult sometimes.

    Question: What is a easier definition of Logical Bridges and Verbal Bridges?

  16. Reading the presentations about writing a paragraphs has taught me the right way to write a paragraph. First it starts by asking you what a paragraph is, its a group of sentences with a main idea like a miniature essay, just that you have to add supporting information to the main idea like evidence,examples details. I learned a new word to describe a paragraph which is unity, you have a main ideate topic of the sentence and then the rest of the sentences support the idea. I also learned the word coherence which is linkers/connectors, a well organized paragraph with clear connections. Linkers are words like ” because, since, so, however, instead, like, in addition to etc “. Another thing i learned about paragraphs was that there is different types such as descriptive, narrative, expository, and persuasive paragraphs. Last i also learned the process of writing a paragraph which is gathering information, organizing, drafting, editing, and publishing. I feel like the presentations i read gave me much more of a better idea of how to write better paragraphs.
    questions :
    1.How long should a paragraph usually be.
    2.Whats the minimum amount of evidence you need to support your main idea in a paragraph.

  17. According tohe purdue web site, I have learned that just a simple paragraph have an specific way to write. It just more than a couple of words. It is has an structure based on four basic elements. The fist one is the Unity, when you are dealing with the idea of write one paragraph, you should try to have no more than one topic, it will help your readers to understand what do you want to say by your writing. The second structure is Coherence, subdivide by logical bridges such as: same idea; successive sebtences that can be constructed in parrallel forms. Verbal bridges: Key words; sinonymous word; pronouns cab refer to nouns in previous sentences and transition words. The third structure is: ā€œTopic Sentenceā€. Is the thesis of the paragraph. And the last basic structure of ine paragraph is: ā€œAdequate Developmentā€. Examples; cite data; examine testimony; use anecdoty and offer a chronology. There is also abother advisement in terms of when to start a new paragraph, when you have another idea, to contrast information or when your readers need a pause if the material is complex.

    questions: I would like to know some examples about verbal bridges.

  18. Ian Ackerman says:

    Reading through the presentation on paragraphs I managed to find many things I am guilty of when it comes to writing paragraphs. I tend to get caught up in my own ideas and it snowballs and before I know it I’ve finished a page without creating paragraphs. I learned that in order to keep this from happening I should establish a focus point at the start of the paragraph and as I’m writing I should check back to make sure what I’m writing still fits in the same paragraph. In the presentation there was a metion to using paragraphs to show two related or opposing ideas almost treating it as a mini debate. I didn’t relize how useful this could be until I noticed writers using it in the texts we are currently reading.

    If the next paragraph has the same focus point as the one before it should you still use a transition at end of the first?

  19. Anonymous says:

    While I was reading about paragraphs, I learned that a paragraph is compose of sentences explaining one point. I have also learned, to construct a good paragraph there are some basic rules. First of all, it must have a topic sentence explaining what the paragraph will be about. Topic sentence could be written any where in paragraph, not necessarily the first sentence. Second, some supporting details to the topic sentence. While writing these supporting evidences, it is very important to use the transition words to the paragraph flow. Third, one paragraph must talk about one spacific point. For new ideas or points there should be new paragraphs. That helps a reader stay on track. Also to keep reader with you, it is important not to make the paragraph too big. If it’s necessary write more break the paragraph into two. Finally, a well concluding sentence to finish up the paragraph.

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