Hi everyone I hope you all had a great weekend! I wanted to go over a few things so the following week will be smooth for all 🙂


This week in lab, please be prepared and read the listed chapters in the course document and review the following PowerPoint for the lab: https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/den2318fall24/files/2024/08/Lecture-Session-10-Local-Anesthesia-Armenmentarium-Power-Point-1.pdf

In lab on Wednesday, you will not be injecting each other yet. We will be reviewing the armamentarium and injecting oranges and typodonts. This will be the session where you will get comfortable with injecting to be better prepared for next week when you will be working on each other. You will need clinic attire, but no scrub cap is necessary.

Next week, session #11, we will have Quiz #5 and start working on each other in the clinic right after. I will post here on Open Lab who you will be partnered with by next Monday, and it will be up to you to decide who goes first. Please know by next clinic session who is going to be the clinician first and do not wait for that lab session to decide. We will be starting with maxillary injections.

If you are anxious to be a patient, please feel free to bring in ear buds or headphones to calm your nerves while in the chair. This has seemed to work for other students in the past so it may work for you as well.


For your next lecture, please read the listed chapters in the course document and review the following Power Point for the next lecture: https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/den2318fall24/files/2024/08/Lab-Session-10-14-Local-Anesthesia-for-the-Maxillary-Arch-Local-Anesthesia-Documentation-Power-Point.pdf

As always, I encourage you to reach out and email me if you have any questions or concerns. If we are all prepared, be responsible enough to know the material and follow the guidelines, the next few weeks will be a success, and you will learn a lot from this experience. See you all Wednesday!

Professor Masino